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Title 二仁溪、鹽水溪河川巡守管理計畫
Abstract 為協助及加速大台南地區河川之污染整治工作,91年起長榮大學河川保育中心在行政院環境保護署補助下,執行一系列促進民眾參與河川污染整治的計畫。不同於91-94年直接經營河川巡守隊,今年度河川保育中心定位調整為協助角色,重點工作在:(1)協助縣市政府推動民眾參與水環境巡守及污染檢舉通報;(2)河川環境教育推廣;(3)推動志工巡守網路通報;(4)評析河川巡守志工投入參與維護水質淨化設施之可行性;(5) 研擬民眾對河川污染簡易評估指標。此一系列民眾參與河川污染整治計畫已建立起民眾參與河川保育機制,並促進民眾污染陳情,檢討污染通報及查察系統,達到具體污染削減成效。歷年來運作模式除受各界肯定,也由各縣市環保局採取,運用於河川污染整治工作中。為傳承這些經驗,河川保育中心將五年來運作經驗,透過網頁、種子教師培訓、手冊編撰等方式,推廣作為縣市經營河川巡守隊時的參考。本計畫開始發展的實作型河川環境教育模式、青鱂魚生物指標、河川感觀指標,則是在為未來推動民眾參與發展更多元的工具。
EngTitle Management of River Watch Activities in Erhjin and Yenshui Rivers
EngAbstract To assist and speed up river pollution cleanup tasks in the Grant Tainan Area, River Restoration Center in Chang Jung University has conducted a series of public participation projects since 2002 under the sponsor of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. Unlike the previous years in which the River Restoration Center directly coordinated River Watch activities to involve people in schools, communities, and environmental NGOs, this year we emphasized our role on assistance and tool development. The tasks we focused this year included: (1) assisting Environmental Protection Bureaus of Tainan County and Tainan City in training and organizing their River Watch programs; (2) promoting environmental education for river restoration; (3) promoting web-based pollution reporting system; (4) evaluating the feasibility to involve the River Watch volunteers to assist the maintenance of artificial wetlands; (5) developing tools for public participation activities in river restoration.The whole series of public participation projects have established a mechanism to involve people in river pollution cleanup projects. Illegal wastewater discharges were better controlled by promoting River Watch activities, strengthening the reporting system, improving communication between river volunteers and environmental inspectors. Due to its successfulness, this public participation model has been adopted by Environmental Protection Bureaus nationwide. To provide our experience and tools developed over five years for other River Watch programs, we established a public participation website, held seed teacher training workshops, and published program management guideline and volunteer manual in this year’s project. Environmental Education Patch system, medaka egg test kit, and visual perception indicator system developed in this project can be applied elsewhere to involve people in river restoration activities.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 長榮大學