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Title 臨近縣市焚化爐排放廢氣對南投縣空氣品質影響調查研究計畫
Abstract 南投縣西臨台中都會區,東臨中央山脈,當西邊的戴奧辛隨氣流往東傳輸後,易累加於南投縣境內。此外因近年鄰近南投縣之大型焚化爐已有二座完成運轉,焚化爐又為戴奧辛的污染源之一。因此為瞭解南投縣境內的戴奧辛污染特性和來源,本研究藉由實際採樣結果和GTx模式模擬結果,共同分析南投縣是否可能受臨近縣市焚化爐影響和境內的戴奧辛特性。 草屯測站、竹山測站和惠蓀測站戴奧辛濃度分別為0.11、0.17和0.0095 pg I-TEQ/m3。利用三測站採集結果所得之特徵指標可知,草屯測站除可能受焚化爐的影響外,也包含二次鋁精煉廠;竹山測站則以含焚化爐、燒結爐、電弧爐、二次鋁精煉廠、柴油車和汽油車為主要來源。模式顯示當北風或東北風盛行時,容易使污染物從此缺口灌入,因此當北風盛行時,也易使戴奧辛傳輸至南投縣竹山、水里一帶而增加濃度。
EngTitle The impact of air quality on Nantou County by the plumes from nearby
EngAbstract The Nantou County locates on the eastern site of Taichung city and on the western site of Central Mountain Range. Thus, it is easily to accumulate dioxin in Nantou with the air parcel transferred from western sources. Additionally, two incinerators have already operated in west Taiwan recently, and these also are important dioxins sources. For understanding dioxins characters and sources in the Nantou County, this study analyzes impact range and dioxins characters of near incinerators by measurement and GTx modeling. The dioxins concentrations in Tsautuen, Chushan and Huisun were 0.11, 0.17 and 0.0095 pg I-TEQ/m3, respectively. The characteristic index could be founded that Tsautuen station was not only impacted by incinerators, but also impacted by secondary aluminum plants. For Chushan station, the main sources were incinerators, sinter plants, electric arc furnaces, secondary plants, diesel-fueled vehicles and unleaded gas-fueled vehicles. The model also showed that pollutants were easily transferred into Chushan in north and northeast wind system. Therefore, the north wind system would facilitate the dioxins transporting into Chushan and Shuili, and leaded the dioxins concentrations increasing.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國立中興大學