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Title 應回收廢棄物回收清除處理成本調查分析及費率訂定計畫
Abstract 本計畫基於整合性研究之目的,將廢物品與廢容器材質之各項問題集中探討,期能利用一致的定義及方法計算廢物品及廢容器各項材質之相關費率。本計畫也進一步針對制度問題方面加以研究,包括進、退場機制對資源回收體系衝擊、垃圾全分類對資源回收體系影響?以及再生資源體系調查分析等問題。這些問題不僅和費率訂定有所關係,對於費率制度是否能夠永續經營也存在一定影響。另外,本計畫亦針對廢容器及廢物品費率資料庫系統進行更新。為了有效達成本研究計畫目標之需求,並具體協助行政單位就目前之政策內容進行規劃,根據計畫目標及主要項目,本研究分三個主要範圍進行研究:1. 費率訂定相關議題;2應回收廢棄物特定材質深入調查研究;3. 關鍵制度議題探討。為具體展現以上研究結果,在章節上,本報告進行以下之安排;第二章主要針對民國96年回收清除處理費費率建議值計算加以說明,並依照環保署基管會要求格式呈現。第三章就各個費率因子之合理性進行探討。第四、五章針對單位回收清除及處理成本之調查結果予以分析,內容分為廢物品及廢容器兩類。第六章為回收清除處理費費率相關議題探討。第七章為費率資料庫系統之更新及操作說明。第八章就部分本年度指定須深入調查研究之材質加以分析。第九章為資源回收體系關鍵制度議題探討。第十章則根據研究成果提出相關建議,並計算民國97年回收清除處理費費率建議值。在各章節除詳細具體呈現研究成果外並附有針對該議題相關之結論與建議,最後並附上研究計畫執行期間舉行之產、官、學座談會會議記錄以供參考。
EngTitle A Study of Investigation for Recycling and Treatment Cost for Waste Recycling Items and Disposal Fee Rates Settings.
EngAbstract Guided by the principles of integrated research, this project undertakes a comprehensive examination of all the issues relating to the recycling and treatment of waste objects in Taiwan. The aim is to use consistent definitions and methods to calculate the disposal fee rates that should be applied to different types of waste objects and to containers made from different materials. The project also involves research into institutional issues, such as the impact to recycling system when announcing new and countermanding items, the effect to recycling system as applying complete sorting for general solid waste, and the update of responsible proprietors. Also the investment and analysis of recycling system is proceed.In addition to the examination of issues relating to disposal fee rates, which includes surveys, estimates and recommendations for solving the various problems, the research project also covers the reconstruction of the waste disposal fee rates caculating system, and updating/maintenance of a database for related factors. Otherwise, the investigation for operating cost for recycled and treated proprietors and further to derive the unit cost for various materials is also involved.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 中華經濟研究院