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Title 95年度二手電腦回收轉贈作業
Abstract 電腦資源為推動數位工作的基本需求,如何幫助沒有能力購買電腦的民眾或團體可以擁有電腦,善用二手電腦資源為一最佳解決方案。配合行政院「縮減數位落差計畫」,行政院環境保護署委託財團法人資訊工業策進會執行「95年二手電腦回收轉贈作業」,本計畫以二手電腦的回收、整測組裝、捐贈為主體,輔以媒體廣宣提高回收量,並建置資訊平台,登錄回收及捐贈流向,作為後續成效追蹤的參考。二手電腦以政府單位、企業團體為主要來源,二手電腦按作業流程管控,經整測組裝及軟體安裝,貼上合格標籤成為再生電腦,依據行政院研考會提供名單,本年度以(高)偏鄉學生家庭及偏遠地區弱勢族群為捐贈對象,轉贈目標為3,800台。本計畫將環保、公益、科技結合,創造社會永續發展的機會,除倡導資源回收的正確觀念,落實環保署垃圾減量(reduce)、資源回收(recycle)、重覆使用(reuse)之「三R」回收再利用的價值,更帶動企業、政府、民間力量投入社會公益,同時又可彌補(高)偏遠地區資訊設備不足的問題,使弱勢族群、原住民及(高)偏鄉地區也能擁有電腦設備,達到縮減城鄉數位落差的目標。
EngTitle Donation of Recycle Used Personal Computer in 2006
EngAbstract Computer resource is a basic element to give impetus to digital work. Used computer is the best solution to help people and organizations that are not able to buy computers to have their own one. In order to match up the plan of minimizing digital divide formulated by the Executive Yuan, Environmental Protection Administration authorized Institute for Information Industry to process the ‘Task of Recycling and Transferring Used Computers in 2006.’ The main jobs of this task are to recycle, re-arrange, test and re-assemble used computers, and to transfer them to someone who needs them. These jobs will accompany with propagating through media to increase the amount of recycling. Moreover, the establishment of information platform top can be used to record the source of recycling and the result of transfer that will be the reference of latter tracing. The main source of used computers is from government and private organizations. With the control of operational process that re-arranges, tests and re-assembles used computers and then pastes qualified marks on them, used computers become reprocessed computers. According to the list provided by Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, the target of transfer is set for students who live in remote country and for minority who lives in remote areas. The expected amount of transfer is 3,800.Our project will combine environmental protection, public welfare and technology together and will try to create opportunities for sustainability. Besides advocating correct viewpoints of recycling, we will put Environmental Protection Administration’s object ‘3R’ into practice; those are to carry out garbage reducing, recycling and reusing. Through this drive, we hope to inspire our government, private organizations and the public to engage in social welfare and at the same time to solve the problem of lack of IT equipment in remote areas. That can achieve the target of reducing digital divide between city and country and make the minority, aborigine and people living in remote areas have their own computer equipment.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人資訊工業策進會