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Title 水源保護區養豬戶(場)依法拆除補償作業後續稽查管制作業
Abstract 本計畫執行期程自2006年3月30日契約簽約日起執行至2006年12月19日止。針對高屏溪水源保護區依法拆遷補償後養豬戶(場)進行稽巡查作業,在已辦理拆遷補償養豬戶(場)方面,目前已配合拆遷總戶數為1609戶,另有19戶養豬戶(場)未配合辦理拆遷,但已將畜舍自行拆除改建無復養之虞,且本年度稽巡查並未發現有拆後復養情事。另外在未配合拆遷補償養豬戶(場),截至2006年12月19日止,此部分養豬戶為207場,其中仍畜養中為35場;停養戶數172場,執行至2006年12月19日止未拆停養中養豬戶實際執行四次稽巡查,分別為4月、6月、9月、11月;未拆畜養中養豬戶則每月進行稽巡查作業,目前區內尚有35戶養豬戶畜養少量豬隻,工作團隊仍持續加強勸導停止畜養。排水渠道水質監測中,本年度計畫中於水源保護區內排水渠道九處採樣點進行每季乙次水質採樣檢測分析,執行至2006年12月19日止已完成四季採樣檢測分析。內埔、屏南工業區稽巡查及檢測作業中,本年度自計畫執行日2006年3月30日起至2006年12月19日止共計稽巡查內埔、屏南工業區服務中心分別為26、27場次,聯合污水處理場採樣檢測作業共計採樣檢測19次。另外,區內事業單位稽巡查作業,內埔工業區內水污染源列管事業單位22家及屏南工業區內水污染源列管事業單位33家,共計完成115場及165場次稽巡查作業。此外,在計畫執行中並認養東港頂頭角、萬巒(成德、五溝)、萬巒(泗溝、鹿寮、硫黃)、春日、莎卡蘭等五隊水環境守望相助河川巡守隊,聯繫環保單位與巡守義工間之良性互動,除於計畫交辦之初至各隊辦理相關教育訓練暨座談會外,亦配合辦理相關活動。
EngTitle The headwaters sanctuary the piggery (field) tore down an in expiation of follow-up auditor the work result summary of the control project by law
EngAbstract The project was carried out from March 30, 2006, the contract date, to December 19, 2006. The pig farmer (piggery) inspection and patrol work in Kaoping River Water Source Protection Zone after the compelled removing and indemnification works by operation of law.Pig farm (piggery) that already moved and applied for indemnification. Presently there were already 1,609 pig farms co-operating with the law and moved out of the area. On the side, 19 pig farms (pigsties) did not match up to move but have dismantled the pigsty and reconstructed for other uses,having no concern for re-breeding. Pig farm (piggery) that did not co-operate to dismantle and move. As of December 19, 2006, there were 207 pig farms under this section, among which 35 were sill in operation and 172 had stopped operation. As of December 19, 2006, four inspection and patrol were actually carried out on in April, June, September and November, in connection with pig farmers that did not dismantle pigsty but have stopped operations. For pig farmers that did not dismantle their pigsty and still kept operations, the inspection and patrol work were carried out monthly. In the most observed statues, inside the Protection Zone, there were still 35 pig farmers breeding a small quantity of pigs. Persuasion works for stopping pigsty operations were still reinforced by the work team.Drainage pipelines water quality monitoring work. In this year’s project, a sampling water quality inspection and analysis in nine sampling drainage pipeline points inside the Water Resource Protection Zone was carried out each quarter. Up until December 19, 2006, it had completed the planned sampling inspection work analysis for four seasons. Neipu & Pingnan Industrial Park Inspection, patrol and testing work, During the project execution period from March 30, 2006 to December 19, 2006, 26 and 27 inspection and patrol works were carried out in Neipu Industrial Zone and Pingnan Industrial Zone respectively. During the project execution period from March 30 , 2006 to December 19, 2006, 19 sampling works in Service Center Combined Wastewater Treatment Plant were carried out. The inspection and patrol work on business units inside the Zone Aiming at 22 business units in the water pollution control list inside the Neipu Industrial Park and 33 business units in the water pollution control list inside the Pingnan Industrial Park, In a total of 115 and 165 inspection and patrol works.This year adopted Donggang (Dingtoujiao), Wanluan (Chengde, Wugou), Wanluan (Sihgou, Luliao, Liouhuang), Chunrih, and Sagaran five volunteered river watch teams to enhance a good communication in-between environmental protection organization and the volunteered watchmen. Except holding associate training and seminars at the initial stage, the work team also helped to hold related activities. During the project execution period, as of November 30, 2006 the work results were summarized in the following table.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程股份有限公司