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Title 『環境事件救災資源整合管理資訊系統』專案工作計畫案
Abstract 災害事故發生後,往往會對環境造成很大的衝擊,甚至會造成人民生命、財產的損失,為此環保署近年來陸續建構了許多救災應變管理系統,例如針對天然災害應變處理的「天然災害環境污染防治管理資訊系統」、處理海洋重大污染的「海洋污染緊急應變系統」、處理空氣污染防治的「重大空氣污染事件應變處理網路查詢系統」等救災應變系統。本計畫為降低既有救災應變系統的負擔,有效提升既有救災系統對於救災聯絡人以及救災資源的可利用性,因此將整合環保署現行重大空氣污染、水污染事件、海洋重大污染、毒性化學物質災害及天然災害系統等災害應變處理資訊系統,救災聯絡人以及救災資源分佈資料。提供各層級救災指揮官及相關業務人員於環境災害事故發生後,利用既有救災緊急應變系統及本整合查詢系統進行緊急應變作業。當使用者在進行應變作業時,原救災系統提供了使用者進行緊急應變處理的決策支援,本系統則導入空間資訊觀念,查詢救災所需的應變能量查詢,以輔助原系統對於救災聯絡人及救災資源提供上的不足。
EngTitle Building of Resource Management Information System of Response to Environmental Pollution Incidents and Disaster
EngAbstract After the calamity accident happens, will often cause very great impact to the environment.It will even cause the losses of people's life,property. EPA has built and constructed a lot of administrative systems of emergency providing disaster relief successively in recent years for this environmental protection administration, the management information system of environmental prevention and control of pollution of the natural calamity dealt with that for example meet an emergency to the natural calamity.It deal with ocean great ' marine pollution urgent emergency system ' that pollute, deal with such systems of emergency providing disaster relief as ' the contamination accident of great air meets an emergency and deals with the network to inquire about the system ' of the prevention and cure of air pollution. Plan this for is it is it is it meet an emergency systematic burden to provide disaster relief to have already to reduce, raise and have systems providing disaster relief that have got in touch with people and resources providing disaster relief in providing disaster relief effectively but use nature, so will combine administration's current great air pollution of environmental protection, such calamities as ink contamination accident, ocean great polluting, toxicity chemical material calamity and natural calamity system,etc. Meet an emergency and deal with the information system, provide disaster relief and get in touch with people and resource providing disaster relief and is distributed the materials.Offer to the commanding officer providing disaster relief of every level and relevant business personnel it after the environmental calamity accident happen, utilizing already has urgent emergency systems of disaster relief and this merger to inquire the system carries on the urgent emergency and works.When the user is carrying on the emergency homework, the original system providing disaster relief offered users and met an emergency promptly the decision support that dealt with, system this channel space information idea into, inquire about disaster relief necessary emergency energy inquiry, get in touch with people and resource providing disaster relief to offer the deficiency on in rescuing holding in place with a net with the auxiliary original system.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 群琁地理資訊顧問股份有限公司