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Title 鹵烴冷媒流佈調查與海龍管理中心建制管理專案工作計畫
Abstract (1)鹵烴冷媒在空調與冷凍冷藏管理策略規劃:經蒐集國內主要空調設備製造商的各種空調設備的生產量及冷媒使用量資訊,提出建立鹵烴冷媒的有效管理機制,降低鹵烴冷媒洩漏的方法及建立填充與換裝鹵烴冷媒的注意事項,減少鹵烴冷媒對環境的衝擊。並建立一個符合國際趨勢的管理策略(參見4.1.4節),作為行政院環保署研擬相關管制法規的參考。歷年三大類冷媒用量變化,HCFCs維持平穩,CFCs用量逐年下降,其用量由HFCs所取代。車用空調改用HFC-134a已有十年歷史,因此維修用途大多亦用於車用空調機。但管制HFC冷媒的使用,不易彰顯整體CO2減量的成果,且對民生工業影響甚鉅,其管制優先順序應放在其他氣體之後。(2)海龍管理中心之建置規劃及運作推動工作:完成研修臭氧破壞物質管理辦法所訂之海龍管理條文,未來將依此規範持續協助海龍使用場所進行海龍的替換與補充。在海龍回收機之建置程序工作,已完成10項檢測結果,做為本計畫試運作的基本資訊需求,另外亦協助其它機構進行海龍及其替代品檢驗約800樣品。並經由拜訪全球最大海龍庫,對受污染海龍藥劑最終處置建立合作管道。(3)辦理大氣層保護國際交流暨教育宣導活動:完成舉辦為期兩天之2005年台灣大氣層保護國際研討會,並辦理我國大氣層保護成果展示活動,內容包括我國防制破壞臭氧層物質非法走私、破壞臭氧層物質削減成果、本土替代技術研發、產業自願減量具體行動等工作
EngTitle Survey of Halogen carbon Refrigerant Distribution and Build up of Halon Management Center
EngAbstract :Information on refrigerant production and use patterns in air-conditioning and refrigeration sectors was assembled through system manufacturers, and a much up-to-date outline in distribution of these types of refrigerants could be estimated and drawn. Mechanisms and guidelines that could much effectively manage the uses were proposed, to promote the rationale use of halogenated carbon refrigerants and to minimize the unwanted leakage of substances. A management strategy that is more conforming to the international control regime were proposed to the Environmental Protection Administration, further descriptions and details could reference to chapter 4.1.4.Survey findings show trends in use of 3 main types of refrigerant in the past 3 years, HCFCs remained stablised, CFCs decrease year after year, and such decrease was almost replaced by the use of HFCs. Majority of HFCs was used in motor vehicle air-conditioner, and the demand for HFC-134a in servicing increased gradually in the recent years. Considering the effects in greenhouse gas reduction is less significant, but the impacts to economy could be much bigger, restricting the use of HFCs in transportation sector is placed as the much long term option.The project has completed the framework of halon banking management in the previous year, and this year project focused on the detail rules and procedure for dissembled halon, which is based on the amended regulation of ozone depleting substances management. More than 10 testing have been conducted on the development of halon recovery systems and around 800 testing samples of recovered halon and alternatives were collected, the result will be used as required parameters for future operation. A visit to the Australia national halon bank was also arranged this year in order to establish a channel of cooperation on treatment of contaminated halon stocks.A two days forum on atmospheric protection was held in 2005, and an exhibition on the achievements for the past years efforts was displayed to general public parallel with the forum, which including ODS consumption reduction, illegal trade prevention, domestic alternative technology development, industrial voluntary action programme.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工研院