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Title 翡翠水庫集水區污染源削減計畫
Abstract 本計畫提出翡翠水庫水源保護區污染相關議題與可行性措施及削減量。計畫成果包括幾項:1.人口成長限制策略方面,落實清查戶政、地政工作,並依法徵收水庫集水區保護帶私有土地與檢討水源特定區計畫、土地利用成長要加以限制。污水管路系統處理普及率需提升,另應強化對住宅區偏遠地區合併式淨化槽之設置。2.茶園為非點源污染首要之削減對象,各鄉鎮推行設置植物醫生制度輔導農民正確農藥使用與合理化施肥量,達到控制污染產生之目的。提升茶葉文化與品質,除了推動產銷履歷的發展,並鼓勵茶園設置最佳管理作業(BMPs),可有效控制氮磷污染之發生。3.國道五號通車前後交通流量整體而言,於雪山隧道未通車前假日與平日車流量分別約20,000(輛/日)與11,000(輛/日),於95年6月16日通車後,車流量平日約35,000(輛/日)與未通車前相差高達3倍之多,假日約50,000(輛/日)則相差兩倍之多,顯示通車後小客車行經雪山隧道通往宜蘭數量暴增,出坪林交流道限制在每日4,000(車次/日)以下,較以往並無增加。假日部分遊憩車潮以其他替代道路進入坪林市區遊憩賞景,未來遊憩人口仍可能回籠,建議有關單位持續監測。4.點源與非點源污染負荷量比例,總氮(20:80),總磷為(28:72)。5.由於非點源污染型態為分散式且伴隨降雨事件發生,故難以預測。本計畫提出土壤沖蝕污染關鍵區潛勢指標模式(PI)。優點能快速評估非點源污染高潛勢關鍵區,其藉由土壤因子(K)、土地利用因子(U) 、坡度因子(S)及水道因子(W)尋得集水區內高潛勢之茶園計有1035公頃,而其中位於河岸50公尺內之高潛勢茶園計有368公頃。6.提出可行之污染削減方案為「鄰近河道高潛勢茶園收購,50m以內茶園恢復為原始林地,加上其他茶園設置BMPs(使用茶園10%之面積,去除率可達80%)」,共可削減4,644公斤/年,可削減總磷負荷量之27%,計需經費約39億元整,若以改善水質工程之計畫經費轉嫁至水價上分七年攤還,則水價須調漲1.101元/度。7.翡翠水庫集水區內無法限制遊客進入,應當倡導低衝擊旅遊方式,包括(1) 符合低衝擊旅遊活動行為:觀光攝影、生態遊客等;(2) 解說導覽系統的建立;(3) 教育宣導;(4) 增加本區環境抗衝擊之能力8.翡翠水庫為重要水源區域,應設置水質自動監測設備與預警系統,配合網際網路地理資訊系統(Web-GIS)連線共享,以強化各管理單位之效能,確保水質安全。9. 坪林污水處理廠放流水質量與背景比較,貢獻北勢溪污染 TP 7%及 TN 1%偏高,宜設置BMPs。10. 國外案例著重危險區判釋、土地利用整合系統、防治沖蝕措施、BMPs之設置、畜牧排泄物與廢棄物管理、教育宣導及生態水文與生物操控之整合。
EngTitle The program for reduction of pollution sources in Fei-Tsuei Reservoir watershed.
EngAbstract In this project, the issues related to water resource conservation area of the Fei-Tsuei Reservoir, feasible practices and the quantity of reduceable pollution are proposed. Tasks completed in this project are itemized as follows.1. Strategies for restraining the population growth include: Domiciliary Censuses and Land Possessions Registration need to be thoroughly conducted, personally owned lands in the conservation areas of the reservoir watershed need to be procured by the government according to the regulations, the plan of water resource area needs to be reexamined, the growth of landuse needs to be restrained. Rate of the sewage systems needs to be increased, installation of combined purification tank at remote residential areas needs to be enhanced.2. Non-point source pollution from tea garden needs to be reduced firstly, Plant Doctor needs to be promoted to each county or town so that farmers could be instructed to use pesticides and fertilizers correctly and reasonably, and accordingly, the goal of controlling the pollution yield could be achieved. Culture and quality of the tea need to be elevated, in addition to promotion of the development of Food Traceability System, application of best management practices (BMPs) is also encouraged to effectively control the pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus. 3. As for the traffic discharge of the NO.5 National Highway, in general, before the Shei-shan Tunnel was open for use, the vehicle discharges during holidays and non-holidays were around 20,000 (units/day) and 11,000 (units/day) respectively. Since June 16, 2006, after the tunnel was used, during non-holidays, the traffic discharge was around 35,000 (units/day) which was about triple of that before the tunnel was used; and during holidays, the traffic discharge at the outlet of Pin-Lin interchange was limited at 4,000 (unit˙time/day) and was no more than that before. During holidays, certain amount of vehicles for recreation gets into the downtown of Pin-Lin from other reads. In the future, travelers might return, and it is suggested that the government officials keep monitoring. 4. For total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), the loading ratios of point source pollution to non-point source pollution are evaluated to be 20:80 and 28:72 respectively.5. Because the types of non-point source pollution are Sepatate and they occur with the rainfall events. Therefore, they are difficult to be evaluated. In this project PI model indicating the critical areas polluted because of soil erosion is proposed. The advantage of this model is that high potential critical areas of non-point source pollution can be quickly evaluated. It is found that 1,035 hectares of tea garden in the reservoir watershed are categorized as among them, 368 hectares of tea garden are within 50 meters to the river banks. 6.Practical pollution reduction plans are proposed as follows high potential tea gardens adjacent to the river banks need to be procured, tea gardens within 50 meters to the river banks or reservoir need to be recovered to be virgin forest land. Aside from these, BMPs are applied to other tea gardens.(If 10% of the tea garden area is used, the reducing rate could be as high as 80%). If the above-mentioned plans are carried out, the TP can be reduced by as much as 4,644 kg annually, i.e. 27% of the TP loading. The cost for this is evaluated to be 3.9 billions of NT dollars in total. If the cost for the improvement of water quality is transferred to the water price and to share in seven years, the water price needs to be increased as much as 1.101 NT dollars/m3. 7.It is unable to restrain the travelers from entering the Fei-Tsuei reservoir watershed. Accordingly, LID is suggested. LID includes (1) Low impact traveling activities;(2) Establishment of guiding and instruction systems;(3) Education;(4) Increase of the capacity of environment in this area against the impact.8.It is necessary to install automatic monitoring and warning systems for water quality control. Apart from these, Web-GIS is also suggested to connected and shared, and the safety of water quality may be insured. 9.Based on the constituent analysis of contamination in Bei-Shi stream, 7% TP and 1% TN were contributed by the effluent from Pin-Lin sewage treatment plant, so we should set up some BMPs. 10.The foreign case study focus on hazard zone identification, land use integrated systems, prevention measure of erosion, BMPs application, livestock excrement and waste management, propaganda and education, and the integration of Ecohydrology, phytotechnology and biomanipulation.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學生態工程研究中心