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Title 以甲烷菌轉換無機碳源之新穎性技術開發
Abstract CO2之處理與資源性利用已成為全球新興環境技術研發方向,利用甲烷菌資源化已封存於深地層中之CO2無機碳源並生產甲烷能源是一項值得研發之新穎性技術。本計畫之第一年度研究目的在開發於高壓100 atm環境下甲烷菌轉換無機碳源生產甲烷之基礎技術。依據實驗所設計進度與內容,目前已獲得成果如下:1、已獲得5個淡水性甲烷產生菌FJ01、03、07、10和14,以及4個海水性甲烷產生菌KM1、2、3、5和9,其中甲烷產生菌FJ10選為本研究後續之實驗用。2、利用fractional fractorial design實驗設計方法,發現yeast extract 表現高顯著正向影響甲烷產生菌FJ10利用CO2生產甲烷。而yeast extract在濃度5.0 g/L時,甲烷產生菌FJ10利用CO2有最高之甲烷生產量。3、甲烷產生菌FJ10在pH為8.0、生長溫度40oC時有最高之甲烷生產量。4、在含有150 ml培養基之250 ml培養瓶中,甲烷產生菌FJ10利用CO2之最佳甲烷生產率為1.452 μmole-CH4 /ml-medium/day。5、在含有29.7 ml培養基之30 ml培養瓶中,甲烷產生菌FJ10在100 atm和1 atm下培養之甲烷生產率分別為1.075μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day和0.976μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day。
EngTitle Development of Novel Bioconversion of Inorganic Carbon Sources Using Methanogens
EngAbstract Treatment and utilization of carbon dioxide have globally been an innovative direction of environment technologies. It is a worthy innovative technology that carbon dioxide stored inside deep geological reservoirs is converted to energy methane by methanogens. In the first year, the project is aimed to develop the basic technology of conversion of carbon dioxide to methane under 100 atm condition. According to the project, some results have been obtained:1. Five freshwater methane-producing cultures FJ01、03、07、10 and 14 as well as 4 marine cultures KM1、2、3、5 and 9 were obtained in the project. The methane-producing culture FJ10 was chosen for further studies.2. By fractional fractorial design yeast extract was identified to be a positively significant factor for FJ10 affecting the conversion of carbon dioxide to methane. Methane-producing culture FJ10 was found to had the optimal methane production when grown at the concentration of 5.0 g/L of yeast extract.3. The methane-producing culture FJ10 was found to had the optimal methane production when grown at pH 8.0 and temperature 40oC.4. When grown in the 150 ml-vessel with 150 ml medium, the methane-producing culture FJ10 had the optimal methane production rate of 1.452 μmole-CH4 /ml-medium/day.5. When grown in the 30 ml- vessel with 29.7 ml medium, the methane-producing culture FJ10 had the optimal methane production rate of 1.075μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day and 0.976μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day under 100 atm and 1 atm, respectively.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 輔仁大學