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Title 非點源污染削減技術試驗計畫-MCTT多槽處理技術
Abstract 基於非點源污染對於水體水質有顯著衝擊影響,非點源污染控制以最佳管理措施也成為國內水質管理的重要手段。在一些地表不透水鋪面為主的特殊區域,其暴雨逕流之污染物質主要以重金屬、固體物甚至毒性物質為主,這些區域定義為熱點區域,其主要為停車場、加油站、車輛維修站等,該地區的暴雨逕流夾帶平日累積的重金屬,成為高重金屬濃度的污染逕流,通常不經處理即排放到承受水體。雖然這些特殊區域的集水面積較小,但這些零散未處理的高濃度逕流匯流後,卻可能會造成水體在暴雨初期的瞬間衝擊,影響水質與水生生態。本計畫於坪林行控中心停車場設置MCTT暴雨逕流處理設施,自96年5月完工,經歷操作運轉及水質監測成果檢視,系統操作已逐步穩定,就設計、施工及水質評估而言,整體功能初步已達預期成效。坪林行控中心MCTT場址操作約3個月,蒐集6場暴雨資料,經比較精確之質量平衡方法估算MCTT對各種污染物的平均去除效率分別為,SS 89%、COD 44%、E. Coli 66%、NH3-N 61%、TP 52%、Pb 64%、Cu 65%、Zn 85%,Oil 44%。坪林場址實測初步的結果顯示,MCTT是控制〝熱點〞暴雨逕流污染的一個有效設施,且其為地下設施,可配置為下水道系統之一,故在人口密集、地價昂貴之地區較為實用。
EngTitle An experimental project of non pollution sources reduction technology-Multi-Chambered Treatment Train
EngAbstract In view of the great impact of the NPS (Non Point Source) pollutant on water quality BMPs (Best Management Practices) used to control NPS pollutant become a significant strategy. The major pollutants in runoff of the impervious area are heavy metal and solid substance most of which involve the toxicity. This kind of area, mainly including parking lots, gas station, vehicle service facilities and equipment storage and maintenance area is named Hot Spots. Because the area accumulates a mass of heavy metal in its storm runoff, it becomes a seriously polluted runoff with high heavy metal and the runoff tends to be discharged into the water body without treatment. Although the area of watershed is small, during the storm event, the non-processed thick runoff aggregate and are likely to affect water quality and ecosystem. According to the present project, MCTT (Multi-Chambered Treatment Train) was set up at the parking lot of Ping-Lin Expressway Management Station. The whole process had gone through different steps, from operating the machine to evaluating water quality and completed in May 2007; the system increasingly becomes stable. When it comes to evaluating the system in its design, construction, and water quality, the results meet the goal. This system has run for three months and has collected the data of six storm events; researchers calculate mass flux via MCTT and then estimate reduction efficiency of MCTT for pollutants. MCTT provided reductions of SS for 89%, COD for 44%, E. Coli for 66%, NH3-N for 61%, TP for 52%, Pb for 64%, Cu for 65%, Zn for 85%, and Oil for 44%. Moreover, the outcome showed that MCTT is an effective measure to control runoff pollutant of hot spots. Because MCTT can be designed as an underground facility, it can be applied to the crowded area where the landuse tends to be more expensive.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺北科技大學