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Title 微量汞吸附劑合成之實廠技術開發與應用
Abstract 本研究利用兩種不同基質(椰殼與煤炭)之商用活性碳做為起始原料,配合兩種含浸技術(氣相與液相含浸)以開發具有不同物化特性之表面改質活性碳吸附劑,最終達到量產之目的。結果顯示硫含浸造成活性碳物理性質之改變,在低濃度氣相硫含浸時,含浸程序類似一種化學活化行為,除了可造成硫分子含浸於活性碳表面外,也具備了生成新的微孔之功能。當實驗室批次放大,氣相硫含浸造成孔徑堵塞之效果更為明顯,顯示硫含浸對於活性碳微孔結構之影響包括擴孔現象與或堵塞孔徑兩種。液相含浸程序並無類似於氣相含浸之活性碳化學活化行為,微孔表面積與體積隨著硫含浸量提升而呈現下降之趨勢。實廠規格成品之比表面積與微孔表面積下降程度均較實驗室規格含浸實驗所得結果明顯。含浸活性碳之汞飽和吸附量隨著硫含量的增加而呈現提升的趨勢,但相關性並不顯著。此結果暗示硫含量並非控制汞吸附量之唯一因素,其他因子,例如微孔結構,亦可能影響汞吸附量。實廠製程可成功開發出具有 >1,000 μg/g 吸附量之活性碳吸附劑。未來應著重於活性碳表面含硫與含氧官能基之定性與定量分析,配合物理性質之探討,或可勾勒出活性碳吸附機制,以改善現有製程條件。
EngTitle Development and application of full-scale low-concentration mercury adsorbent production
EngAbstract Activated carbons from two precursors (coal and coconut shell) were used to produce low-concentration (i.e., ppb level) mercury adsorbents with various physical and chemical properties via gas- and liquid-phase sulfur impregnation. The goal is to achieve a full-scale production of mercury adsorbents. Results showed that sulfur impregnation altered the physical properties of activated carbons. Sulfur impregnation assembled chemical activation, which created new porous structure as well as sulfur doping. When the impregnation process was scaled-up, gas-phase sulfur impregnation significantly blocked the porous structure, indicating that sulfur impregnation simultaneously causes the pore opening and blocking. Liquid-phase impregnation did not act as activation, the resulting surface area and pore volume thus decreased as the sulfur amount increased, which was more significant in full-scale samples. Mercury adsorption capacity was proportional to the sulfur content of resulting samples, however, with an insignificant correlation. This result suggests that other factors, beside sulfur content, controls the adsorption behaviors as well. The full-scale carbon products had an adsorption capacity > 1000 μg/g. Further study should be focused on evaluating the relationship between surface functional groups, physical properties, and mercury adsorption capacity. The adsorption mechanism of mercury onto the activated carbon surface may be depicted, which may help to improve the current production protocols.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄第一科技大學創新育成中心