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Title 非屬原子能游離輻射一全國地理資訊系統之建立及發射源抽測計畫
Abstract 一、相關基本資料蒐集分析(一)蒐集歐、美、日(含世界衛生組織)等先進國家對非屬原子能游離輻射管理法規、措施及生物效應相關研究。1.蒐集國際間相關研究資料,如:世界衛生組織之相關報告(第296及304號報告)、瑞士及義大利之相關管制規定、丹麥研究手機與致癌無關之研究資料,並將其整理後,彙整於報告中。2.本計畫今年度選定台北市為輻射環境模擬之示範區域,蒐集整理前期檢測結果全台北市共166站檢測資料,進行模擬分析作業。(二)蒐集前期檢測之非游離輻射發射源報告檔案資料約2400份,檢測對象包括基地台、高壓電塔、電台等,並將報告檔案(PDF或Word檔)中的位置以及檢測結果,逐一建檔並數化建置於今年度開發之資訊庫內;已完成資料建檔作業,共計2410份資料。(三)蒐集歷年非游離輻射檢測相關報導,最新消息11則、國際報導11則、媒體報導118則,並彙整至系統中公佈。二、發射源抽測作業及檢測作業培訓(一)依據環保署發布之檢測規範,再參考實際作業及檢測方式,制訂檢測作業方式、流程,完成現場作業文件。(二)本年度812站檢測作業,檢測對象為行動電話基地台(含培訓縣市)(696站)、高壓輸配電線(6站)、無線寬頻接取盒(6站)、中小學校(80站)、公共區域(40)與居家環境(12)之發射源檢測;共完成840站,已符合合約規定之812站的數量。(三)協助民眾陳情之檢測作業達12站(包含於840站內),並與陳情民眾直接宣導非游離輻射相關知識與法規內容。(四)完成苗栗縣、嘉義縣、台南縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣、基隆市、嘉義市、台南市共八縣市非游離輻射培訓作業,除檢測方法培訓外,亦予地方環保局實際檢測作業上之輔導。三、場強度空間分佈模式(一)本團隊選定台北市中正區、信義區、大安區為示範場強度空間分佈模式之區域,整理全台北市276站的歷史量測資料,以進行模擬演算模式。(二)模擬結果與地理空間資料結合,可於系統展示模擬結果。四、全國地理資訊系統網站建置(一)完成地理資訊系統網站系統開發建置,並與署內監資處環境理資訊系統結合,提供民眾查詢檢測結果。(二)建置行動電話基地台之量測資料輸入作業之重點及流程,將可利用本團隊全新開發完成的檢測資料管理系統,提供多角度查詢方式,查詢符合條件的資料。(三)完成最新消息系統功能建置,管理者可利用系統後台功能,於線上直接新增相關新聞或報導。(四)整體資訊系統已移轉至署內,並與署內既有資訊環境加以整合,提升系統效率及功能五、完成電磁波研討會完成辦理為期2天之業務研討會,邀請環保單位、環保團體、專家學者、一般民眾及相關機關,與會人員86人。研討會中包含專家講解、環保署執行計畫情形、民間觀點分享,並於會中進行綜合討論以交換各項經驗。
EngTitle Non-ionizing radiation is a nuclear country geographic information system and the establishment of the sources of sampling tests plan
EngAbstract 1. Collection and Analysis of Related Information Collection of regulations, measures, and biological effects of non-ionizing radiations from the developed countries such as Europe, America, and Japan (Including WHO). Collections, such as WHO reports (No. 296 and No. 304), Swiss and Italian relevant regulations, Denmark’s research report on the correlation between cell phones and cancer-causing, are put into the brief of the Environmental Protection Administration.  The initial testing data includes the data of base transceiver stations, high voltage towers, and radio stations. All of these are digitalized before archived, which now are 2410 copies in all.  Analyze testing reports over the years and take the result down to the brief of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)2. Random Testing and Testing Operation Training  Distribute the documents of testing standards, methods, and process at the site in line with EPA’s regulations.  Testing objects of the year are base transceiver stations (including related counties and cities) (696 stations), high voltage cable (6 stations), WiMAX box (6 stations), middle and elementary schools (80 stations), the public area (40 stations), residential districts (12 stations), 840 stations in all, the figure higher than the required number of 812 stations. 12 stations (part of the 840 stations) are to help pleaders do the testing and make them know about the knowledge and regulations of non-ionizing radiations. Testing training and guidance are done in 8 counties or cities. 3. Space distribution of the electromagnetic field (EMF)Space distribution of the field strength in Zhongzheng and Xinyi District, Taipei, is analyzed. Data of 276 stations is computed and the result will be demonstrated by the system. 4. Establishment of Geographic Information System (GIS) WebsiteTo accomplish the system development and than integrate it with the EPA’s GIS for reference 5. Close the EMF Seminar 86 attendants discussed and shared experiences in the seminar.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 千一資訊有限公司