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Title 資訊改造整體規劃
Abstract 為配合政府組織改造,以未來整併後之新組織為基礎,建立資訊集中式共享式服務維規劃方向,規劃未來環資部資訊組織架構、共用性資訊服務、資訊治理以及委外管理以及後續建置之規劃。本計畫主要包含六個主題,八本規劃報告,各主題之規劃重點如下:(一) 行政院環境保護署現況細部調查研析PMO調查報告,彙整相關規劃之問題,製作問卷輔以訪談,之後整理回收之內容,作為後續規劃之依據。(二) 資訊改造有關資訊組織任務編組(假編成)規劃透過問卷調查與深度訪談完成未來環資部之組織設計、各資訊處室之人員配置以及制定業務運作之原則。(三) 共同性服務項目規劃由於環資部整合之部門眾多,因此規劃建立共同之入口,選定以應用程式簽入驗證為環資部之共用功能,據此規劃建立單一入口平台。而以及公文管理系統為部內之共同機制,整體為共同公文平台。以漸進的方式進行資訊架構之改造,並注重平台功能之擴充性,讓整併機關在未來資訊整併過程,能夠比較平順的進行,並顧及未來系統功能與效能之擴充。(四) 共同性服務軟硬體設施規劃分析各機關之現有資訊設備、網路建設與資訊安全議題現狀,規劃未來環資部之共構機房、階層式的網路架構、VPN、DNS 以及電子郵件之規劃。(五) 資訊治理與委外服務分為四大主要項目:資訊管理規劃部分,總結針對環保署ISO 20000相關文件之評估工作,共用性資訊服務與系統安全及資訊安全監控中心(SOC)規劃與管理、委外服務管理規劃以及參酙國外案例,提供EA規劃之相關建議。(六) 建置階段之先期規劃針對環資部資訊改造之三個階段進行推展,分別是短期以提供良好的資訊發展、維運環境為主體,中期則著重於整合GSP(Government Service Platform)共用服務平台、配合行政院研考會電子化政府的推動計畫、提升服務品質等,而長期之規劃則應參考世界先進國家的電子化政府計畫以為我國發展之借鏡,例如美國聯邦政府EA(Federal Enterprise Architecture- FEA)、英國eGIF(e-Government Interoperability Framework- eGIF),並且參與國際間會議、參訪等經驗交流與互動。
EngTitle Information reengineering、Share services、Organization design、Common services、IT Governance
EngAbstract Due to government organizational streamlining and restructuring effort, initiated by the Executive Yuan, there exists urgent need for IT organizational realignment. As a result, it is inevitable for IT related resources to undergo the necessary mergers and consolidations. The IT related resources within an organization could include its human resources, either regular staff or outsourced staff; all software and hardware; underlined IT infrastructures, including network; data centers; standard operating procedures; and the related management processes. This project is to plan the reengineering of the above for the future Ministry Of Environment and Resources Affairs (MOEA). The required project deliverables included 8 Plans containing 6 major topics. Following is the summary of each topic:1. The Survey of Current IT Status: Analyzed the result of the questionnaire issued by PMO; designed and reissued a second questionnaire as a supplement to collect additional necessary information in few different aspects. Detailed analysis was then performed and the result was reported.2. The Restructure of the IT Organization: Based on the above survey results and the interviews with the IT staff members of each department to be merged and realigned, this Plan recommended the possible structure of the future IT organization; its required manpower, resources, and training; and the operation principles. 3. The Design of Shared Services: Various departments from different Minister Offices will be merged into and realigned with MOEA when the organizational restructuring occurs. Due to this high level of complexity, it is, therefore, a must to maximize the effectiveness and minimize the impact of the IT service integration in the restructuring process. This Plan focused on 3 items having the most widespread impact to the organization - Integrated Portal, Single-Sign-On, and Official Document and Exchange Management. The recommendation is to design, build, and migrate these shared services to function as the underlined application information exchange service platform. This approach not only could make the future service integration achievable but also could ensure a smooth transition.4. Common System and Hardware Design: The system and hardware design was based on the current implementation and the future integration was also discussed. The most important contribution in this Plan was to design the shared data center, the hierarchical network architecture, the VPN, and the e-mail and DNS services. 5. IT Service Management and Outsource Management: This Plan consisted of four major subjects: 1. IT Service Management – Assessed ITSM process capability maturity, reviewed EPA ISO20000 related documentation, and provided suggestions for possible improvement. 2. Security Operations Center (SOC): Defined the scope, service items, and standard operation procedures for SOC. 3.Outsource Management: Focused on "End User Services"; the operations and the management of servers, network infrastructures, and data center. 4. Enterprise architecture (EA): Referenced FEA of USA Federal Government and devised the EA development model for MOEA. 6. Early Planning for Implementation: A 3-phased approach is recommended for future implementation of MOEA IT reengineering. The short-term goal is to focus on providing a sound operational environment for information development. The mid-term goal is to emphasis on the integration with Government Service Platform (GSP) to operate cohesively with RDEC for the e-government project. And the long term goal is to build a better and more sustainable IT architecture based on the reference of Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) or e-Government Interoperability Framework (eGIF).
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人資訊工業策進會