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Title 南部區域海洋污染防治管理及緊急應變中心建置專案工作計畫
Abstract 由於台灣四周環海,海岸線總長達1,500公里以上,而且台灣海域也是國際海運重要航道,因此如何防止船舶廢油污水污染,為當前重要課題之一。環保署自95年起積極推動建置區域跨行政區域河川及海洋污染應變機制,統籌調度整合區域各行政機關及民間企業緊急應變人力、能量,達成應變資源共享並提升污染除污之成效。本計畫主要工作:規劃海洋環境污染防治計畫,並推估海洋環境污染源成長趨勢及分析海域水質問題與排放特性;辦理海洋環境相關會議;規劃建置南部區域海洋污染緊急應變中心;研擬各項海洋環境永續發展指標;建置南部區域海洋環境資訊系統。目前南部五縣市各流域內事業廢水污染源之污染物排放狀況,BOD、COD、SS之污染排入量皆以高屏溪較多,近年來離牧政策的施行而有部分改善,仍需持續加強。海域水質分析結果,其中曽文溪口之測站、阿公店溪口之測站及林邊溪之測站均曾發現營養鹽濃度過高之情形;各河川出口處水樣之氨氮、總磷及亞硝酸鹽含量常被發現有異常偏高之現象。為結合民間機構及團體的力量及資源,共同來維護海洋環境、保護海域資源。本計畫於95年9月29日,假 高雄福華大飯店會議室,辦理「南部區域海洋環境改善研討座談會」,邀請民間機構及團體參加,出席單位佔南部區域除污團隊之70%。亦於11月6日假南區環境督察大隊會議室,辦理「南部區域海洋環境改善成果發表會」,主要邀集環保單位進行海洋污染防治相關計畫之交流。本計畫依據「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」建置南部區域海洋污染緊急應變中心,規劃南部5縣市之海洋污染緊急應變機制,以整合政府機關及民間團體之除污能量,負責第二級海洋污染事件之「指揮應變、負責調度」,即時應變處置污染事件,降低污染影響,並持續監督後續生態復育及監測作業。另本計畫完成「南部區域海洋污染緊急應變及除污作業標準程序」,作為發生海洋污染緊急事件時之除污及應變參考。海洋環境永續指標,係從「海域環境產業及生活休閒等活動,對於環境及自然資源產生需求、污染負荷、環境改善等正負面壓力」,「自然生態、資源及環境狀態之改變」,「政府機關、團體及企業回應之決策、措施與行動」等三個層面,來分析海洋環境永續發展,並可利用代表指標變化趨勢,研判海洋環境的問題所在,以擬定有效的因應措施與具體的改善策略。海域環境資料庫建置相關氣象、海象、水文、河川、港灣、海岸特性及環境敏感區等海域環境資料,可提供海域環境管理所需參考數據,亦可即時查詢特定海域環境條件,因應污染事件之需求。
EngTitle Water Pollution Control, Management and Response Center of Southern Coast Water of Taiwan
EngAbstract Taiwan is surrounded by sea; the coastline is more than 1,500 kilometers and the marine water of Taiwan is the important channel for the international ocean shipping. Therefore, to prevent the wastewater or sewage of ship from being emitted into the sea, become one of the significant topics. Since 2006, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) established the mechanism of marine and river pollution response, and integrated the participating response personnel and equipments of support to promote the marine pollution handling.The main work of this project:making a plan of marine pollution control and to estimate the growth trend of water pollution; to hold conferences about marine environment; to establish “Management and Response Center of Pollution in Southern Coast Water”; to plan some marine environment sustainability indicators; to build the system of marine environmental information in Southern Coast Water.The current pollution from the industrial wastewater or sewage discharge into the basin of rivers in 5 counties in southern area, Kao Ping River got the most of quantity in BOD, COD, and SS. The policy for reducing wastewater from the swine industries still needs some improvement. From the analysis of marine water quality, we found the nutrients concentration are higher in monitoring stations in Zeng-wun River, Agong-dian River and Lin-bian River; the abnormal high consistency of ammonia nitrogen, TP and nitrite usually discovered in the estuary.In order to combine the resources and energy from adjacent counties, municipal governments, industry's unit and public organizations, to safeguard the marine environment and protect resources of ocean simultaneously. On September 29, 2005, we hold a meeting about 「The improvement of marine environment in Southern Coast Water」, and invited municipal governments, industry's unit and public organizations to joint at a conference room of Howard hotel in Kaohsiung. The attendance organizations consist of 70% of the major groups at southern region. On November 6, we invited the environmental protection unit to exchange the experiences of marine pollution control and some relevant plan about marine protection to join the meeting about 「The improve achievement of marine environment in Southern Coast Water」. The project stands on 「Major marine oil pollution emergency response plan」to establish “Management and Response Center of Pollution in Southern Coast Water”, in order to plan mechanism of emergency response in 5 southern counties and cities. It’s on the combination of resources and emergency energy that collect from adjacent counties, municipal governments, industry's unit and public organizations, and that is responsible for the second marine oil pollution incidents of 'command response and take charge of deployment'. It needs to handle the marine pollution incidents immediately and supervise the tasks about ecological rehabilitation and monitoring.The Marine environmental sustain indicator base on three parts of analyzing. These three parts are「positive or negative pressure about marine environmental industry and leisure activities, demand of nature resources、pollute load、environmental improvement」,「natural ecology、changes of resource and environment situation」,「the decisions、measures and strategies from government、organization and industry」. We can use the mutative trend of indicators to figure out the major marine pollution, make useful strategy to response and meliorate.The database of marine environmental combine the data, such as walrus, hydrology, rivers, harbors, coast characteristic and the area of environmental sensitivity, etc., it can offer the necessary reference data about marine environmental management. The database can also inquire about the specific environmental condition of ocean immediately; cater to the needing of pollution incidents.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司