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Title 95年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作項目包括攔巡查12,000輛次,機車攔檢4,000輛次,大型宣導活動一場次,小型宣導活動二場次,宣導免費檢測1,200輛次,每月查核定檢站一次,每季實施氣體比對一次。1、截至95年12月31日已完成15,344輛次,其中攔查5,714輛次,巡查回覆9,630輛次,進度達成率為127.9%。2、截至95年12月31日已完成4,336輛次,進度達成率為108.4%,不合格數為1,154輛,不合格率為26.6%,已完成複驗為1,000輛,複驗率為86.7%。3、截至95年12月31日已完成360家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。4、截至95年12月31日已完成25,000份通知到檢,已回覆數為11,469輛,回覆率為45.88%。5、截至95年12月31日已完成6次180家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為150%。第1次比對有5家儀器偏差率超過,第2次比對有4家偏差率超過,第3次比對全部符合規定,第4次比對有2家偏差率超過,第5次比對有2家偏差率超過,第6次比對有2家偏差率超過。經實施重新校正後全部合乎規定值。6、截至95年12月31日已完成1場大型、6場小型宣導活動,共計免費檢測1,336輛次,不合格274輛次,複驗242輛次,複驗率為90%。7、3月份第一次檢驗站實車查核,共執行29家檢驗站查核,各站實車查核記錄已呈報環保局並於5月11日舉辦各檢驗站輔導教育訓練。另一次為9月份進行檢驗站實車查核,29家檢驗站其中有2家違反規定(依空氣污染防制法第40條第3項及檢驗站管理辦法各處新台幣1萬5,000元罰鍰)8、於4月份進行29家30站檢測儀器進行儀器漂移測試查核,經測試結果有4家檢驗站儀器有嚴重漂移,該儀器已請廠商維修並完成複檢合格。另一次為10月份29家30站檢測儀器進行儀器漂移測試查核,全部符合規定。9依據95年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評指標及評分標準,在移動污染源機車部份可掌握分數應得6%,目前實得5.99%。
EngTitle 2006 Chiayi city air quality promote and maintain project- Moving pollution source inspection control project.
EngAbstract This project is including round of inspection 12000 cars, block 4000 motors, one large announce activity, two small activities, and 1200 inspections for free. 1. Till December 31, 2006, there were 15,344 motorcycles been inspected, among which 5,714 vehicles were stopped and inspected, and 9,630 vehicles were trailed, inspected and replied. The achievement rate of accomplishment is 127.9%. 2. Till December 31, 2006, there were 4,336 vehicles that have been checked. The progress rate of accomplishment is 108.4%. The unqualified number is 1,154 vehicles with the unqualified rate of 26.6%, in which there were 1,000 vehicles that have been rechecked. The recheck rate is 86.7%. 3. Till December 31, 2006, there were 360 inspection stations that have been assessed. The progress accomplishment rate is 100%. 4. periodically inspected by authoritiesTill December 31, 2006, there were 25,000 copies of notifications been sent, in which there were 11,469 vehicles that have replied. The reply rate is 45.88%. 5. Till December 31, 2006, there were six instrumental matches of exhausts from 180 inspection stations. The progress accomplishment rate is 150%. In the second match, there were 4 stations whose deviation rates were over. At the third time, all met the requirement. At the fifth, the deviation rates from two stations exceeded. At the sixth match, the deviation rates from two stations exceeded. After readjustment had been made, all stations are in accordance with the required value. 6. Till December 31, 2006, there was one large-scaled and six small-scaled announcement activities been held. In total, there were 1,336 vehicles been inspected free of charge. There were 274 vehicles that were not qualified. 242 of them been checked again. The recheck rate is 90%. 7. In March, the first Double Inspection of Random Vehicles at Inspection Stations was held. There were 29 inspection stations been assess. The record for Double Inspection of Random Vehicles at Inspection Stations was reported to EPB, and on May 11, a Guidance Educational Training was held for all inspection stations. The other occasion was made in September. Among 29 inspection stations, there were two stations violated regulations. (A penalty of NT$ 15,000 dollars each as per Article 40.3. of Air Pollution Prevention Act and Management Regulation for Inspection Stations). 8.Inspection StationsIn April there was an Evaluation of Drifting Tests by Analysis Instruments made at 30 inspection stations in 29 companies. After the tests, there were 4 inspection stations that had serious drifting problems. Those instruments had been maintained and gone through a second evaluation. In October, there was another Evaluation of Drifting Tests by Analysis Instruments made at 30 inspection stations in 29 companies. All of them met the requirement. 9. According to 2006 Achievement of Inspection Control Project of Mobile Polluting Sources for Maintaining and Improving Air Quality in Chiayi City, in terms of Achievement Effectiveness of Evaluation Index and Grading Standard on Maintaining and Improving Air Quality, which are listed on Self Appraisal Table for Working Achievement, 6% is the controllable mark that must be made in the portion for mobile polluting sources of motorcycles. Actually, it is 5.99% been achieved.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司