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Title 事業廢棄物焚化灰渣整合性管理計畫(3/3)
Abstract 由事業上網申報結果顯示,國內事業廢棄物上網申報量約為1,461萬噸,其中採自行處理者約為112萬噸,佔上網申報量之7.6%,由本計畫調查結果顯示,事業廢棄物焚化設施因環保法規之管制日趨嚴格而有大幅減少的趨勢,雖然焚化方式具減容、減積與降低危害特性(有害廢棄物焚化)的效能,但如何解決灰渣後端處置的問題,亦常是主管機關注意的焦點。另外本計畫調查結果顯示,國內仍正常運作之中小型廢棄物焚化爐合計72座(含公有小型垃圾焚化爐9座、公民營廢棄物處理機構15座、一般事業36座及醫療機構12座),停爐者計283座,拆除的有19座;目前各運轉中焚化爐之許可處理之廢棄物類別,主要包括:一般廢棄物、塑橡膠混合物、污泥、油泥、廢液及醫療廢棄物等。由此可見處理的事業廢棄物種類差異性極大,且具焚化設施數量多、焚化設施規模小及地點分散性大等特性。由民國95年度本計畫之調查資料顯示,目前運轉中的事業廢棄物焚化爐處理量約87.9萬噸/年,產生17.6萬噸/年灰渣,依據本計畫採樣分析結果顯示,其中屬有害性之灰渣超過溶出試驗標準之比率為28%,且大多交岡聯可寧衛公司與中聯爐石公司等進行固化處理後進行衛生掩埋處置,而性質穩定之非有害灰渣則採掩埋處理。如何將這些焚化設施予以統合管理,並進行加強推動事業廢棄物先分類再進行焚化處理及追蹤事業廢棄物焚化爐之灰渣最終處置情形,則為本計畫執行之重點。本年度計畫目標完成80座次以上運轉中事業廢棄物焚化設施及10座以上申報停爐設施之現勘查核並進行100件樣品之採樣分析。合計實際完成94座次之現場調查,其中包含運轉中之中小型廢棄物焚化爐81座次,已申請停爐之中小型廢棄物焚化爐13座,其中9座灰渣經本計畫判定為有害而實際為直接進行掩埋,需複測確認其有害屬性進行持續追蹤。本計畫除了追蹤進行灰渣最終處置情形,同時輔導十座事業廢棄物焚化爐加強推動先分類再焚化處理,以檢測結果評估其分類效益,結果顯示先分類再焚化處理可以減少有害灰渣之產生;本計畫採樣分析的樣品數共100件樣品,樣品由工研院實驗室分析人員完成各檢測項目分析,達成計畫目標。
EngTitle Integrated Management of Ash and Residue from the Industrial Waste Incineration (3/3)
EngAbstract This study aims to improve understanding of the current operation of industrial waste incineration facilities, while also tracking the treatment flow of the ash and residue thus produced. The project is currently in the last year of a scheduled three. Incineration sites were visited to study the quality and quantity of treatment ash and residue. During the project period, basic data of 374 industrial waste incinerators were checked and updated; 94 sites were visited, including 81 operating and 13 stalling; 100 samples taken from various sites were analyzed for heavy metals and dioxin compounds; and TCLP(Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) was applied to check for the existence heavy metals on samples of site ash. Additionally, a geographical database of sites was devised. The data are used to evaluate the performance of the waste assortment, the future strategy and modify regulations of EPA.The investigation demonstrated that a large proportions of small capacity incinerators were actually not operating, alternatives incineration were also adopted. Overall, 72 facilities were operating, 283 were not operating, 19 had been dismantled. The total number of operating facilities was 16 fewer than in the previous year, and the amount of industrial waste incineration is about 0.879 million tons per year, 20% ash and residue is produced.The analytical results demonstrated that 28% of ash and residue exceeded the TCLP standards, with lead (19%) and cadmium (16%) were the most common contaminants. Furthermore, tests for 17 dioxin compounds in ash and residue sample were also revealed high levels, with around 33% of samples exceeding 1ng-TEQ/g. However, most facilities treat the ash and residue according to the regulations, and solidify and landfill treatment were the most widely practiced methods, with only a small proportion of the ash and residue being reused.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院