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Title 95年度土壤及地下水污染防治調查及監督驗證查核工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作範疇界定會議於簽約當日召開,確定本計畫相關工作。後續依計畫需求指派常駐工程師1人,並提供1輛小型汽車供計畫執行專用。本計畫工作進度與摘要如表1~表2、圖1,各項工作執行情形及結果說明如下:一、土壤及地下水污染查證及監督驗證查核工作:(一) (二) 96年1~2月執行包含遠大加油站等12家加油站第一階段之測漏管篩選調查工作,其中福懋新營加油站、六甲頂加油站及南昇加油站等3家加油站檢測結果呈現具有高污染疑慮。(三) 96年3月執行仁德鄉嘉仁加油站地下水監測工作,總計12口次地下水採樣分析工作,分析結果地下水中甲苯、苯、萘及總酚檢出超過管制標準值。(四) 96年3月完成山上鄉掩埋場2口標準監測井及將軍鄉棄置場4口簡易井設置作業,並進行地下水採樣分析工作。山上鄉掩埋場地下水檢出錳、氨氮及總有機碳超過第二類地下水污染監測基準值。將軍鄉地下水檢出砷濃度超過地下水污染管制標準;鐵、錳、砷、氯鹽、氨氮、總硬度、總溶解固體物及總有機碳超過地下水污染監測基準值。(五) 96年5月執行新營市福懋新營加油站、永康市六甲頂加油站及仁德鄉南昇加油站等3家加油站第二階段之土壤污染調查及簡易井設置作業,並進行地下水採樣分析工作。調查結果南昇加油站土壤中檢出苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物濃度超過土壤污染管制標準;地下水中(簡易井)檢出苯、甲苯及奈濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。(六) 96年5月執行仁德鄉二橋段597、597-1、597-2地號及車路墘段940地號土壤污染查證工作。由10組土壤樣品的調查結果顯示均未超過土壤污染監測基準。(七) 96年6月執行仁德鄉南昇加油站第三階段之標準監測井設置(2口)及地下水採樣調查。由調查結果該站地下水中苯及總酚濃度超過污染管制標準,建議應公告為污染控制場址。另依據「土壤及地下水污染控制場址初步評估辦法」初評後應列為整治場址,建議環保局報請環保署審核公告列為整治場址,或依「土壤及地下水污染控制場址初步評估辦法」第六條發函通知南昇加油站得申請辦理健康風險評估。(八) 96年7月執行仁德鄉二橋段595-1~595-4地號及車路墘段950地號土壤污染查證工作。由7組樣品的調查結果顯示二橋段595-1~595-4地號重金屬鉻濃度超過土壤污染監測基準;車路墘段950地號鋅濃度超過監測基準(食用作物農地)。(九) 96年8月執行麻豆鎮埤頭段565-2、567、611等3筆地號及善化鎮善化段2818地號土壤污染查證工作,調查結果麻豆鎮埤頭段611地號重金屬鋅濃度超過監測基準(食用作物農地)。(十) 配合污染範圍界定於96年9月執行新營市長榮路加油站(1口)及仁德鄉南昇加油站(2口)等簡易井設置及地下水採樣分析工作。由調查結果顯示南昇加油站地下水中苯、甲苯及萘濃度超過第二類地下水污染管制標準。本計畫已將南昇加油站歷次調查結果提供給環保局,並協助環保局進行後續場址公告及評估作業。(十一)96年9月執行新營市福懋新營加油站及永康市六甲頂加油站共計3口次簡易井封井工作。二、土壤定期監測場址監測工作(共21筆土地):本年度車路墘段950地號中心點之鋅、入水口之銅、鉛、鋅,以及善化段2818地號之鋅濃度等超過食用作物農地管制標準的狀況,其餘監測結果與歷年類似並無明顯異常。本計畫後續依環保局指示,分別針對車路墘段950地號及善化段2818地號進行污染查證。由調查結果車路墘段950地號鋅濃度超過食用作物農地監測基準值;善化鎮善化段2818地號則由於旭成公司承租後,經由以客土墊地、翻轉稀釋方式改善,本次查證重金屬分析結果皆低於食用作物農地監測基準值。三、地下水定期監測場址監測工作:本年度定期監測的結果與歷年結果類似,大都屬於鐵、錳與氨氮等濃度偏高的狀況。此與區域性的監測結果相符,推測地下水中鐵、錳偏高的原因主要與區域性的地質因素有關,而氨氮可能與區域性的農業的活動與人類活動等相關。其中北門鄉及將軍鄉因靠近沿海地區,研判受海水影響,致地下水中氯鹽、導電度、硫酸鹽及總硬度超過監測基準。四、本計畫於95年11月完成36口區域性地下水監測井維護。針對維護時調查水力傳導係數偏低及泥砂淤塞程度篩選出菁寮國小、宅港國小、官田國小、北門高中及善化國小等5口區域性監測井,於96年5月執行氣提法洗井之功能性維護。五、GIS系統資料庫已完成本計畫總計175筆調查資料之匯入(監督驗證查核採樣數據72筆、土壤定期監測調查數據45筆及地下水定期監測調查數據58筆),並已上傳至環保署土壤及地下水污染場址GIS資料庫。六、地下儲槽系統「防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備」之定期監測申報資料審查及管理資料庫建檔工作,共計已完成462件。七、配合環保署「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條指定公告事項之修正,96年4月30日於台南科學工業園區管理局一樓演藝廳舉辦1場次之法規宣導說明會。
EngTitle The project of soi and groundwater pollution prevention, Investigation, supervising, and verification in 2006
EngAbstract The project definition and work classification meeting was taken place on the date of signing and the proceedings included the supervision of this project and tasks of investigation, the examination fields of soil and groundwater regular monitoring, establishment of database and assistance of inspection, details of public symposiums, etc. Moreover, according to the contrast, a project engineer was designated in EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau) to assist the project, and a car was offered as well. The schedules and work summaries of this project are shown as Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1. The execution and results of each work classification are illustrated as follows:一、Verification and certification of the soil and groundwater pollution:(一)(二)In January and February, 2007, the examination of gas leaking at 12 gas stations was executed. The results showed that Formosa Sin-Ying Gas Station, Liou-Jia-Ding Gas Station and Nan-Sheng Gas Station had highly possibility of gas contamination.(三)In March, 2007, the investigation on groundwater at Ga-Zen Gas Station in Ren-De was accomplished (12 samples) and the results revealed that toluene, benzene, naphthalene and phenols were above the groundwater pollution control standards.(四)In March, 2007, the construction of 2 monitoring wells at Shan-Shang Landfill and 4 temporary wells at Jian-Gjyun Township Landfill was completed, and the sampling of groundwater was carried out later. The results demonstrated that Mn, NH3-N and TOC at Shan-Shang Landfill and Fe, Mn, As, Cl-, NH3-N, Hardness, SS and TOC at Jian-Gjyun Landfill were above the second category groundwater pollution monitoring standards. Additionally, as examined at Jian-Gjyun Landfill was also above the second category groundwater pollution control standards.(五)In May, 2007, the second investigation of soil contamination, construction of temporary wells and sampling of groundwater at gas stations (Formosa Gas Station in Shin-Ying City, Liou-Jia-Ding Gas Station in Yon-Kang City and Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De) were finished. The results of Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De showed that benzene, xylene and TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) in soil were above the soil pollution control standards and toluene, benzene and naphthalene in groundwater were above the second category groundwater pollution control standards.(六)In May, 2007, the examination of soil contamination on parcel 597, 597-1, 597-2 at Er-Ciiao Section and on parcel 940 at Che-Lu-chien Section in Ren-De was completed (10 samples) and clarify that no contaminants exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards.(七)In June, 2007, the establishment of 2 monitoring wells and sampling of groundwater at Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De was executed. The examination illustrated that benzene and phenols were above the second category groundwater pollution control standards. Therefore, Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De should be declared as a pollution control site. In addition, according to “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Site Preliminary Assessment Regulations”, the site was defined as a pollution remediation site via preliminary assessment. It was suggested that EPB should send the site report to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to be reviewed and declared as a pollution remediation site, or notice Nan-Shan Gas Station to apply for a health risk assessment according to “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Site Preliminary Assessment Regulations” article 6.(八)In July, 2007, the investigation of soil contamination on parcel 595-1 to 595-4 at Er-Ciiao Section and parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section in Ren-De was accomplished (7 samples). It was found that Cr was above the soil pollution monitoring standards on parcel 595-1 to 595-4 at Er-Ciiao Section and Zn was above the farmland soil monitoring standards on parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section.(九)In August, 2007, the inspection of soil contamination on parcel 565-2, 567 and 611 at Pi-Tou Section in Ma-Dou and on parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section in Shan-Hua was carried out. The results revealed that Zn was above the farmland soil monitoring standards on parcel 611 at Pi-Tou Section in Ma-Dou. (十)In September, 2007, the construction of temporary wells at Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De and Chang-Jung Rd. Gas Station in Shin-Ying was built (total was 3 wells). Besides, the sampling of groundwater was also carried out. The results showed that benzene, toluene and naphthalene in groundwater were above the second category groundwater pollution control standards at Nan-Shan Gas Station.(十一)In September, 2007, total 3 temporary wells were sealed at Formosa Gas Station in Shin-Ying City and Liou-Jia-Ding Gas Station in Yong-Kang City. 二、Regular soil monitoring: In the work classification, the results indicated that Zn (in the center of farmland and at the water entrance), Cu (at the water entrance) and Pb (at the water entrance) on parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section and Zn on parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section were even above the farmland soil pollution standards. In accordance with the request of EPB, the following step was to investigate the soil contamination of parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section and parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section. The investigation indicated that Zn on parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section was above the farmland soil monitoring standards and all heavy metals were under the farmland soil monitoring standards on parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section because of the soil remediation via excavation and dilution by Hsu-Cheng Ltd in their lease.三、Regular groundwater monitoring: In this year, 2 times of regular groundwater monitoring were carried out and the results showed that high concentration of Fe, Mn and NH3-N was often examined which is similar to the regional groundwater monitoring. It was supposed that the reason for high concentration of Fe and Mn was associated with the regional geology and NH3-N was related to the agriculture or other human being activities in the region. Besides, the results of high chlorite, EC (electric conductivity), sulfate and hardness in groundwater in Pei-Men and Chian-Chun above the groundwater pollution monitoring standards were inferred from the vicinity of coast.四、The first conservation of 36 regional monitoring wells was carried out during November 9 to November 20 in 2006 and the second was during May 23 to May 28 in 2007. While making the second maintenance, 5 low hydraulic coefficient and silty monitoring wells (Ching-Liao elementary school, Chai-Kang elementary school, Guan-Tian elementary school, Pei-Mem high school, Shan-Hua elementary school) were washed via air stripping.五、The 72 investigation and sampling data, 45 regular soil monitoring data and 58 regular groundwater monitoring data were updated and uploaded to the EPA GIS database of soil and groundwater pollution sites.六、Total 462 files about regular monitoring reports were created and updated in the database of groundwater pollution prevention and monitoring facilities in UST (underground storage tank) system.七、Association with the declaration of the implementation of revisions of article 8 and 9 in “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”, a legislation symposium was held in the auditorium in Southern Tainan Science Park Administration on April 30, 2007.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司