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Title 推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫
Abstract 本計畫為環保署為因應行政院消費者保護委員會第126次委員會議之決議所展開之『室內空氣品質管理推動方案』,第一年規劃之四大目摽包括:1.建置公共場所室內空氣品質檢測、自主管理制度及室內空氣品質分級標章制度;2.建置室內空氣品質檢測及管理專責人員認證制度;3.建置室內空氣品質改善指引,並提供室內空氣品質改善技術諮詢服務;4.蒐集國際資訊及建置我國室內空氣品質管理資訊網站,推動相關宣導工作。室內空氣品質檢測、自主管理制度及分級標章制度之建置部份,本計畫搭配專責人員及查證人員課程訓練,針對20家公共場所進行規劃之自主管理優良認證流程。主要參考美國及香港之採樣區、採樣點選取原則及最低代表性採樣點數之建議,先以直讀式儀器選取場所空氣品質最差的點位,再以我國環檢所公告室內空氣品質標準檢測方法進行檢測,並擬依此結果進行優良管理之認證。分級標章部分則參考國外作法建議出兩種方案,一為將國內兩類建議值比照香港分級標章,分為良好級及卓越級;另一為結合綠建材標章、及ISO14000管理精神分級,結合參與程度及濃度分三級,建立建築物室內空氣品質管理優良標章。建置室內空氣品質檢測及管理專責人員認證制度的部份,依據環保署擬定之室內空氣管理法草案中規劃之專責人員及查證人員制度,本計畫收集香港、美國、中國及日本之室內空氣品質管理專業人員訓練規劃之資料,參考美國及香港的作法規劃我出國之室內空氣品質「專責人員」及「查證人員」之「資格、訓練、講習以及許可方式」,並辦理專責人員及查證人員訓練班各一班驗證前述制度之適用性,以作為未來制度修訂時之參考。建置室內空氣品質改善指引,提供室內空氣品質改善技術諮詢服務的部份,本計畫完成辦公大樓、醫院、商場、電影院、及一般住家室內空氣品質改善指引,另因應推動方案,本計畫針對各部會相關法規及執行事項提出增修建議。蒐集國際資訊及建置我國室內空氣品質管理資訊網站,推動相關宣導工作的部份,除蒐集九大國家或國際組織對室內空氣品質相關之管理情形,並且建置完成室內空氣品質管理資訊網站。並舉辦一場國際研討會,會中邀請日、港、台灣之專家進行交流及指導。藉由此研討會以及多次專家諮詢會、部會協商逐漸擬定出未來室內空氣品質管理之策略。
EngTitle Project Plan for Indoor Air Quality Management in Public Place
EngAbstract This project supports “indoor air quality management introduction program” proposed by EPA regarding to the conclusion from 126th committee meeting by consumer protection commission, Executive Yuan. The main goals for the first year are to:1.develop indoor air quality testing, self-management and labeling policies;2.develop IAQ specialist certification procedures for indoor air quality testing and management;3.develop indoor air quality improvement guide and provide technical consultant service;4.collect international information and build up indoor air quality website to facilitate promotion on indoor air quality management.For the first goal, the project has implemented the testing and self-management procedures on 20 public places along with the specialists who were trained by the certification courses from this project. The sampling area, sampling location selection criteria, and lowest sampling numbers recommendation were chosen according to information from US EPA and Hong Kong. Potable or direct-reading devices were first utilized to find the worst location within the indoor air quality section. Standard sampling methods announced by Environmental Analysis Laboratory were then utilized for certification of good IAQ management. As for the labeling system, the project proposed two program according to international information:one is to use the value recommended by EPA as the classification method used in Hong Kong which divided into good and excellent classes. Another one is to integrate green material labeling information, ISO14000, and indoor air pollutant levels into one labeling system with three levels.For the second goal, according to the role of “IAQ Dedicated person” and “IAQ Inspector” in the draft indoor air quality management act, two classes of training courses have been held for both roles refer to the training plan implemented in USA and Hong-Kong. For the third goal, the project has developed indoor air quality improvement guide for office buildings, hospitals, shopping mall, movie theaters and residential home, and also provided suggestion for future management and regulation development or amendment for different responsible sectors.For the fourth goal, besides the indoor air quality website has been built, an international conference was held in October which gathered IAQ professionals from Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to share experiences. Through the conference and several consultant meetings and sectors coordination meetings, strategies have been gradually developed for future IAQ management.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華物業管理協會