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Title 半導體業研磨廢水及光電業廢水水質特性分析及管制標準探討計畫
Abstract 台灣經濟發展以高科技產業為主,半導體業製程之研磨廢水及光電業產生氮、磷廢水,若未妥善處理將對環境造成嚴重衝擊,本計畫由現場調查與現行市面上廢水處理技術之探討,研提相關管理資料以利環保署參考管理。全國半導體業者共計226家,受水污染防治法管制者計有183家,約佔81%,每日排放之總廢水量197,138 CMD,且以積體電路(IC)為大宗。光電業者共計133家,其中有126家是受水污染防治法管制者,約佔95 %,光電業每日排放之總廢水量高達194,877.37 CMD,就產品與排放廢水量來看,以光電顯示器占83.34 ﹪最多。在管理方式就半導體業與光電業之管理,分別針對管制與不管制進行分析。在半導體業方面,近年國內業者已對研磨廢水多有處理或回收再利用,而致使承受水體渾濁現象已不復見,民眾所擔憂河川之不明白色混濁狀之液體現今已不存在,因此建議對於半導體業之研磨廢水暫且不需特別進行管制。光電業方面,本計畫之執行成果發現有必要針對其氨氮、正磷酸鹽廢水進行管制,以階段性訂定標準,促使廠商改善,以利檢測資料之建立及解決業者之反彈之溝通。目前建議氨氮及磷酸根之標準應可分別訂在10 mg/L及4 mg/L,標準與水源保護區者同,但可擴及非保護區之水體。
EngTitle Wastewater quality characterization and effluent standard study of semiconductor industry and optoelectronics industry
EngAbstract The development of Taiwanese economics relies mainly on hi-tech industry. If the grinding wastewater generated from the semiconductor industry and the nitrogen, phosphorus wastewater generated from the photovoltaic industry is not treated suitably, it will cause severe impact to the environment. This plan will propose the relevant management information to the Environmental Protection Administration for its management reference through field investigation and the study of current commercial wastewater treatment technology.There are 226 semiconductor firms in the whole nation. Among them, 183 firms are controlled by the Water Control Act, which account for about 81%. Total wastewater discharged is 197,138 CMD every day, and it is mainly discharged from the integrated circuit (IC). There are 133 photovoltaic firms. Among them, 126 firms are controlled by the Water Control Act, which account for about 95%. Total wastewater discharged is up to 194,877.37 CMD. As considering the products and amount of wastewater discharged, it is mainly discharged from the photovoltaic display, which accounts for 83.34%.As for the management way of the semiconductor industry and the photovoltaic industry, the control condition and un-control condition are analyzed, respectively. As for the semiconductor industry, the domestic firms have treated of recovered or reused the grinding wastewater, and the turbid phenomenon of water body is unable to be seen again. The unknown white turbid liquid worried by the people in the rivers does not exist any more. Therefore, it is recommended not to control the grinding wastewater generated from the semiconductor industry temporarily. As for the photovoltaic industry, the execution result of this plan finds that it is necessary to control to its ammonia-nitrogen, orthophosphate wastewater. Stipulate the standard in stages, motivate the manufacturer to conduct the improvement, in order to create the inspection and test data and resolve the communication of rebounding manufacturers. At present, it is recommended to set the standard to be 10 mg/L and 4 mg/L for ammonia-nitrogen and phosphate group, respectively. It is the same as the standard in water resource protection area, but it can be extended to the water body of non protection area.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 鋒騰科技有限公司