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Title 中部地區河川揚塵對空氣品質影響之調查評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫之研究目標,包括對中部大安溪、大甲溪、烏溪及濁水溪河口之飛砂特性展開觀測工作,期能瞭解影響該區域飛砂發生之因素,除建立適用於該區飛砂量推估之模式外,並將建置高解析中尺度之氣象數值模式,提高河川揚塵日預報之準確性,以便於河川揚塵期間進行大氣懸浮微粒之採樣作業。另將配合懸浮微粒之化學組成分析及受體模式,評估河川揚塵日其沙塵對大氣懸浮微粒之貢獻量。潛在揚塵發生區位可藉由遙測影像判釋、航照圖以及數位高程資料劃定,本年度計畫實際調查濁水溪自強大橋至濱水大橋間,其凸槽段河最易產生河床揚塵現象,配合實地量測風蝕深度與河床質粒徑調查,可推估河川揚塵對PM10之貢獻量,調查結果其最大揚塵作用對PM10之總貢獻量為84085m3。本研究藉由河床裸露地之實地調查及施作,發現以跳島式植生自然入侵環境,能有效的營造出自然之植生草帶,且為最經濟有效之河床裸露地復育方式;扦插牧草以及自然入侵之田根仔草,則可作為河床揚塵潛在區位之防風定砂用草,並提供揚塵發生區位植生自然入侵之種源。中部地區四條河川之河床質地分析結果,以大甲溪砂粒之中值粒徑最小,濁水溪最大。在形狀係數方面,大安溪之砂粒校接近圓球狀,大肚溪、大甲溪與濁水溪較為扁平。而砂粒起動風速分別為:大安溪3.21 m/sec、大甲溪3.0 m/sec、烏溪3.21 m/sec及濁水溪3.73 m/sec,可作為往後河床防風定砂之參考值。在摩擦速度方面以濁水溪最高顯示其風力梯度愈大,易造成嚴重之風蝕問題,對於當地之揚塵災害愈嚴重。經風洞試驗得知,濁水溪飛砂運動型態以懸浮為主,而滾動與跳躍之運動落於集砂盒中之砂量顯得較少,顯示濁水溪之風速大於砂粒起動風速之條件下,易發生大量之揚塵現象。利用算術平均、複迴歸模式及二次曲線之最小值處理空品測站歷年懸浮微粒與風速間之相關性,結果發現由算術平均所求得之第Ⅰ象限(高風速及高PM10區間)與第Ⅱ象限(低風速及高PM10區間)之切點很接近複迴歸模式及二次曲線之值,此結果顯示利用簡單之算術平均即可獲得適當之第Ⅰ象限與第Ⅱ象限之風速切點。在高風速及高PM10區間(象限Ⅰ),其PM10濃度與風速呈顯著正相關,扣除大陸沙塵暴之影響,此區間可視為受到河川揚塵影響區。由各空品測站之PM2.5/PM10比值,發現該比值與風速呈顯著負相關。亦即風速愈大,各測站懸浮微粒之粒徑愈大,顯示風速較大其揚塵現象愈明顯。在空品、河床底泥及街道成土之化學性質分析方面,除硝酸根離子外,其餘離子其河床中之含量均明顯高於街塵中之離子含量。在金屬元素中則呈現相反之現象,大部份之金屬元素其街塵之含量均高於河床中之含量,其中又以Fe、Mn、Zn、Pb及Mo等元素最明顯。這些結果顯示部份之陰陽離子及金屬元素能作為河床之指紋資料,並可將河床揚塵及街道揚塵之影響加以區別出來。利用不同污染源之指紋來製作模擬樣本,並使用CMB與PMF兩種模式去比較其分析結果的好壞。由模式分析出來的結果,可以比對污染源指紋分析出隧道、海水飛沫、交通、鋼鐵廠、中部河川等污染源;而河川揚塵對所有的測站之貢獻量都很大,尤其在伸港(sample29,2/1)的貢獻量為最高。藉此證實中部地區的許多測站都有受到河川揚塵的影響。
EngTitle Character of aeolian dust from the rivers and main factors leading to high dust concentrations in the air
EngAbstract The purposes of this study are to observe the character of aeolian dust from the rivers of Da An, Da Jia, Da Tu and Zhou Shui, and try to find out the main factors leading to high dust concentrations in the air of the areas studied. Furthermore, a model by which the amount of aeolian dust in those areas may be calculated has been established), and a high resolution meso-scale meteorological model to enhance the accuracy of weather forecasting has also been created. Finally, receptor models were applied to chemical components of aerosols to evaluate the river dust contribution to aerosols.The section from bridge Zih-jiang to Si-bin of Zhou Shui River was selected as the study area. Image interpretation derived from SPOT imagery coupled with the aerial photos and the sites of the convex bank were used to delineate the potential areas along the riverbanks which are most susceptible to wind erosion. The amounts of PM10 emission potential can be estimated from the wind erosion depth and particle size distribution investigated at the potential areas of dust emission. The suitable vegetation sites for the potential areas of dust emission on the riverbed can be categorized into the bare sites along the main channel and the uncultivated areas at the flood plain. Rows of grass or other vegetation should be set up at the southern rims of cultivated areas along the northern bank to act as wind buffers during monsoons. For uncultivated areas at the flood plain, rows of sowed grass can be arranged at the downwind areas of the soil dust emission places for sand fixation and to form a dune for increasing the probability of natural plant invasion. With a goal of decreasing wind erosion, the dunes formed by rows of sowed grass become so-called “step-islands”, which are bases for providing seed pools for natural seeding at the potential areas of dust emission.The physical characteristics of the river sand collected from Da An, Da Jia, Da Tu and Zhou Shui Rivers were measured. The results showed that diameter of the sand at the Da Jia River was the smallest while that of the Zhou Shui River was the largest. The shape of coefficient was somewhat spherical at Da An River, but was more flat at Da Tu, Da Jia, and Zhou Shui Rivers. The threshold velocities for aeolian sand were:3.21 m/sec at Da An River, 3.0 m/sec at Da Jia River, 3.21 m/sec at Da Tu River and 3.73 m/sec at Zhou Shui River. The Zhou Shui River had the highest gradient of wind velocity, showing that the wind erosion phenomenon was most serious there. A wind tunnel experiment showed that the major motion of sand was suspension for the Zhou Shui River. This indicates that aeolian dust easily occured at the Zhou Shui River site. Arithmetic mean, multiple regressions and the minimum of conic section were used to find out the optimum cutoff points of wind speed between quadrantⅠ(high wind speed, high PM10) and Ⅱ (low wind speed, high PM10). The results showed that the wind speed threshold determined by using arithmetic mean was close to the data by using multiple regressions and conic section methods. This meant that the simplest method of arithmetic mean is acceptable to obtain the optimum cutoff points of wind speed between quadrantsⅠand Ⅱ. Data from the air quality monitoring stations showed significant positive correlation between PM10 concentration and wind speed in quadrantⅠ (high wind speed, high PM10). After the episodes of Asian dust storms during the sampling times were excluded, the remaining episodes in quadrantⅠcould be attributed to the effects of dust episodes from riverbeds. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation between PM2.5/PM10 ratio and wind speed in the data of the air quality monitoring stations was found, indicating that aeolian dust did contribute to the aerosols in the study areas. Except for NO3-, the ionic concentrations in the riverbeds were all higher than those in the street dust. However, the concentrations of metals, especially for Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb and Mo, in the street dust were all higher than those in the riverbeds. These data show that the ionic and metal concentrations could be used as fingerprints to separate dust from riverbed sources from street dust in aerosol samples.In order to compare the capability of CMB and PMF, we made some artificial samples from known source profiles. The simulation results showed that PMF can easily be used to determine sources such as tunnels, sea spray, traffic, steal mills or riverbanks. When PMF was applied on real samples collected in the study, it was found that riverbeds were the major contributing source of particular matter, especially for samples collected in Shen-Kang (Chang Hua County).
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中山醫學大學