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Title 推動含汞乾電池、汞體溫計及汞血壓計禁限用計畫
Abstract 隨著科技進步,電子儀器及消費性電子產品蓬勃發展,例如含汞乾電池、汞體溫計及汞血壓計等。部分產品中含有對環境有害之汞,如未妥善回收處理,若流布於環境中將可能造成生物體內累積及環境污染,致危害人體。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)有鑑於汞對環境及人體健康之危害,故針對含汞乾電池、汞體溫計及汞血壓計推動禁限用計畫,而本計畫執行完成之工作內容包括:(一)推動「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」政策方面1.已協助本項政策實施前相關準備工作與配套措施(1)自95年4月起完成辦理20場次以上之宣導說明會,達517家次業者參加會議。(2)自已完成123家956式之指定電池確認文件核發,保障合法業者之權益。(3)於95年8月完成制訂「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣稽查作業原則」,並完成9場次稽查人員訓練,計517人次參訓。(4)編製稽查作業手冊300冊,提供各縣市執行機關辦理稽查作業使用。2.業者多已配合本項政策實施(1)業者汞含量自行檢測結果達562式(59%)之測值為N.D;385式檢測值為0.5ppm以下(不含N.D值者),僅約1%之指定電池式樣汞含量自行檢測值達管制限值之十分之一(0.5ppm)以上,顯示國內市場確已導向低汞電池商品3.主管機關配合執行稽查工作情形良好(1)經主管機關自95年9月起積極辦理稽查作業成果顯示,至96年1月列管之製造、輸入業者為209家;販賣業者達20,005家(含執行期間新增1067家及篩除950家),累計稽查製造、輸入業者310家次;販賣業者21,536家次,稽查率均已達100%以上,顯示環保局配合本政策執行狀況良好。(2)販賣業者之違規比例僅0.26%且呈逐月下降趨勢(以附指定電池物品無確認文件為主,研判為少量隨附指定電池物品夾帶進口或政策實施前之既存商品所致),已告發36家次並追查上游來源19家次。4.附指定電池物品及無確認文件者仍須加強稽查(1)依據送驗結果顯示,500式樣品中,有28式樣品(佔5.6%)超過5ppm標準值(最高值為99.2ppm),其中3式為已取得確認文件者。其販賣型式以附指定電池為主,佔75%。就產地而言,不合格之樣品中係以無標示者14式佔多數(不合格率42%);製造國為中國者計13式(不合格率3.6%)。(2)五大都會區之夜市及週邊攤販或低價商品店稽查結果顯示,附指定電池物品種類繁多且商品販售期較長(部份為政策實施前之既存商品),相對販售電池者較易見少量無確認文件之違規情形。整體而言,攤販夜市之販售家數、數量少且違規情形並未如預期嚴重。 5.綜合上述,在指定電池汞含量管制政策方面,由列管業者比對、環保局稽查及本計畫抽驗結果顯示,已初步達成政策目標。(二)研擬汞體溫計及汞血壓計禁限用公告草案及配套措施方面 1.蒐集歐盟、瑞典、美國等先進國家或其地方政府之管理方式,均以禁限用政策為主,已明確查得採立法限制或禁止製造、輸入及販賣等管制方式進行體溫計/溫度計管制。 2.推估汞體溫計年使用汞物質重量為0.6公噸及血壓計年使用汞物質重量為1.6公噸,合計為2.2公噸。另依環保署毒管處掌握之汞運作申報資料顯示,國內95年度汞申報運作量為5.48公噸,主要用於工業用催化劑、日光燈及螢光燈之製造、水銀開關之製造及體溫計、壓力計之製造。其中用於體溫計、壓力計之製造為3.0公噸,約佔總量之55%,顯示汞體溫計及血壓計確為國內汞主要排放源之一。3.本計畫已完成研擬汞體溫計禁限用公告草案,並建議優先建立含汞產品最適化之清理體系及再利用管道,同時規劃對使用中之含汞產品採行鼓勵回收措施。4.因汞體溫計及汞血壓計等均屬衛生署依藥事法管制之醫療器材,需申請製造或輸入許可證後始得為之。同時,本署毒管處已公告自97年1月1日起禁止用於溫度計之製造。故有關擬訂汞體溫計及汞血壓計之禁限用政策管制方式與權責時,尚需考量相關單位法規之競合與配合執行方式層面,以確保政策可行。
EngTitle Promoting the Project of Prohibiting and Limiting the Use of Mercury Dry Battery, Mercury Thermometer and Mercury manometer
EngAbstract With the scientific and technological progress, the development of electronic instrument and consuming electronic products is very prosperous, such as mercury dry battery, mercury thermometer and mercury manometer etc. Part of products contains the mercury which is harmful to the environment. If it is not recovered and treated properly so that it is released to the environment, it may cause the environmental pollution and be accumulated in the organism, which may endanger the human body. Due to the mercury is harmful to the environment and human health, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to prohibit and limit the use of mercury dry battery, mercury thermometer and mercury manometer. The content of work completed by the execution of this project includes:(一)As for promoting the policy of “Restriction of the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Mercury-containing Dry Cell Batteries”1.Help finish relevant preparation works and supplementary measures before the implementation of this policy(1)Since April of 2006, more than 20 promulgating demonstration sessions have been completed, and 517 companies have attended the session.(2)The appointed battery confirmation documents for 956 types of battery have been issued to 123 companies, in order to protect the rights of legal companies.(3)In August of 2006, the establishment of “Audit Operation Rules for the Restriction of the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Mercury-containing Dry Cell Batteries” has been finished, and 9 sessions of auditor training has been completed, and 517 persons attended the sessions.(4)Edit 300 audit operation manuals, which are submitted to the executive authorities of counties and cities for implementing audit operation.2.Almost all companies have to cooperate with the implementation of this policy(1)As for the self measuring results by the companies, the value is N. D. for 562 types (59%); below 0.5ppm for 385 types (excluding N. D. value), the measuring value of only about 1% of battery type is above one tenth of limited value (0.5ppm). It shows that the domestic market has already led to the low mercury battery merchandise.3.The competent authority cooperates and carries out the audit work well(1)From September of 2006 to January of 2007, the audit results of the competent authority show that there are 209 manufacturers, importers, and 20,005 (including 1067 newly added and 950 screened out during the implementation period) vendors. The manufacturers and importers were audited for 310 times, and the vendors were audited for 21,536 times. The audit rate has reached 100% already. It shows that the Environmental Protection Bureau has cooperated and carried out this policy well.(2)The violation rate of vendors is only 0.26% and it is decreasing month by month (no confirmation document for the designated battery attached to another goods mainly, it might be the battery accompanied with importing goods or the existing goods before the implementation of policy). 36 companies have already been denounced and 19 upstream source companies have been traced.4.The designated battery attached to another goods and without confirmation document shall be strengthened(1)According to the test results of 500 types of sample, the value of 28 types of sample (5.6%) exceeds 5ppm (maximum value is 99.2ppm) which 3 types of sample have got confirmation document. Its selling type is attached designated battery mainly, which accounts for 75%. As for the producing country, 14 types of rejected sample have no label in majority (42% of rejection rate). Where 13 types are manufactured in Mainland China (3.6% of rejection rate).(2)The audit results for evening markets, peripheral street peddlers or low price stores show that there are many kinds of appointed battery and the sales period is quite long and appointed battery to be article various in style to enclose and goods sell issue long (part of them is the existing goods before the implementation of policy). It is easy to find that a small quantity of merchandise violates with no confirmation document. Generally speaking, the merchandise sold in street peddlers and evening markets is small in quantity and the violation is not serious as anticipated.5.From above-mentioned description, as for the control policy for the mercury content in designated battery, the policy goal has been achieved primarily through the results of the comparison of controlled companies, the audit of Environmental Protection Bureau and the sampling inspection of this project.(二)As for the preparation and drafting on the announcement draft and supplementary measure for prohibiting and limiting the utilization of mercury thermometer and mercury manometer1.Collect the management way of the advanced country, such as European Union, Sweden, U.S.A. etc. or other local government, their policy relies mainly on prohibiting and limiting the utilization. The control way is to legislate the limitation and prohibition for the manufacturing, import and sales of thermometer/manometer.2.It is estimated that the consumption of mercury is 0.6 tons for the mercury thermometer and 1.6 tons for the manometer every year, which is 2.2 tons totally. According to the reporting information grasped by the Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management of EPA, the consumption of mercury was 5,048 tons in 2006, which was mainly used in the industrial catalyst, sunlight lamp and fluorescent lamp mercury switch, thermometer and manometer. Where 3.0 tons were used in the manufacturing of thermometer and mercury manometer, which accounted for about 55%. It shows that the mercury thermometer and manometer is really one of the emission sources mainly for the domestic mercury.3.This project has already finished the preparation and drafting on the announcement draft for prohibiting the utilization of mercury thermometer, and recommended to create the optimal disposal system and reuse channel of mercury products, and planned to adopt the encourage measures to the recovery of mercury products.4.Due to the mercury thermometer and mercury manometer etc. belong to the medical device controlled by the Medicine Law of National Health Administration, it is necessary to apply the manufacturing or import license. Meanwhile, the Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management of EPA has announced that the mercury is prohibited for the manufacturing of thermometer since January 1, 2008. So upon preparing the control policy and responsibility for prohibiting and limiting the utilization of mercury thermometer and mercury manometer, it still needs to consider the integrated and cooperative way of relevant regulations, so as to ensure the feasibility of the policy.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司