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Title 固定污染源毒性空氣污染物(戴奧辛及重金屬)管制規範
Abstract 本計畫研究對象為戴奧辛及重金屬,主要工作內容包括:排放清冊更新,排放檢測及環境監測、法規檢討與研訂及提供行政與技術支援;針對各項工作成果說明如下:戴奧辛部份,推估94年度戴奧辛排放總量為101.9 g I-TEQ/年,較93年度減少42.1 g I-TEQ/年,減少29%;最大污染源仍為台灣鋼聯公司。「煉鋼業集塵灰高溫冶煉設施戴奧辛管制及排放標準」於94年10月12日發布實施,95年度稽查結果顯示戴奧辛排放濃度皆符合排放標準;預期國內戴奧辛排放量將會持續下降。總計完成全國62站次、兩次環境空氣戴奧辛監測工作(分別於95年8月至95年10月、95年12月至96年1月),監測結果戴奧辛平均濃度分別為0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3及0.043 pg I-TEQ/m3(不含國家公園測站),環境空氣戴奧辛濃度以中部空品區及高屏空品區較高;國家公園測站濃度最低。由於國內戴奧辛排放量持續下降,環境空氣戴奧辛濃度與91、92年度調查數據相較(平均值0.089 pg I-TEQ/m3),也已經明顯降低許多。排放稽查部份,共完成燃煤電廠、電弧爐、焚化爐及台灣鋼聯公司等五座次污染源戴奧辛排放稽查檢測,稽查結果皆可符合排放標準值。重金屬部份,推估94年度各類別重金屬排放量發現,.鉛排放量為24.3噸/年;最大排放源為二級鉛冶煉製程,排放量為8.93噸/年。其他業別依據實際檢測數據推估發現,主要排放源為燃煤發電、燃煤汽電共生鍋爐、電弧爐和水泥窯。鎘排放量為0.946噸/年;燃煤發電鍋爐和燃煤汽電共生鍋爐是主要排放源,其次是水泥窯和電弧爐。汞排放量約為1.36噸/年;以水泥窯及垃圾焚化爐為主,各佔26.0%及20.0%,其次是電弧爐、燃煤發電鍋爐。砷排放量約為5.64噸/年;燃煤發電及燃煤汽電共生鍋爐為主要排放源,其次是水泥窯。研擬「半導體及光電業重金屬砷排放及管制規範」部份,以風險評估為基準,推估最大容許排放濃度並考量控制技術可行,建議砷排放標準為0.0015 mg/Nm3;檢討「固定污染源重金屬排放標準」部份,建議各類別重金屬排放標準分別為鉛及其化合物1.5 mg/Nm3、鎘及其化合物0.6 mg/Nm3、汞及其化合物1.6 mg/Nm3,及砷及其化合物重金屬排放標準值為0.1 mg/Nm3。
EngTitle The project of draft control stratgy, control technology evaluation and emission investigation for air toxic pollutants (Dioxins and heavy metals ) from the stationary sources
EngAbstract The objects of this project are dioxin and heavy metal, the scope of work for this project includes: 1) to update and establish the emission inventory of dioxin and heavy metal; 2) to execute the emission investigation from the stationary sources and environmental dioxin monitoring; 3) to assist in drafting the heavy metal emission standard and to review and amend the existing emission standard of dioxin; 4) to provide the technique and administrative assistant for the EPA . The achievements of this project are described as below:As dioxin parts, estimation of the total dioxin emission in Taiwan area is 101.9 g-TEQ in 2005. And less 42.1 g-TEQ than 2004( 29% less than 2004). The largest pollution source is still the Taiwan Union Steel. The”Dioxin control and emission standard of the ashes thermal refining facility for steel industry” was stipulated on October 12, 2006. According to all of the emission test data in 2006, it was showed that the dioxin emission from the Taiwan Union Steel can meet the standard. It is expected that the total dioxin emission will be lower in the future.There were a total of 62 sampling sites of the dioxin air monitoring and the executed sampling twice during this project (the monitoring was performed from Aug. 2006 to Oct. 2006 and from Dec. 2006 to Jan. 2007, respectively) it were showed that the overall average dioxin air concentration 0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3 and 0.043 pg I-TEQ/m3, respectively. (The national part monitoring stations were not included.) The Central air quality control area and the Kao-ping air quality control areas which were highly dioxin concentration. The national park area dioxin concentration was lowest. Due to the total dioxin emission was reduced yearly; the dioxin air concentration in 2006 was lower than 2002 and 2003(the average dioxin air concentration 0.089 pg I-TEQ/m3).There are a total of five points of pollution sources testing conducted in this project, which include coal electric utility, electric arc furnace, incinerator and Taiwan Union Steel. It was found that all of the emission from the pollution sources can meet the dioxin standard.As the heavy metal parts, estimation of the total lead emission in Taiwan area is 24.3 metric tons in 2005. The largest lead emission source is the secondary lead smelters which is 8.93 metric tons in 2005. The other major emission sources are the coal electric utilities, coal industry boilers, electric arc furnace and cement kiln.Estimation of the total cadmium emission in Taiwan area is 0.893 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are still the coal electric utilities, coal industry boilers, electric arc furnace and cement kiln. Estimation of the total mercury emission in Taiwan area is 1.36 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are cement kiln and municipal waste incinerators. The other major sources are electric arc furnace and coal electric utilities. Estimation of the total mercury emission in Taiwan area is 1.36 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are cement kiln and municipal waste incinerators. The other major sources are electric arc furnace and coal electric utilities. Estimation of the total arsenic emission in Taiwan area is 5.64 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are coal electric utilities, coal industry boilers, and cement kiln.Based on risk assessment and technology feasibility, the draft” Arsenic control and emission standard of the semiconductor manufacturing industry” was prepared. It was recommended that the arsenic emission standard was 0.0015 mg/Nm3. The heavy metal emission standard of the stationary sources was reviewed and the recommended revised standards are prepared in this project. The recommendations are: the lead emission standard is 1.5 mg/Nm3,the cadmium emission standard is 0.6 mg/Nm3 , the mercury emission standard is 1.6mg/Nm3 and the arsenic emission standard is 0.1 mg/Nm3.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司