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Title 屏東縣執行水污染許可登記及建檔管理計畫
Abstract 為了有效控制屏東縣內之水污染源,主管機關乃透過排放許可制度、水污染源管制資料管理系統、現場查核及水污染防治法規說明會等各項措施的施行,使轄縣內的事業單位能夠確實遵循法令的相關規定,期使屏東縣之環境品質向上提升為最終目的。於計畫期間協助環保局完成電腦資料庫建檔及更新筆數達2,377件,其中包括事業定期檢測申報資料1,684件,事業許可申請275件。於計畫期間(至11/20止),共協助審查許可申請及換證之案件達289件。相關的文書資料所建立的檔數約為2,024件。為配合環保署宣導業者相關法規說明,計針對轄區內所有業者辦理水污染防治法規暨設施輔導說明會共7場。畜牧單位出席率為54%事業出席率為57%。
EngTitle Ping-tung county wastewater discharges permit registration and database compilation project
EngAbstract For better control the Ping-tung county’s water pollution, the authority is enforcing the wastewater discharge permit regulation, administration of water pollution database, factory inspection and water pollution regulations information sessions. The aim is to make sure the industries within ping-tung county can follow the related regulations for enhancement of the environmental quality. During the period of the project, the followings are completed: 2377 cases of database compilation: including 1684 cases of dual-annual industrial declaration, 275 cases of industrial wastewater discharge permit application. Up to Nov. 20th, 289 cases of permit applications were processed. 2024cases of related data compilation were also completed. 7 information sessions related to the water pollution regulations for county industrial representatives were taken place. The attendance rates are 54% and 57% for livestock industries and industrial representatives, respectively.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司