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Title 空氣污染物排放清冊更新管理及空氣品質質損量推估計畫(第二年)
Abstract 排放量資料為管制工作執行主要參考的背景資料之一,環保署為有效整合推估全國污染排放量狀況,目前規劃為每三年進行一次全國排放量更新工作,前一版所完成之全國排放量資料庫為以89年為基準年之排放量資料庫[TEDS5.1],本計畫為兩年度計畫,主要目標為進行以92年為基準年之排放量資料庫建置,並據此版本(92年)排放量回溯修正歷年排放量及預測未來年之趨勢,去年度(九十四年度)初步完成[TEDS6.0]版資料庫之建立,今年度(九十五年度)主要進一步針對[TEDS6.0]資料庫中較為異常之排放量或有問題之資料進行檢核檢討修正,並針對後續模式模擬應用時所需之時間變化序列、指紋成份資料進行彙整更新,完成[TEDS6.1]版排放量資料庫的建置,同時更正完成76~91年歷年排放趨勢及檢討預測93~110年未來成長趨勢。除進行[TEDS6.1]排放量資料庫的推估外,本年度並持續進行短期可能影響排放量變化之相關活動指標的蒐集掌握與月排放量變化趨勢之推估,至期末報告階段所蒐集到已有較為完整活動強度統計量之時間係至95年10月。另配合主計處年度綠色國民所得帳編制時程,本年度持續利用[TEDS5.1]排放量補充推估至94年之空氣品質質損量提供給主計處。
EngTitle Update and Management of Air Pollution Emission Inventory and Estimation for Air Pollution Degradation(II)
EngAbstract In order to grasp the variation of domestic air pollution emissions, EPA had planned to update national emissions by a 3-year cycle. 2000 base year Emissions were finished in year 2003, and Emissions for 2003 is updated by year 2006. This project is a 2-year period continuity project for preparation of the 2003 emissions. [TEDS6.0] version’s databank of Taiwan emission data system for 2003 draft emissions has been prepared in 2005 and is finalized in 2006, which is called [TEDS6.1] version databank. The major works in this year are to review the extraordinary emissions data and to modify the errors in [TEDS6.0]. Time series data and speciates data for emission sources in recent years are also collected, which can be used to support the temporal, and speciation of emissions for modeling.Besides the estimation of 2003 emissions, updating emission trends for 1987~2002, projecting emission growth from 2004 to 2021 base on year 2003 and comparing the emission reductions of different control scenarios are also parts of the work items of this year’s project. Totally 3 reduction scenarios are compared. The evaluation results could be used as a reference for control strategy planning for future years.In support of EPA’s administration affairs, such as air degradation estimation(base on [TEDS5.1] version’s emissions) for 1994~2005, air quality improvement score calculation for SIP assessment of local BEP and modification for emissions web page are also conducted in the project.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程公司