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Title 空氣品質淨化區主要六種樹種全年淨化空氣汙染物總量評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在評估空氣品質淨化區主要六種樹種,實際測量其淨污總量,並提出高淨污優良樹種之選擇及建議,有效降低都會區嚴重之空氣污染。目前已蒐集並彙整空氣品質淨化區主要六種樹種﹙茄苳、樟樹、台灣櫸、光臘樹、烏心石、印度紫檀﹚淨化空氣污染之相關文獻及資料。已評估設計「塔架技術」,用於進行田間之測試,共已進行六種大樹之實測,發現大樹之淨污力普遍較小樹為低。在朝、午、晚、夜4個時段之吸收能力測試方面,已完成基本測試,確定植物之淨污能力與時間極有關連。於春、夏、秋、冬4個季節進行比較測試,已求取四季之平均淨污速率。有關乾燥與噴濕對植物淨污之實驗,已進行過基本之實驗,可知噴濕對植物之淨污力有提升之作用。 有關植物淨化鹽酸氣之能力,已進行過空箱及六種樹木之測試,其Vd值約與臭氧及二氧化氮相當。對六大樹種葉片實際滯塵、相對滯塵、背景滯塵之研究已有十足之進展。已採樣測試比較六種樹,可知台灣櫸一般有較佳之滯塵能力。 已採樣測試樹葉無雨兩日及四日之實際滯塵量,發現「兩日滯塵量」或「四日滯塵量」皆做為全年推估之標準。已擬妥總葉面積估算方法,在求取總葉面積後,已對六種樹木進行年株淨污量及年公頃淨污總量之推估與計算,結果為一公頃之大樹森林每年除可固碳約15公噸,造氧約10公噸之外,可滯塵2~21公噸,同時吸收15~54公斤之二氧化氮、12~42公斤之臭氧及概估約2~16公斤之鹽酸毒氣。本計畫自民國九十五年四月十九日開始執行,迄九十六年五月已依進度完成100%之進度。
EngTitle Yearly evaluation of total pollutant uptake amount for six common trees in Environmental parks
EngAbstract This project is to evaluate the total pollutant uptake amount for six common tree species in Taiwan’s Environmental parks. The target pollutants include NO2, O3, HCl, and particulates. Totally there are ten study items for this project. They are (1) literature review for total pollutant uptake amount for six common tree species, including Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum camphora, Zelkova serrata, Fraxinus formosana, Michelia compressa ,and Pterocarpus indicus. (2) establishing the measuring technology for adult trees. (3) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount for different ages of trees. (4) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount at different time periods in a day. (5) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount at different seasons. (6) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount under different light intensity. (7) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount under different humidity conditions. (8) measuring the total HCl uptake amount for six common tree species. (9) measuring the total particulate uptake amount for six common tree species. And (10) yearly evaluation of total pollutant uptake amount for six common tree species. Results showed that the pollutant uptake rates were different for different ages, different time periods in a day, different seasons, different light intensity, and different leaf wetness. The four-day dust deposition rate measured in non-rainy days was found to be ideal for estimating the yearly deposition rate of dust. Generally the big trees for a hectares can uptake 15~54 kg of NO2, 12~42 kg of O3, estimated 2~16 kg of HCl, 2~21 tons of dust, approximately 15 tons of CO2, and emit about 10 ton of oxygen. These data would be useful for Taiwan EPA and other organizations to select the good trees for planting in polluted areas in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學植物病理與微生物學系