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Title 執行汽油汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試暨相關管制制度之研究專案工作計畫
Abstract 於本年度計畫之中包含相當多的工作項目,如車輛排放污染管制工作的執行、管制制度的修訂與未來法規推動之先期研究等。例行性之車輛排放污染管制工作包含執行新車型管制作業與召回改正調查測試兩大部分。新車型管制作業部分包含審驗、新車抽驗、耐久計畫與品質管制等工作。審驗工作部份,本年度車輛業者申請審驗合格證明核發數,共核發333張審驗合格證明,包含908個車型。實車八萬公里耐久計畫審查部分,本年度申請八萬耐久計畫有三個引擎族。而採用指定劣化係數,申請量產後八萬公里實際路跑污染追蹤計畫的有2家業者共3個引擎族。執行新車抽驗作業部分,已完成199輛次之新車抽驗。而於94年度新車抽驗結果發現兩筆新車抽驗數據,由於測試不合排放標準導致新車抽驗不符合之狀況,並於今年度計畫中執行相關後續管制工作。新車品管查核工作上,在國產車方面已全數確實執行品管測試,而進口車尚有8家廠商未落實執行該品管檢測數量。執行使用中車輛召回改正調查測試工作,今年度共選取 10個引擎族進行調查測試,並完成50輛車之測試,其測試結果有2輛車不符合排放標準,但該引擎族之測試平均值仍符合排放標準,因此無需進行確認調查測試,所有引擎族皆符合排放標準。在蒐集95年度國外召回改正資料部份,藉由包含美國環保署與澳洲交通部所公告的召回改正案例,來確認國內車輛相關污染控制元件修改的狀況。於管制制度改進工作上,主要工作便是推動審驗作業系統電子化,使合格證申請作業與核備作業系統整合。今年本計畫已順利新增審核作業與E-Mail自動通知功能,並完成測試環境之建置。而新程式開發部分,包含【入口網站】程式、【帳號管理作業】程式、【資料維護作業】程式、【合格證申請作業】程式與【審核作業】程式之開發。並完成「模組測試」、「整合測試」與「平行測試」等測試工作。最後也是最重要之工作即是未來法規推動之先期研究,此部份之研究結果,將有助於中央主管機關於相關管制工作推動上之參考。包含進行國內環境影響排放係數之參數分析及汽油汽車行駛特性調查等在地化研究。並完成台灣地區汽油汽車排放總量模式操作軟體建置,與進行汽油汽車排放量估算與相關管制政策成本效益分析。再者,為因應四期法規的順利推動,於OBD管制制度上研擬汽油汽車OBD管制作業執行細則,包含新車型審驗認證、新車抽驗、品管測試、使用中車輛召回等階段。另,研擬合適之OBD測試報告格式,並依照我國OBD測試規範完成OBD研究測試,並出具研究報告。此外,亦針對我國汽油汽車蒸發排放之管制制度進行評估研究,與汽油汽車粒狀污染物(PM2.5)之來源分析及調查研究。此兩方向的研究皆是未來我國可加以推動之管制工作,藉由相關先期研究來協助環保署於相關管制決策上更加科學與明確。推動我國汽油汽車排氣污染管制工作對於國內環境空氣品質是相當重要的,而這樣長久持續的環境保護工作,可以有效降低我國汽油汽車之排氣污染對環境的衝擊,其成效也是有目共睹的。因此本計畫工作的多元化,主要是將有限資源作精確的分配與管理,讓整體產業與環境共存共榮。
EngTitle Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle
EngAbstract The plan of this year includes many work items, such as the execution of vehicle emission pollution control work, revision of the control system and preliminary study on the promotion of future regulations etc. The regular vehicle emission pollution control work includes the execution of new vehicle model control operation and the recall for corrective investigation and test. New vehicle model control operation includes the certification, new vehicle inspection, durability plan and quality control etc.As for the part of certification work, 333 certificates were issued to the motor companies, which included 908 models. As for the part of reviewing 80,000 km durability plan, three engine families were applied in this year. Two companies with three engine families were traced for the pollution of 80,000 km actual road test by adopting the designated degradation coefficient. As for the part of new vehicle inspection work, 199 vehicles have been finished. In 2005, the result of new vehicle inspection data showed two vehicles were rejected due to the failure of test. The relevant follow-up control work will be executed in the plan of this year. As for the check for quality control of new vehicles, the quality control test has been executed for all domestic vehicles, but 8 companies still have not completed the check of quality control of imported vehicles.As for the recall for corrective investigation and test work of using vehicles, 10 engine families were selected for the investigation and test in this year. 50 vehicles were tested, and the result showed 2 vehicles did not meet the emission standard. Bus the average value of said engine family still complied with the emission standard, so the investigation test did not have to be confirmed, and all engine families complied with the emission standard. Upon collecting the foreign recall corrective information in 2006, the corrective situation for relevant pollution control elements of domestic vehicles was confirmed through the recall correction cases issued by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the United States and Ministry of Transportation of Australia.As for the improvement work of control system, the major work is to promote the electronic certification system, in order to integrate the application operation and approval operation of certificate. In this year, the review operation and automatic E-Mail notification functions have been added smoothly in this plan, and the test environment has been set completely. As for the development of new program, the “Entry Website” program, “Account Number Management Operation” program, “Data Maintenance Operation” program, “Certificate Application Operation” program and “Review Operation” program have been developed. And the test works such as “Module Test”, “Integration Test” and “Parallel Test” have been finished.The final and the most important work is the preliminary study on the promotion of future regulations. The study result of this part will help the central competent authority for the promotion of control work. It includes the local study on the parameter analysis of emission coefficient with domestic environmental impact and the characteristic investigation for the driving of gasoline vehicle. The setup for the operation software of total emission amount of gasoline vehicle in Taiwan area has been finished, and the evaluation of gasoline vehicle emission amount and the cost-effective analysis of relevant control policy have been conducted.Furthermore, in order to respond the smooth pushes of Phase 4 regulations, the reinforcement of gasoline vehicle OBD control operation is proposed in OBD control system, which includes the certification of new vehicle model, new vehicle inspection, quality control test, and the recall of using vehicle etc. Besides, propose suitable format of OBD test report, complete OBD study test according OBD test standard of our country, and submit the study report. In addition, conduct the assessment study on the control system of gasoline vehicle evaporation emission in our country, and carry out the source analysis and investigation study of gasoline vehicle particulate pollutant (PM2.5). Both studies are the control works which can be promoted in our country in the future. The relevant preliminary study can be used to help the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to determine the relevant controls more scientifically and clearly.The promotion of gasoline vehicle emission pollution control work is very important for the air quality of domestic environment in our country. Such long-term and continual environmental protection work can reduce the environmental impact of gasoline vehicle emission pollution effectively in our country. The achievement will be very obvious to all people. So the works of this plan are diversified, which mainly make accurate distribution and management of limited resources, so that the whole industry and environment can coexist prosperously.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院