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Title 河川水質淨化工法設計研究計畫
Abstract 經匯整環保署補助25處不同工法河川水質淨化場址監測與實驗分析資料,及相關國內外資料蒐集,以及台北新海橋和渡南橋人工濕地之生態調查,和水磨坑溪人工濕地與前述2處場址之水質與水量長期現地監測分析,並透過2場近246位參與人員出席教育講習會之技術交流與分享,提出建議台灣水質淨化工法設計操作與維護考量如下: 1. 水質淨化成效主要以BOD、 SS、TP與NH4為對象,其平均濃度去除百分率分別為51.2%,3.3%,43.5%與50.3%,其中BOD、TP與NH4的淨化效率與國外水質自然淨化的效率接近,但是SS的淨化效率較低與水生植物密度較高、水力停滯時間較久有關。2. 表面流、地下流、礫間接觸工法,建置完工驗收後營運操作歷經一年、兩年、兩年以上,甚至過了工程保固期,仍然發揮水質淨化果效。比較2006、2005、2004年設置之自然淨化場址,其水質處理成效逐年增加,證明三年來環保署對於水質淨化執行與管理有顯著進步。3. 人工濕地底層防漏無論是用皂土或黏土晶化,在台灣人工濕地的阻水效果皆不顯著,建議人工濕地應多建造在土壤較具細質地的環境中,或是設計使用皂土或黏土晶化之場址,應在施工過程中,要確實施作夯實土壤的動作,並以每鋪設30公分厚度時,進行土壤夯實作業。4. 現場調查福壽螺、蚊子與鼠類的生長狀況,水生植物生長太高,水深低於30cm,水力停滯時間過長易滋生,因此人工濕地每年至少二次砍伐生長過密的水生植物,持續捕捉鼠類,以免造成公共衛生的困擾。5. 各類工法宜在入、出流處,加設量水設施(如三角堰),以作日後管理與評估成效的重要依據。6. 若干場址SS去除率仍在負值,應該優先加建沉澱池,以作前處理。7. 表面流人工濕地場址處理面積越小,其處理效益不易顯著,建議未來表面流人工濕地水域面積在1ha以上才考慮。8. 普世水質自然淨化的技術發展已由野外,發展向人口稠密區,礫間處理是可考慮的技術。9. 場址設在學校、軍區,由於污水量變化很大且管理不易,建議以後較少考慮這些地區。10. 污染負荷量與污染移除量應同時兼顧,而非祇考慮後者。11. 人工濕地的生物多樣性與水質有關,水質愈乾淨,在昆蟲、水鳥、蛙類之生物多樣性Shannon Index愈高;不過在淨化污水的人工濕地,具有生物性棲地的功效。而對於研擬水質淨化工程規劃及設計人員素質提升制度,與編修增訂「水質自然淨化工法操作維護彙編」內容,分別完成作業如下:1.完成「水質自然淨化程規畫設計專業人員」訓練制度機制內容,提出訓練課程共分為基礎篇、工程篇、案例介紹及野外實察之分類內容,共計30個小時訓練時數,並透過4位專家編審,完成共計41章節之訓練講習課程講義教材內容及相關簡報資料;並完成其評選制度策略機制提出,及評鑑制度評分建議依據內容;2.依據本年度25場址現勘評估及1次案例討論會,完成增修訂93年度環保署「水質自然淨化工法操作維護彙編」,內容共為四大篇,分別為第一篇總綱、第二篇水質自然淨化工法之簡易操作維護、第三篇水質自然淨化工法操作維護之管理、第四篇水質自然淨化工法操作維護之原理。
EngTitle Study of Purification Technology to Improve Stream Water Quality.
EngAbstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the treatment efficiencies and management of 25 wastewater natural purification sites. 1. The treatment efficiencies were evaluated based on the data of the removal rate of BOD, SS,TP and NH4; and their average removal rate was 51.2%, 3.3%, 43.5% and 50.3%, respectively. The treatment efficiency of BOD, TP and NH4 are similar to the data of other countries; however, the treatment efficiency of SS is lower due to high density of aquatic plants and longer hydraulic retention time.2. After the completion of surface flow-, subsurface flow-, contact bed- artificial wetland techniques, with operations over 1-year, 2-year, or even beyond the guarantee period, it still functions well.From the data of the natural purification sites from 2004 to 2006, it is clear that the treatment efficiency is increasing; and on the implementation and management of water purification, EPA has made a significant progress.3. Whether by artificial liner or clay liner, the result for seepage prevention is rather limited. It is recommend that artificial wetland should be constructed in the soil with fine materials; or with the artificial liner or clay liner, below the liner, soil compacting must be implemented and repeated for every 30 cm of soil.4. On-site investigation of the growth and spatial distribution of pomacea doliodes, rats and mosquito were conducted. They tend to multiply in numbers with water depth lower than 30 cm, longer hydraulic retention time, and overgrowth of aquatic plants. Thus, to manage an artificial wetland, it is necessary to cut the high density of aquatic plants twice a year (May and Nov.) and to trap rats all-year-round thus not to be a threat to public health.5. It is recommended that at the inlet and outlet of the site to set up water-measuring devices, such as triangular weir, for future management and evaluation purpose.6. The SS value of several sites is negative, and it is recommended to set up sediment pond for pre-treatment.7. The smaller the area of surface flow artificial wetland is, the less significant its treatment efficiency is; it is recommended that the area of surface flow artificial wetland should be at least 1 ha.8. The water quality natural purification technique has been developed and implemented from the country side to the urban area, and contact bed treatment is an option worth considering.9. It is recommended not to set sites at school or military districts due to its large volume of polluted water and inconvenience to manage. 10. It is recommended to take both the pollutant total load and pollutant removal amount into consideration, not just the latter.11. The bio-diversity in artificial wetlands is related to the water quality: the cleaner the water is, the higher the Shannon Index is for insects, water birds and frogs; however, it does possess the habitat function in the polluted wastewater treatment artificial wetlands. The design of water purification technique and its training system is proposed. The scheme and preliminary teaching material for the water quality natural purification technique is presented in the report as well. Based on the results of field survey and evaluation of 25 sites, ‘Guidelines on operations and maintenances on water natural purification technique’ was revised.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學生態工程研究中心