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Title 中部河川保育中心義工巡守及檢舉
Abstract 本計畫之目的乃結合學校、社區及團體資源、人力,成立涵蓋台中縣、台中市、彰化縣、南投縣之「中部河川保育中心」,啟動義工團體參與烏溪流域巡守及檢舉機制,並鼓勵其進行河川河段認養、監測工作,參與河川環境管理及污染巡守,以降低污染排放量及改善河岸面髒亂情形。中部河川保育中心的角色乃作為巡守義工與地方環保局之運作平台,善盡告知與監督之責。在成果方面,本年度共成立4隊學生隊,定期監測河川水質並定期巡守固定河段;另輔導6隊民間巡守隊,增進其巡守技巧並加強河川污染案件通報檢舉。因此,本年度共有5件檢舉案件獲得獎勵,佔全國獎勵案件5/23。
EngTitle The Promotion Program for Volunteer Watch and Report Mechanism of Central River Conservation Center
EngAbstract The objectives of this project are listed as follows. The “ Central River Conservation Center” (CRCC) in which the Taichung County, Taichung City, Changhwua County and Nantou County are involved is established by combining material and human resources of universities, communities and groups. Then the participation of volunteer group to watch Wu River and report mechanism are activated. The adaptation and monitoring of river sections, the participation of river environment management and pollution watching are encouraged to reduce the pollution emission and improve the landscape of river.CRCC which takes the informing and supervising responsibility is the platform between the local environmental protection bureau and watch volunteers. In the aspect of achievement, 4 student volunteer watch crews are established to monitor river water quality and watch specific river section regularly in this year. 6 civil volunteer watch crews are guided by the CRCC to enhance their watching skill and the reporting of pollution events. Thus 5 reporting events are patronized in this year, it is 5/23 of all nationwide events.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 朝陽科技大學