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Title 95年度桃園縣環境及交通噪音音量監測計畫
Abstract 為改善桃園縣環境品質,精湛公司提供噪音監測及改善建議方案之服務,執行噪音監測點之定期監測及相關資訊更新。計畫依據環保署所公告之「噪音管制法施行細則」及「環境音量標準」內規範事項執行,噪音測量方法則採用環境檢驗所公告之「環境噪音測量方法」。本計畫自95年6月10日起執行至96年6月9日止,共完成142站次之連續24小時噪音監測作業,累計執行百分比為100 %。監測結果分析發現95年度中一般地區環境音量不合格百分比為18.8 %,稍落後國家環境保護計畫之中程目標,而道路交通地區之不合格率與其他縣市地區相較為高,原因為大安國小測點位於重要聯絡道路旁,往來車流量大。本計畫執行期間民眾陳情案件較以往有增加趨勢,因此需特別注意噪音擾民及後續陳情處理問題,建議縣政府內道路主管及相關單位可先行研議土地使用區分規定、管制區劃分、車輛噪音管制、教育宣導、交通疏運規劃等噪音防制措施。另桃園縣境內許多重大交通建設陸續完工通車,相關聯絡道路系統之環境與以往相較已有改變,建議道路主管單位持續注意交通量變化情形及道路服務情形,並討論現行公路系統規劃,以利後續噪音管制區劃分採行。
EngTitle The Environmental Noise Monitoring Project in Taoyuan County of 2006
EngAbstract For improving Taoyuan County's environmental quality, the "Best Environment Co. Ltd." provides the service of noise monitoring and improvement suggestion, executes periodical noise-site monitoring and update related information. The Project executes by EPA's "Noise Control Act Enforcement Rules" and "Environmental Sound Level Standards", the noise monitoring method by EAL's "Environmental Noise Measurement method".This project executes from 6/10/2007 to 6/9/2006, achieves 24 hours continuous monitoring of 142 noise-sites, achieving rate is 100 %. The result analysis shows the unqualified rate of environmental noise monitoring points is 18.8 %, behind the intermediate target of "National Environmental Protection Project", and the unqualified rate of traffic noise monitoring points is higher than neighboring county, the major cause is that the Da-An elementary school, traffic noise monitoring point located by the side of main road and the traffic is heavy.The petitions during the project executive period gets more than before, so need to pay more attention to the noise nuisance and the follow-up. One suggestion is that the major authority may make a study of land use, noise control zone's classification principles, vehicle noise control, educate and public awareness, traffic control plan etc. And some important traffic infrastructures finish continually, the connected road system's environment varies, so advises the traffic authority takes notice of the transportation variation and the road service level, then discusses the current highway system plan affords noise control zone's classification principles.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 精湛環境股份有限公司