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Title 和順工業區雨水下水道不明管線及人孔位置清查
Abstract 本計畫運用各類電子儀器設備,針對台南市和順工業區政安路、政安路57巷及安和路二段318巷之雨水下水道進行檢視及人孔探測,獲得以下成果:1. 以金屬探測器及磁力棒尋獲被覆蓋人孔R3、R4、R6、R7、L8、M7、M10共7座,均已開啟並進行提升。進行管內電視攝影檢視時,則尋獲被覆蓋人孔R7-1、R9、L7-1、C3、D6、E3共6座。2. 管內電視攝影檢視共檢視側溝1,852公尺,發現118處不明管線。進入側溝之不明管線可分為三類:插管進入(包含PVC插管及溝壁開孔)共81處、橫越管共6處及水溝接入共31處。分析各插管所屬工廠排放事業廢水之可能性,可分為三級:(1)綠燈級:插管屬民宅、空地,或可判斷為雨水落水管者,無排放事業廢水之可能性。(2)黃燈級:插管屬工廠,但檢視時並未發現有排水現象。此級工廠包括:開銘、亞田不銹鋼、特裕精密、金牌鍛鐵廠、福明車料、鋒研研磨。(3)紅燈級:插管屬工廠,且檢視時發現有排水現象,此級工廠包括:台灣開億、合興研磨、保吉紙業、南台機電、利泰實業、東佑典實業、東陽、敦陽化工、名冠宏、敬修、豐丞機電、嘉泰鋼模、勝斌、中一電鍍、嶸光電器、政安路57巷1號及3號。3. 管內電視攝影檢視共檢視政安路雨水箱涵分支管16處,未發現任何插管,但發現R5支管管底有液體腐蝕導致之礫石出露現象。4. 探查318巷雨水箱涵流向,結果發現該箱涵由318巷巷底向南轉入開億公司廠區內,經數處轉折後,最後接入政安路雨水箱涵。5.完成調查區內道路街廓、廠區、雨水人手孔、箱涵轉折點等TM二度分帶座標實測,並繪製成果圖。
EngTitle Detection of Unknown Drainage Pipe and Manhole Position in Hoshun Industry Park.
EngAbstract The purposes of this project are to inspect the drainage and detect the covered manhole under the Cheng An Road,57 Alley Cheng An Road,318 Alley Sec.2 An Ho Road in Hoshun Industry Park.The results of this project is:1.We use metal detector and magnetic flux meter to find the covered manhole R3、R4、R6、R7、L8、M7、M10., besides we use CCTV system to find the covered manhole R7-1、R9、L7-1、C3、D6、E3.2. The length of road’s side ditch CCTV inspection is 1,852m. We detect 118 unknown pipes, including 81 protruding pipes , 31 ditches and 6 cross pipes.The protruding pipes are classified into 3 types:(1) Green type:The protruding pipe belongs to residential house.(2) Yellow type:The protruding pipe belongs to factory,but no draining when we inspected.(3) Red type:The protruding pipe belongs to factory,and is draining when we inspected.3. The number of drainage branch CCTV inspection is 16. We didn’t find any protruding pipe , but in R5 branch pipe , We found its bottom has corroded by unknown liquid.4. The drainage under 318 Alley Sec.2 An Ho Road turn to the factory area of Taiwan Kai Yih Co., then connected with the drainage under Cheng An Road.5. We finish the measurement of road , street , factory , manhole in target area and plot the map by 2 degree wide Transverse Mercator projections.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院