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Title 95年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫
Abstract 摘 要95年度臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自95年5月3日簽約完成後,即展開先期之規劃作業、開始進行相關設備硬體增購與人員教育訓練等作業,並於95年5月15日正式開始執行洗掃作業,計畫工作項目包括:洗掃街及查核作業、鄉鎮公所查核與協調工作、成效評估、問卷調查,實際工作成果分述如下:ㄧ、洗掃作業及查核:1. 規劃之洗掃路線在經環保局同意後,自95.5.15日開始正式執行洗掃作業,至96.05.03日止,執行期間共辦理七次路線變更及四次路線增加,完成洗街12,152.8公里,計畫用水量共計21,883.5公噸,單位里程之用水量為1.8噸/公里,計畫執行49週,平均每週執行量為329.4公里,與預計規劃公里數相較,總進度達成率為101.3%;掃街12,543.7公里,與預計規劃公里數相較,總進度達成率為104.5%,平均每週執行331.8公里。總垃圾清運量為171,360公斤,平均每公里收集之垃圾塵土量為13.7公斤。2. 洗掃作業現場查核作業執行量方面,自95年5月計畫執行開始至96年5月3日止,共計洗街執行284條次路段之查核,掃街亦執行284條路段。由查核結果顯示,各次洗掃現場查核均符合查核要求。二、鄉鎮公所查核與協調工作:1. 為整合具有洗掃機具鄉鎮公所之洗掃路線與環保局路線以達洗掃最佳效率,本計畫共辦理四場工作協調會,除與各鄉鎮公所進行各項洗掃街作業事項協調外,也提供本年度最具成效之工作項目與各鄉鎮公所交流,透過經驗分享來提升縣內洗掃街作業之成效。2. 本年度針對鄉鎮公所洗掃作業進行查核工作(有洗掃機具者為每月一次,無洗掃機具者為每年一次),並提供網頁申報系統供鄉鎮公所上網申報。截至目前為止,各鄉鎮公所均準時依其提報資料進行洗掃作業。三、成效評估:本年度主要針對報署之洗掃路線選14條代表路線辦理兩次街塵負荷量檢測分析,目前工作進度達100 %。依檢測結果顯示,洗掃後總街塵負荷量為0.22g/㎡~4.76g/㎡之間,依前、後期檢測結果顯示,長期持續性的進行洗掃街作業可有效提升道路乾淨度,並於後期檢測結果相符,如:大里國光路、德芳路二段、德芳南路、沙鹿屏西路、沙田路與梧棲港埠路等路段其道路髒污等級已提升至A級道路(乾淨),其餘道路則為B級道路(普通髒污)。 四、問卷調查:本年度針對環保局洗掃路線預定執行份數為2000份有效問卷,已全數完成。結果顯示受訪民眾對環保局執行之洗掃街作業感到滿意等級之上的百分比從73.6%提升至80.3%,且有95.%之居民認為洗掃街道作業需持續進行,但仍有約七成以上之民眾認為需增加洗掃頻率,表示對民眾而言環保局之洗掃作業仍有改善空間。五、在中央分隔島改善方面,從95.08~95.10止,本計劃針對洗掃路線經由豐原巿公所提供木塊,由本工作團隊先行試辦清水港埠路分隔島裸露地舖設木塊,計長度2.5km,其面積600 m2,揚塵削減量約1898.64公斤/年。六、污染源改善及縣道髒亂點調查方面,從95.05~96.05止,總計列管22個污染源,於8月底解除5個列管點、10月解除2個列管點與96年1月解除3個污染源,至今仍有12個污染點持續進行列管;另34個髒亂點則已提供鄉鎮公所及環保局廢管課分別配合修正洗掃頻率及查處。
EngTitle Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program
EngAbstract AbstractAfter a contract signed on May 3, 2006, Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program for the fiscal year of 2006 started the preliminary stage of planning and proceeded with equipment purchases and personnel training. On May 15, 2006, the program began with planned work projects including: cleaning and washing streets; inspection and coordination of the administrative offices of villages and towns; results evaluation; survey; and the actual work achievement as follows:1. Cleaning and washing operation, and inspection:1) After the Environmental Protection Bureau approved the planned routes of cleaning and washing, the operation officially started on May 15, 2006. During the program, there were seven route changes and four additional new routes added. A total of 12,152.8 km in length of streets was washed with 21,883.5 tons of water usage and an average of 1.8 ton/kilometer. The duration of the program was for 49 weeks, averaging 329.4 kilometers every week; compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 101.3%. With 12,543.7 kilometers in length of street cleaned, compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 104.5%, averaging 331.8 kilometers of streets cleaned every week. Total garbage cleared and transported was measured 171,360 kilograms, averaging 13.7 kilograms of garbage dust collected for every kilometer of street.2) As to the inspection of the cleaning and washing operation, during the period of May 2006~May 3, 2007, a total of 284 sections of roads were inspected for the washed streets and 284 sections of roads were inspected for the cleaned streets. Judging from the inspection results, every street cleaned and washed meets the inspection standards.2. Inspection and coordination of village and town hall:1) In order to integrate the routes of the village and town halls which facilitate cleaning and washing machines and the Environmental Protection Bureau’s routes for achieving best efficiency, there were four job coordination meetings held for this program. Except for the coordination in details of cleaning and washing operations with every village and town offices, the meetings provided the most effective work projects and communication with every administrative offices. By sharing the experiences, it promoted the effects of streets cleaning and washing operation in the County.2) To proceed with the inspection for the cleaning and washing operation of village and town offices in this fiscal year (once every month for those have cleaning and washing machines; once every year for those do not), website report system was provided for reporting the progress. As of now, every village and town office proceeded with the program on schedule according to their reported information.3. Evaluation of effectiveness: Fourteen representative routes were selected for test and analysis of street dust capacity. Current rate of progress reached 100%. According to test results, the total street dust after cleaning and washing was between 0.22g/m2 and 4.76g/m2. The before- and after- tests show long-term continuous operation of street cleaning and washing can effectively improve street cleanness and the results are consistent. For example: In Dali, there are Guoguang Road, Defang Road Sec.2, Defang S. Road; in Shalu, there are Binghsin Road and Shatian Road; in Wuqi, there is Gangbu Road. The above-mentioned sections of roadway are improved to the A level roadway (clean) while the rest of roadways are B level roadway (ordinary dirty.)4. Survey: Two thousand copies of effective questionnaire were administered focusing on the cleaning and washing routes of Environmental Protection Bureau for this fiscal year; and the results show 80.3% of the interviewed residents expressed their satisfaction towards cleaning and washing operation, compared with 73.6% in the previous data; 95% residents indicated that the operation should continue and more than 70% considered the frequency should be increased, meaning there is still space of improvement for cleaning and washing operation of Environmental Protection Bureau.5. As to the improvement of central separation island, from August 2006 to October 2006, our work team in this program started to spread, on bare ground, woodblocks provided by FengYuan City at the central separation island on GangBu Road in QingShui with a total of 2.5 kilometers in length and 600 square meters in area measure, which sharply reducing the dust by 1898.64 kilograms per year.6. For improvement of the pollution source and investigation of dirty spots on county roads, during May 2006~May 2007, there were 22 pollutants monitored among which five listed locations were removed by the end of August, 2 were removed by October and 3 removed by January 2007. At least twelve pollution spots continue to be listed for monitoring and another 34 dirty spots were submitted to village and town offices and Environmental Protection Bureau Pollutant Management Division for increasing the frequency of cleaning, washing and inspection.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 東禾工程顧問有限公司