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Title 各縣市底盤動力計排煙檢測站查核、評鑑及使用中柴油車排氣定期檢驗制度建立專案工作計畫
Abstract 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。環保署為有效管制柴油車污染排放問題,於各縣市廣設柴油車排煙檢測站,由民眾檢舉及稽查人員目視判煙等方式,通知有污染之虞柴油車輛到站受檢,藉以有效管制柴油車黑煙排放。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,環保署特執行柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑暨查核作業、全國排煙站相關性巡迴測試、各縣市柴油車業務季報考核,以及研擬柴油車相關管制策略,期有效掌握各縣市柴油車檢驗業務執行品質。定檢業務部分,則依不同角度提出各項可能之方案,分別從認可制度、管理制度、檢驗方式、成本因素等方面,研析評估各項方案之優缺點。為有效解決目前重複通知到檢、外縣市代驗檢測資料回傳、以及各縣市線上預約系統整合問題,本計畫修正94年度環保署建制之柴油車排煙檢測資料庫系統,同時整合全國各縣市柴油車線上預約系統,以提供環保署全國柴油車檢測資料電子化,便利民眾及各縣市環保局相關行政作業。其他相關工作包括各項會議辦理、以及宣導品印製等,各項成果均於報告中有詳盡說明。
EngTitle Project for Auditing and Evaluating Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) stations in Counties and Cities
EngAbstract Mobile pollution source is the main cause for the urban air quality decline, the diesel vehicle exhaust emission is concerned by both environmental and transportation departments as control priority. In order to control the issue of diesel vehicle exhaust, the EPA has set up diesel vehicle emission inspection station in each local authority and together with public reported the emission fact and visual inspector to inform those may contain high level of pollutant vehicles to take. Above all is to reduce the diesel vehicle smoke emission situation.For better inspection quality in every counties and cities, the EPA has implemented an evaluation project on diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect station, correlation test for confirm the inspect result from each station were the same, the examination of archive in every diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect stations, and development of the control policies of diesel vehicles, to effectively confirm the quality of examination on diesel emission inspection affair. On diesel regular emission inspection affair, this project will provide all kinds of possible suggestions from different angles, such as the accreditation, management system, inspection methods, cost factor, etc., to assess pros and cons of proposal.To effectively resolve the issues of repeated notifications for inspection, feedbacks of inspection data for vehicles inspected in other local stations and the integration of online reservation systems of local stations, this project intends to revise the diesel vehicle emission inspection system established in 2005 and integrate the online reservation system to provide EPA with digitalized inspection data and allow easy access for the public and EPB. Other related works include arrangement of various meetings and publication of promotion materials. Other related works include the arrangement of various meetings and the publication of promotion materials. The results will be presented in the report in detail.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司