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Title 95年度破壞臭氧層物質與含氟溫室氣體管理策略規劃專案
Abstract 本計畫以協助政府因應蒙特婁議定書持續修正的管制規定為主,工作重點包括:參加2006年蒙特婁議定書相關國際會議;提報我國2005年蒙特婁議定書破壞臭氧層物質(ODS)消費量資料;提供物質管理之行政支援與技術諮詢;規劃我國因應蒙特婁議定書策略。而基於蒙特婁議定書與京都議定書的列管物質有替代之關連性,因此也將含氟溫室氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)的管理規劃工作納入計畫執行項目。國際相關活動推展方面,以聯合國環境規劃署臭氧秘書處認可之非政府組織(NGO)名義,分別於7月與11月組團參加蒙特婁議定書第26次不限小組成員會議與第18次締約國大會。同時也協助產業(TSIA與TTLA)參與含氟溫室氣體排放減量國際諮商談判,使我國得在合理分攤國際環保責任下發展,避免顯著的經濟衝擊。現行臭氧層保護相關管理法規包括︰氟氯烴消費量管理辦法、公告蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質、列管產品及相關輸出入管制規定等,本年度持續檢討整合,提出法規修改建議草案,並協助召開法規草案研商會議及公聽會,達成最終公告行政程序。行政支援工作成果則包括:提報我國消費量數據給臭氧秘書處;協同中華民國大氣層保護協會進行氟氯烴(HCFCs)配額、氟氯碳化物(CFCs)庫存配額、溴化甲烷配額之核發;並依據施政需求實地訪查超過30個使用或替代ODS之場所;也協同關稅總局與海洋巡防署舉辦3場緝私人員辨識ODS之訓練講習,加強打擊走私。為便利列管物質的申報作業,本年度開始推展ODS核配申請/申報/審核之電子化作業,召開產業說明會來檢討試行情形,提升介面操作之便利與實用性。並以國內現有CFCs與HCFCs冷媒流佈調查數據,依各次部門物質使用的特性、經濟重要性以及貿易活動量進行分析,重新檢視各次部門的可行技術與措施選擇項目,建議署內研擬CFCs汽車的停止使用年限。對於含氟溫室氣體調查工作,則完成我國2005年的進口量、使用量及排放量調查作業,協助辦理光電半導體產業全氟化物年度排放量申報查核,並提供含氟溫室氣體產業排放減量技術資訊諮詢服務。數據也提供給署內「國家溫室氣體清冊建立」計畫,進行我國溫室氣體排放清冊更新。另外也建立光電半導體產業溫室氣體排放量提報資料查証(Verification)機制與作業程序,並推動該產業溫室氣體排放減量方案的確證(Validation)及績效查證作業。為了解光電半導體產業PFCs在CVD/Etch之使用比例與PFCs處理設備之機台安裝率,本計畫調查各家半導體光電產業的安裝情形,並依據IPCC Tier 2b管制規範,估算產業PFCs排放係數約為1.1 kg CO2/ cm2晶圓面積。本計畫也實地訪視電力事業六氟化硫(SF6)使用場所及維修業者,辦理電力事業SF6回收管理座談會議(北、中、南各乙場次),提供業界技術資訊諮詢服務。透過環保署提供回收機本土化開發工作,並於台電變電廠回收1公噸SF6,相當於減少22,200公噸CO2排放。同時也與鎂合金協會辦理實廠測試SF6替代技術觀摩會。為加速推廣臭氧層保護與含氟溫室氣體排放減量資訊的傳播,本計畫彙整臭氧層保護國際管制動態、ODS替代技術研發評估資訊,登載於國內相關產業報導刊物共8篇,並彙整國內外資訊及我國推動成效,編撰「臭氧層保護在台灣(Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan)」及「台灣含氟溫室氣體排放減量報導(Abatement of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Emission in Taiwan)」中英文電子報,發送予國際友人及國內產官學界參考。
EngTitle Developing national strategy in response to the control measures of the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol on fluorinated compounds
EngAbstract The Project is to act as the main policy and measures implementing support of Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency in response to the Montreal Protocol control regime on ozone depleting substances (ODSs). Major tasks are:1) Establishing international communicating channels among the ozone family, 2) supporting drafting of domestic policy and measures in management of the substances, 3) disseminating information related to the ozone layer protection and strengthening the relevant personnel training. Concerning the Fluorinated Greenhouse gases (PFCs, HFCs and SF6) were often used as replacement of ODS, the project also takes management issues related to these three gases into account.Regular work to be carried out every year include: compiling and reporting national consumption data to the ozone secretariat, assisting allocation of HCFCs and methyl bromide importing quota, assessment of application for CFCs stocks. Apart from that, personnel were assigned to attend to the 18th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol,and the 26th Open-ended Working Group meeting, Key reports compiled include the national measures implemented by developed countries; technology development in replacement refrigerants for chiller and mobile air conditioner; and impacts of greenhouse gases abatement for semiconductor industry sectors. The compiled information was disseminated through 3 issues of newsletters and 8 papers to different journals.Revising the existing ODS regulations and guidelines were another focus of the project. A much comprehensive version to accommodate control substances was drafted, and it has also gone through the public hearing stage in the end of 2006.More than 9 training workshops for customs and coast guards on stopping illegal trade of ODS, and abatement technologies for magnesium casting and electric supply industries on fluorinated greenhouse gases were held this year, hoping to strengthen the capability of the frontline officers and dissipation of information of alternative technologies, to fulfill the commitment of safeguarding the ozone layer and mitigation climate change by Taiwan government.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院