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Title 臺中縣溫室氣體及室內空氣品質宣導管制及調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程自95.12.01起至96.11.30止,各項量化與非量化工作皆已達工作進度。在溫室氣體排放調查部分,共完成34家工廠溫室氣體排放調查(合約數30家次)、34處所公部門(住商部門)非110 V電力使用推估與溫室氣體排放情形(合約數30處所)、農業部門超過20種之溫室氣體排放處所與排放機制(排放源)(合約數為20處所,以超過20種不同之溫室氣體排放處所與排放機制完整計算臺中縣農業部門之溫室氣體排放量)及5處所廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放情形(合約數5處所),而運輸部門包含客運業者柴油使用情形、航空用油、漁業用油及台鐵及高鐵用電量等資料皆已完成調查,其餘各部門溫室氣體排放皆已推估計算至2006年資料,完成台中縣2006年溫室氣體排放清冊之更新。另外於96.06.22舉辦一場次之「臺中縣溫室氣體盤查與我國未來管制趨勢」宣導座談會(合約數1場次),由座談會問卷調查結果得知,此次座談會已達一定之宣導成效。其餘溫室氣體相關之各工作項目包含蒐集溫室氣體相關文獻研究調查資料、問卷調查公部門之溫室氣體管制作業及建議台中縣溫室氣體管制作為與方向等工作皆已於計畫期程內陸續完成。另外在室內空氣品質相關工作項目方面,各項量化工作同樣於計畫期程內如期完成,包含於96.4.27針對台中縣第1類及第2類室內空氣品質管制場所各舉辦1場次之「臺中縣室內空氣品質宣導座談會」(合約數為第1類及第2類室內空氣品質管制場所各舉辦1場次),由座談會問卷調查結果得知,此2場次座談會皆已達一定之宣導成效。量化工作尚包含現地檢測台中縣第1類及第2類室內空氣品質管制場所各5處所之室內空氣品質現況(合約數第1類及第2類各5處所),檢測項目包含溫度、CO、CO2、O3、甲醛、總揮發性有機物、細菌、真菌、PM10及PM2.5共10項,10處所之採樣分析工作已於8月份陸續完成。於室內空氣品質檢測工作完成後,為使臺中縣第1類及第2類管制場所民眾能對目前臺中縣之室內空氣品質現況有所了解,本計畫於96.9.21舉辦1場次之「臺中縣室內空氣品質檢測結果說明會」(合約數1場次),說明此次室內空氣品質檢測結果,現場討論熱絡。其餘室內空氣品質相關之非量化工作,包括建置臺中縣境內第1類及第2類管制場所名單、蒐集室內空氣品質檢測方法及對人體健康之危害等相關文獻研究資料及台中縣室內空氣品質管制方向建議等工作同樣皆已於計畫期程內陸續完成。相關量化與非量化工作成果摘要表次頁說明。
EngTitle the global warming gases in Taichung County
EngAbstract This project is executed from December 01, 2006 to November 30, 2007. All quantifiable and un-quantifiable works are on schedule. For the global warming gases, 34 factories and 34 public offices are investigated (30 factories are required by the contract). Investigations focus on total generated global warming gases for factories and uses of in-door 110 Volt electronic generated global warming gases for public offices. Based on the contract, 20 and 5 gases samples are required from 20 different agriculture departments and divisions and 5 waste materials departments and divisions respectively. There are total 20 different global warming gases identified from the agriculture departments and divisions and 5 different global warming gases found at the waste materials departments and divisions. The investigations also include the burned gases by diesel and airplane fuels by the transportation departments, such as bus companies, airplane companies. Also the total electricity-consuming by the Taiwan Railway Company and Taiwan High-Speed Train Company are determined. The conference for “the investigation of global warming gases in Taichung County and its eliminating strategy and direction in the future” is held on June 22, 2007. Based on the survey obtained from the conference, it is found that all participants are positive with this conference. Besides, all literature review works, survey, and suggestions regarding to control global warming gases are completed these days.In addition to above, the investigation works related to outdoor air quality are finished on time. The conference of air quality control in Taichung County is held on April 27, 2007. Based on the survey results, all participants are positive with this conference. All quantifiable goals for global warming gases include temperature, carbon oxide, carbon dioxide, and ozone, formaldehyde, evaporated organics, bacterial, fungus, PM10 and PM2.5. Total is ten subjects for the investigation. All sample-gases are collected in the field in August. Once this in-door air-quality control investigation finished, another conference is held on September 21, 2007 to introduce such concepts to general publics. All topics are fully discussed. In addition, the non-quantifiable goal is also suggested. The lists of first degree and second degree air-quality control locations are investigated and recorded. All contract-based research works have been completed and they are summarized and listed in the following page.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 私立僑光技術學院