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Title 95年度「科技及施政計畫品質提昇推動計畫」
Abstract 本計畫乃依據「計畫品質管理」、「計畫成果推廣及檢討」及「未來計畫規劃」等3 大主軸為核心的執行架構,協助環保署執行本計畫,主要計畫產出及實質貢獻包括:1.計畫品質管理方面:本計畫共辦理40 場研析會議,其中「環保署與委辦計畫之顧問公司計畫主持人座談會」係提供環保署在施政政策(policy)、實施措施(measure)及計畫管理(management)各方面的建議;永續政策、台加合作、歐盟國情認識及亞太經濟合作等議題之會議,則協助環保署瞭解國際議題及加強與國外之互動;環境科技規劃研討會係推廣綠色科技等相關知識,強化署內同仁將前瞻科技應用於環保領域的規劃能力;另配合國家型奈米計畫召開的奈米委辦計畫規劃會議,則為環保署廣徵建言,提供未來計畫修正及執行之方向。2.計畫成果推廣及檢討方面:為推廣環保署科技計畫成果,並透過討論提供環保署未來研擬計畫之參考,本計畫係召開3 場次科技計畫年終成果發表會,與會委員之評鑑結果認為環保署94 及95 年度科技計畫選題妥適性為佳,延續性計畫有不錯之關連強度及產出區隔,各項計畫主題中以民生議題最為重要,會議結論並建議環保署未來優先辦理與民生及前瞻科技相關之計畫。3.未來計畫規劃方面:本計畫彙整各項研析會議及科技計畫成果發表會之結論,將各界意見提供環保署作為未來計畫規劃之參考。又有關環保署科技及施政計畫管理相關法規,皆已配合現行作業情形完成修正及研商,各項法規未來應與時俱進地進行修訂,以符合作業需求。
EngTitle Quality Management for Taiwan EPA’s Projects in year 2006
EngAbstract This Project is based on the framework consisted of three measures, which are “qualitymanagement for the on-going projects”, “review and dissemination of project achievements”and“project planning in the future”. Through assisting the Environmental Protection Administration,Taiwan, ROC (Taiwan EPA) to execute this Project, fruitful outcomes and virtual contributionsare accompanied as the followings:1. Quality Management for the On-going Projects: Totally 40 seminars or meetings wereheld during this Project, and valuable suggestions and comments were also brought out.For example, administrational policy, practical measures and project management werebroadly discussed in the issue of “Dialogue between Taiwan EPA and the project executor ofentrusted consultant company”. While referring Taiwan EPA to international cooperation andenvironmental issues, the Country’s sustainable policy, as well as the cognition andcooperation with Canada, European Union (EU) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) were mentioned as the high priority. Meanwhile, the “Environmental TechnologyPlanning Seminar”generalized the importance to promote the green-technology basedknowledge, and to strengthen the programming ability of Taiwan EPA’s staffs to adopt theinnovative technology in the field of environment. Moreover, the “Entrusted NanotechnologyProject Planning Seminar”provided advices for amending the aspects and contents of the“National Science and Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”in thefuture.2. Review and Dissemination of Project Achievements: In order to disseminate theachievements of Taiwan EPA’s environmental technology projects and to provide TaiwanEPA references for drafting the future programs, 3 annual technology achievementspublishing and evaluation meetings were convened. The evaluation results showed that, the project topics of FY-2005 and FY-2006 were targeted relatively suitable, while strongcorrelation and clear demarcation were displayed among the consecutive projects. Theconclusion referred that the civil environmental and innovative technology should be bothlisted in Taiwan EPA’s top funding priority for technology projects and programs.3. Project Planning in the Future: This Project compiled the conclusions and comments fromall the meetings and seminars above for Taiwan EPA to draw up the future technologyprogram and policy. Besides, drafting and amendment for regulations of Taiwan EPA’smanagement of technology project and administrational program were also accomplishedon the base of current operational process. In the mean time, these regulations should becontinually amended to meet the requirement of the future operation.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會