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Title 事業排放水汞污染調查計畫
Abstract 為清楚掌握國內含汞事業汞之流佈與推動事業排放汞減量之目的,行政院環保署現階段正推動「汞污染排放減量三年行動計畫」,希望運用源頭管制、加強稽查及環境中汞污染移除三者並進的方式,來達到全面減量的目的;因此藉由本年度「事業排放水汞污染排放調查計畫」(第二年)來持續瞭解或掌握國內各類汞及其化合物之使用運作型態、廢料(液)之處理情形與事業排放水排放情形等,並進行汞排放量之統計分析。本計畫共完成環保署認定可疑汞污染量較大之50處事業對象調查,並依行業別進行各事業單位潛在含汞廢污水處理設備現況調查、使用情況及現場水質採樣,並以調查結果與採樣數據來擬定汞污染削減目標,希望藉由調查成果與建議措施促使用汞事業單位能妥善處理,以防止環境遭受污染。
EngTitle The investigation of potential mercury-contained industrial wastewater discharges.
EngAbstract In order to investigate Taiwan industries which potentially produce heavy metal mercury during their operational processes and to reduce the amount of mercury concentrations being produced. Taiwan EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is in the process of putting the project “The three-year mercury reduction plan” in action. Three strategies are simultaneously taking into actions to thoroughly reduce mercury pollution : the controlling of the original polluters, investigation of potential mercury-contained industries and mercury reduction from the environment. Therefore, on its second year phase “The investigation of potential mercury-contained industrial wastewater discharges”, it is to continue understanding the various usage of mercury and its compounds and the subsequent shipping and handling of the waste. Statistical analysis is utilized for the final results. This project focuses on the investigation of the 50 potential mercury-polluting industries determined by Taiwan EPA. Main strategy focuses on the check up of the wastewater treatment facilities and their operational procedures of categorized industries, and wastewater samplings were also undertaken. The results can be further analyzed to help to achieve the mercury reduction goal. Resulting data are also to be provided to those potential mercury-polluting industries to persuade the proper handling of the mercury waste to prevent its subsequent pollution in the environment.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司