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Title 區域性噪音地圖繪製可行性之研究
Abstract 本計畫自95年9月18日起執行至96年5月31日止,已依本計畫預定工作進度執行完成各工作項目,其主要成果說明如下:首先收集歐盟最新法令及歐盟各國目前進行都市噪音地圖繪製之情形,並進行資料彙整,並提出各國執行情形說明並就其執行過程之困難點及其特色等優缺點,以提供環保署及各環保單位作業未來執行此業務之參考。其次則分析建立噪音地圖所需各項音源及其相關參數資訊,並參考歐盟噪音地圖繪製指南之規範進行資料收集之可行性分析,並針對主要之影響參數包括道路噪音、建物、噪音量測等參數提供資料轉換之參考方法。並接著進行小區域實際噪音地圖製作規劃,本計畫中針對台北市進行一25平方公里之都市噪音地圖模擬作業,並分別依高速公路、快速道路、重要道路、一般道路、所有道路以及市區包含建物等六種情境,配合Lima模擬軟體進行都市噪音地圖模擬作業,並分別針對如日間音量、晚間音量、夜間音量、全日均能音量及日晚夜音量等其不同參數進行模擬,並結合地理資訊系統(GIS)進行圖資繪製作業,並將此結果進行彙整後將放置於環保署網站中提供各縣市同仁參考。針對本計畫執行之模擬作業結果,並增加以小區域1平方公里之模擬結果進行大區域及台北市推估其執行噪音地圖所需之模擬作業時程及成本。針對本計劃之各項成果已辦理二場次噪音諮詢會議,就歐盟執行噪音地圖之相關法規及實例說明進行經驗交流,以提供國內環保署及各環保局參考。並針對本計畫之模擬成果辦理完成一場次之噪音業務檢討及成果討論會。
EngTitle Research Project on Feasibility of Regional Noise Maps
EngAbstract From Sep 18 2005 to May 31 2007, this project has been implemented and the scheduled progress has been achieved.The following is the brief presentation of primary achievements: First, the latest applicable specifications and codes widely used in EU and the information regarding the making of urban noise maps that have been carried out in EU countries were collected for data summarization. The status of implementation in these countries is presented here in terms of the difficulties during the implementation, features of the implementation and its advantages and drawbacks as well for the reference of EPA and fellow environmental protection agencies in future operations. Secondly, the noise sources and their parameters and relevant data that are required for the analysis and production of noise maps were reviewed with the reference of the guidelines of EU for noise map production to carry out data collection for subsequent feasibility analysis. Also, the methods of data conversion for major factors of influence, such as road noises, buildings, and noise measurement, are provided. Next, a practical noise map making and planning was carried out at a small area. In this project, a simulation urban noise map was carried out on an area of 25km2 in Taipei City. The simulation software LIMA was introduced in the urban noise map simulation based on 6 scenarios, including freeways, expressways, major roads, general roads, all roads and city blocks with buildings. Moreover, the simulation has incorporated variety of parameters, for example, daytime noise level(Ld), evening noise level(Le), nighttime noise level (Ln),all day equivalent continuous sound level(Leq)and day-evening-night noise level (Lden), and GIS was employed for graphic data processing. The results were summarized and posted on EPA website for the reference of local administrations. For the results of simulation executed in this project, the result of simulation on smaller area of 1km2 was added for larger areas and Taipei City to estimate the simulation schedule and costs needed for the implementation of noise maps. So far two noise counseling meetings have been held to present the achievement of this project, and in the meetings the relevant specifications and codes of EU regarding noise map making were introduced for exchanges of experience and suggestion and for the reference of EPA and fellow environmental agencies. Also, another conference of noise operation reviews and achievement discussion was held for the simulation results of this project.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 必凱科技股份有限公司