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Title 屏東縣地下水暨不明棄置場址地下水水質調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要針對屏東縣地下水進行調查,包括甲級非法棄置場址之場置性監測井、附近民井、附近鄉鎮地下水採樣分析及加油站調查,以了解屏東縣地下水水質狀況及污染影響程度。主要工作包括地下水水質調查、縣內加油站測漏管調查、加油站定期網路申報說明會、污染潛勢加油站調查、東港山隆加油站查核工作、緊急應變案件、標準監測井補充設置及赤山嚴、大鼎兩場址巡查工作等。並針對調查結果進行後續資料建檔更新並作為水質長期監控及污染預防與整治之依據以保障居民用水。
EngTitle The investigation groundwater quality of groungwater and unknow-source polluted area at the Pingtung Country
EngAbstract This project mainly aims at the Pingtung County ground water to carry on the investigation, which including Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells of polluted site, soil Vapor of all gas station, general wells and groundwater around all county, all that we can understand the groundwater quality and the potential of water pollution at this county. The investigation was conducted in several survey method, including groundwater analysis, investigate the pipe of storage tank of gas station, investigate the polluted gas station, emergency response case, standard Groundwater Monitoring Wells compensative construction, and patrol two polluted site .The investigate result can provide to construction and update of the basic database, otherwise, according to the result we can made the long-term monitored system and the reasonable method to prevent and management the water pollution all for protect our water resources.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程股份有限公司