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Title 95年度勘察我國廢棄物輸出境外接受國處理及管理情形
Abstract 我國自民國82年1月29日環保署訂定發佈「有害事業廢棄物輸入輸出許可辦法」起至目前為止,輸入部份於2005年起核准輸入不含油脂廢電線電纜共10,000噸,實際輸入共371噸;輸出部分,由民國85年起截至95年12月底止核准約682,539噸之有害事業廢棄物輸出處理,主要為PCB、混合五金廢料、廢印刷電路板和電鍍污泥等廢棄物。本年度計畫針對國內有害事業廢棄物輸出量較大之中國持續進行勘察,包括杭州大洲物資再生利用有限公司、上海鶴教金屬有限公司、煙台長延金屬有限公司、煙台旌風企業有限公司、亞美磁帶有限公司、清遠市銀田再生物資工貿有限公司、清遠市億寶物資回收有限公司、從化市雨新金屬製品有限公司、廣州市佛力有色金屬回收有限公司、廣西省梧州市賽力工貿有限公司等十家處理機構,執行目標包括勘察我國歷年輸往境外處理之有害事業廢棄物,在國外處理機構接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關紀錄。另接受國中央環保主管機關對於有害事業廢棄物輸入處理之相關管理規定及管理情形,處理機構所在地環保主管機關過去對於該機構之管理情形,亦為本計畫執行之重點。本計畫完成重要成果包括:1. 完成勘察中國境內十家處理機構之處理情形,評估境外接受國之處理廠接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關紀錄,提出後續勘察與管理之重點。2. 完成彙整國內合格輸出機構及廢棄物輸出狀況,以研析歷年國內事業廢棄物輸出趨勢。3. 完成勘察接受國中央環保主管機關與處理機構所在地環保機關對於過去相關有害廢棄物處理機構之管理情形,並探討我國廢棄物輸出入政策及許可辦法,及參考國內外對棄物輸出入政策及許可辦法之不同,提出修正我國有害廢棄物輸入輸出提出具體建議。4. 完成評析我國歷年主要輸出境外處理之有害廢棄物之處理及營運管理情形,提出環保署於審核國內業者輸出有害廢棄物時,可立法限制具較 複雜性之高有害性廢棄物(PCB與集塵灰等)應嚴格限制送至先進國家之處理廠處理,以確保我國輸出之廢棄物能獲得妥善處理;而具資源價值高之廢棄物與低有害性廢棄物則可留在國內、或送至開發中國家或技術先進國家等處理廠處理。5. 持續瞭解接受國之有害廢棄物之管理策略,與加強有害事業廢棄物輸出之追蹤查訪,確認廢棄物確實依法妥善處理。
EngTitle Transboundary movement inspecting to the treatment facilities of waste-export accepting country in 2006
EngAbstract On the 29th Jan. 1993, Taiwan EPA issued the “Hazardous Industrial Waste Import and Export law”, the total amount permitted to be imported, oil-free electric wires and cables since 2005 is about 10,000 tons, actually 371 tons was imported;total amount exported is about 682,539 tons for the disposal of hazardous industrial waste from 1996 to the end of Dec. 2006, mainly PCB, mixed metal scrap, waste printed circuit board, galvanic sludge etc.. Due to the hazardous waste and other wastes transit and transboundary there is deep concern internationally. All countries should reduce the related problems as minimum as possible, and the transportation of hazardous industrial waste overseas should be properly controlled.This project is specifically made for China which exports large quantity of hazardous industrial waste, including Qingyuan Yibao Recyling of Material Co, Ltd. (China), Hang Zhou Da Jou Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Shanghai Hu Jiau Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Yan Tai Chang Ting Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Yan Tai Sheng Feng Co. Ltd. (China). , Ya Mei Tsz Dai Co. Ltd. (China), Chin Uen City Ying Tian Recycling Resources Co. Ltd. (China), Buddha Power metal Recyle Co. Ltd. (China), Tsung Hua City Yu Shin Metal Recycling Co. Ltd. (China), Guang Jou City Fou Li Metal Recycling Co. Ltd. (China) and Guang Xi Sheng Wu Zhou City Sai Li Work Trade Co. Ltd. (China). The purposes of executing this project is for the exportation of hazardous industrial waste overseas over the years and those treatment facilities that undertook it, the pollution control condition and the past related records of operation. The exporting country’s responsible agency (EPA) at the central government level, the related management law and condition for the treatment of hazardous waste moreover the past management record of the local treatment facility were also audited. The plan to achieve the aim of this project is as follows:1. 10 treatment facilities that deal with the organization had already been assessed, they are in Germany, France, South Africa, Korea. and China, also the condition of treatment the facilities of in foreign countries, the pollution control measures, the past record of operation and propose follow-up survey and management was studied.2. Finish analyzing the certified import organization, waste export condition and the trend of domestic industrial waste over the years.3. Finish assessment of the management situation of hazardous waste organization in China SEPA and treatment organization, confer upon domestic level waste import export policy and permission resource and refer to the different between domestic and overseas waste import export policy and permission resource, propose revising the harmful offal of our country and defining and revising the direction suggested.4. Finish evaluation and analysis of our country•s hazardous waste treatment and management, offer outside the border dealing with to fail manage the situation mainly over the years. Propose that government legislate and exercise in having environmental protection.Prpose the government legislate and exercise to restrict high hazardous waste,sush as PCB and ash,should strictly restrict export to developed countries for treatment,to make sure that the waste from our country can well managed.The waste high value and low hazardous content, can be stored or exported to developed countries for treatment.5. Continue to understand the exporting country strategy of hazardous waste management, enforce monitoring evaluation and examination of the hazardous waste export, and confirm proper treatment of waste according to the law. industrial
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台北科大學