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Title 95年臺中縣固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫
Abstract 臺中縣95年「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」自95年3月15日履約日起至96年3月14日止,主要為延續94年度相關計畫工作內容分別進行煙道、周界、液體燃料含硫量稽查檢測作業、加油站稽查檢測與法規符合度查核、特定行業別法規符合度查核、定期檢測審查建檔作業、監督檢測作業、逸散源及堆置場法規符合度查核、餐飲業清查管制作業、陳情案件追蹤輔導、工廠普查作業、宣導說明會及配合中部空品區執行應變查處等作業。本計畫為爭取環保署考核成績,於95年度提報臺中縣加油站-不強迫加油稽查方式為創新作法,以數位攝影機拍攝稽查加油員加油情況,主要目的為可提出相關有效佐證資料予現場加油站業者及加油員核對,以釐清責任歸屬,且當發現加油員有強迫加油情形時,開立勸導單予該加油員以示警告,若第2次違規之體系將依行政程序進行告發處分,本年度有強迫加油行為共計8站,其中已告發處分1站,在開立勸導單方面,95年較94年所開出之勸導單件數有明顯降低之成果。本計畫工作小組在煙道及周界稽查檢測作業方面,稽查檢測結果均符合排放標準;抽驗公私場所液體燃料含硫量50家,其中2家抽測結果因超出法規標準,已告發處分,並進行後續改善作業。在餐飲業清查管制作業方面,以現場查核方式,調查油煙排放情形及進行追蹤輔導改善污染嚴重之餐飲業者,目前餐飲業後處理空氣污染防制設備比例分布,清查結果發現由於成本及相關法令未臻完善下,有高達81.8%之餐飲業未裝設後處理設備。對於未裝設後處理設備之業者,將自管制面著手,以加強進行輔導改善而達到減少油煙污染之目的。此外,為減少揮發性有機物逸散污染,進行加油站氣油比稽查檢測60站,稽查577支汽油加油槍,加油槍氣油比平均合格率可達95%;氣漏檢測15站,除氣漏檢測有1家不合格外,各加油站均符合加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法之標準,合格率可達87%。在特定行業別法規符合度查核作業部分,共計完成40場,並針對查核後尚未符合法規標準之業者進行後續輔導;而定期檢測審查作業依公告第一批、第二批及臺中縣公告定檢業者,現已完成625件建檔作業。 為有效管理堆置場空氣污染物排放,現已進行100場次之逸散源法規符合度查核,並已輔導部分業者進行操作許可證展延及推動道路認養作業;電弧爐廢鐵堆置場作業,遵循BACT模式,已完成22場之港區逸散源巡查工作,其整體堆置場法規符合度查核之符合率,由輔導前89.2%提升至輔導後93.1%。另針對電弧爐廢鐵堆置場及廠區逸散污染源之法規於95年6月26日重新公告,新增車行路徑管制;並於95年8月7日查核豐興鋼鐵(股)公司,該廠廢鐵堆置場卡車運輸時產生粒狀物散布於空氣中,依法開單告發後,該廠於該區舖設RC路面400平方公尺,年削減量為0.719公噸。於空氣污染物減量方面,已各針對縣內砂石場、老舊鍋爐、改善製程減少用油量及提升加油站氣油比合格率方面著手,TSP減量70.1公噸/年;SOx及NOx各減量42.4及26.6公噸/年,VOCs減量最多,可達137.4公噸/年。為配合環保署管制方向,針對各類型非法(地下)工廠目前共計普查254家,已發現5家具有明顯空氣污染之虞場所,以完成後續清查並提報許可計畫列管;另對惡臭陳情案件追蹤調查5家、屢遭陳情案件之追蹤輔導改善計持續巡查70家次,經多次巡查輔導後,陳情案件改善率佔總數55.3%,並已對無法立即改善完成之被陳情場所已提報目的事業主管機關共5廠。而為落實法規宣導及達到有效管制之目的,於計畫執行期間分別辦理揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準宣導說明會、高雄港及臨海工業區縣外觀摩及固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導技術轉移會議共3場。此外,更配合相關考評及局內交辦事項辦理各項事宜,皆已完成所交付之工作,於計畫執行期間,亦持續舉辦各類教育訓練,以提升計畫執行人員素質,使計畫不僅達到量化目標要求,更符合品質上之成效。
EngTitle Year 2006 Taichung County Fixed Sources of Pollution, Air Pollutant Examination, Control, and Reduction Counseling Plan
EngAbstract Examination, Control, and Reduction Counseling Plan since its initiation date from March 15, 2006 to March 14th, 2007, is to continue Year 2005’s related plan to execute examinations and inspections of flute, border, and sulfur content in liquid fuel, to conduct examinations and regulation compliance inspections of gas stations, to conduct regulation compliance inspections of specific industries, to organize routine examinations and inspection filing systems, to monitor inspections, to conduct regulation compliance inspections of spread source and storage yard, to carry out inspections and control of food industries, to follow up on petition cases, toconduct general survey examinations of factories, to give policy promotionalseminars, and to work with Mid-Taiwan Air Quality Region Execution Organization,and other related work.In order to improve Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment grade of this plan, a new method was proposed in 2006 to inspect Taichung County gas stations by using digital cameras to record the inspection process of the gas filling process conducted by gas station operators. The main purpose is to provide effective related evidence for the gas station owners and operators to examine, to clarify and to assign responsibility. When discovered certain gas station operators had forced extra gas on consumers, persuasion notices were given to those operators for warning. If second violation has been discovered, the gas station in question would be processed and reported judicially according to the related administrative process. This year, 8 gas stations were found to be involved in situations where gas were forced on consumers, out of which 1 gas station has been reported to the authority. However, fewer persuasion notices were given this year compared to last year.The plan execution team had found all inspection results were within the emission standards for the sulfur content examination and inspection of flutes and borders. When 50 public and private facilities were inspected for sulfur content in liquid fuel with sulfur, 2 organizations with sulfur contents higher than the allowed standard, were reported and followed up with improvement assessment. For food industries, inspections were conducted on-site, in order to investigate fume and smoke emission and to follow-up on facilities with serious pollution to provide counseling. The inspection results showed 81.8% of food facilities did not have post-process equipments or plans, because of cost issues and loop holes on current regulations. Increased counseling and follow ups were given to these organizations to improve their self-awareness in order to reduce overall fume and smoke pollution.Also, to reduce volatile organic matter spread pollution, gas-to-oil ratio examinations were conducted in 60 gas stations. Out of 577 gasoline grease guns tested, 95% had results within the allowed gas-to-oil ratio. Gas leakage examinations were conducted in 15 gas stations. Only 1 gas station had excessive gas leakage result. Fourteen gas stations tested all had results within the gas station gas recycle management control standard, therefore creating a compliance rate of 87%. In the regulation compliance inspection of specific industries, 40 sites with results not in compliance of regulation standards, were inspected and given follow-up counseling. For routine site declarations, 625 businesses were processed, reviewed, and filed according to the businesses and industries specified in Public Notice Number 1, Public Notice Number 2, and Taichung County regular routine inspection and control public announcement. To effectively manage and control air pollutant discharges from storage yards, 100 pollutant discharge compliance inspections were given. The team also helped some businesses to extend their permits and to start public roads adoption processes. Inspections of the arc furnaces and scrap iron yards were conducted according to the BACT standard. Twenty-two harbor area spread pollution inspections were completed. The overall compliance rate for the arc furnaces and scrap iron yards had increased from the pre-counseling percentage of 89.2% to the current percentage of 93.1%. Also, according to the updated regulations and compliance standards on the arc furnaces and scrap iron yards published in June 26th, 2006, truck route inspections and controls were also initiated. On August 7, 2006, Feng-Shin Steel Incorporated was found not in compliance of the new regulation, since its trucks were emitting pollutants in air during its operation in their scrap iron yard. After citations were given, Feng-Shin had added a reinforced concrete road of 400 square meter to their site to reduce their pollutant emission by 0.719 ton per year.With regard to the reductions of air pollutants, improvements in the fuel consumption in the process and plans to increase gas-to-oil compliance rate of gas stations were initiated for sand mills and old boilers located within the county. TSP is reduced by 70.1 ton per year; SOx and NOx were reduced by 42.4 ton per year and 26.6 ton per year respectively, and VOCs was reduced the most - by 137.4 ton per year.To follow Environmental Protection Administration’s pollution control direction, 254 of all types of illegal factories were surveyed and inspected. Five factories, that were found to be obvious sites of air pollutants, were processed and followed-up with application of inspection control plans. For serious odor petitions, 5 cases were investigated. 70 cases were followed-up with improvement counseling. The improvement rate of the petition cases was 55.3%. The 5 sites that failed to provide immediate improvement were reported to the according authority. To sustain regulation compliance promotion campaign and to achieve the purpose of effective control, the following 3 events were held: The Volatile Organic Matter Pollution Control and Emission Standard Seminar, The Kaohsiung Harbor and Proximity Harbor Industrial Area Observation Tour, and The Fixed Sources of Pollution, Air Pollutant Examination, Control and Reduction Counseling technology Transfer Conference. Also, to improve the team’s assessment grade and to further work with the bureau, other assignments that were given were all completed. During the plan’s execution period, the execution team was given different educational trainings in order to continuously improve their quality. So, the plan not only satisfied the quantitative goal requirements but also fulfilled the results qualitatively.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 康維開發科技股份有限公司