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Title 行業別事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估及管理制度檢討計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要為辦理包括「調查建置國內製紙業、酒類釀造配製業、廢(污)水處理業、用水供應業及金屬製品製造業(金屬表面處理業除外)等5大行業別產業體系完整基本資料庫」、「編纂5大行業別之相關廢棄物處理技術手冊與行業製程技術稽查參考手冊」及「檢討修訂公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之許可管理制度,研訂網路核發之標準作業程序及建立審查技術指引」等三項工作,本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一) 完成2000家非列管事業之問卷調查工作,回收有效問卷628份,並完成100家列管事業之現勘調查工作,及建置本計畫行業別事業廢棄物清理技術調查資料管理系統網址http://。(二) 完成建置5大行業之產業完整基本資料,內容包括製程、廢棄物性質、產出與管制方式,並彙整探討5行業委託之國內15項主要處理與再利用技術與相關機構處理效能,及研提行業別推行零廢棄之策略,可提供相關行業業者參採。(三) 完成辦理5場次「事業廢棄物管理、處理與再利用技術實務講習會」,使業者與環保人員熟悉環保法規及稽查規範。(四) 完成製紙業、酒類釀造配製業、金屬製品製造業(金屬表面處理業除外)、廢(污)水處理業及用水供應業等5行業之事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊及事業廢棄物處理技術手冊。(五) 完成檢討研修公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理及審查制度,研訂公民營廢棄物清除處理機構設置與處理許可之核定內容、申請、審查及核發相關管理標準作業程序及表單與網路核發之標準作業程序。並完成研訂公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之營運記錄及操作紀錄規範與建置查核標準作業程序及查核表單。(六) 完成建立公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之許可審查技術指引及營運、操作紀錄之查核技術指引。(七) 完成2場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度座談會」、4場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度研商會」、5場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度說明會」及1場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度工作檢討會」,廣納各單位意見,以利推動公民營許可管理新制度。
EngTitle Survey and Assessment of Industrial Waste Clearance Technology and Review of the Management System for Different Industries
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to conduct the following three works: (1) Survey and Establish a Complete Basic Database of the Five Major Industries -Pulp and Paper, Wine and Liquor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Supply, Metal Products Industries (excluding metal surface treatment industry), (2) Prepare a Waste Treatment Technology Manual and an Inspection Manual of Treatment Technology for the Wastes Produced from the Five Major Industries, and (3) Review and Modify the Permit Management System, Formulate Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) of Online Issuance of Permit, and Prepare Technical Guidelines of Review System for the Establishment of Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations. 1. To conduct questionnaire survey of 2,000 non-listed enterprises of which 628 were returned, conduct in-situ investigation of 100 listed enterprises, and establish a web query system for data management of waste clearance and treatment technology of the Five Major Industries.2. To establish a complete basic database (including process, waste characteristics, products and control mechanism) of the Five Major Industries, compile and review 15 domestic major waste treatment and reuse technologies entrusted by the Five Major Industries and the treatment efficiencies of waste clearance and disposal organizations, and study and propose strategies of zero waste for different industries’ references. 3. To hold 5 symposiums on practices of industrial waste management, treatment, and reuse technologies to familiarize the enterprises and environmental protection specialists with the environmental protection regulations and inspection specification.4. To prepare an Inspection Manual of Process Technology and a Waste Treatment Technology Manual for the wastes produced from the Five Major Industries.5. To complete the review of Permit Management and Review Mechanism for the Establishment of the Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations, including study and prepare the required contents and application and review procedures for the establishment of the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations, approve the SOP and related forms and tables for on-line applications, and study and prepare the contents of management and operation records of the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations and establish the SOP and related forms and tables of the checking procedures thereof. 6. To prepare technical guidelines of permit review and records checking of management and operation for the establishment of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations.7. To hold 12 seminars for interacting with related organizations to promote permit and review mechanism for the establishment of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有公司