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Title 執行柴油車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及召回改正調查測試專案計畫
Abstract 根據中華民國交通統計月報(2006年9月)最新資料顯示,台灣地區機動車輛數已超過2200萬輛,車輛使用密度每平方公里接近626輛,為歐、美、日等先進國家2~20倍,因此,機動車輛污染排放已成為國內都會地區重要的空氣污染來源。其中柴油汽車總數量雖不到五十萬輛,對氮氧化合物(NOx)及粒狀污染物(PM)等卻佔移動污染源整體近百分之五十之貢獻度。環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之新車及耐久保證里程內之使用中柴油汽車污染管制法規,藉由本計畫之執行予以落實。同時為提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率,配合WTO入會及順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,適時增修訂相關法規、作業規定以及規劃電子化系統加以因應。此外並發展柴油汽車污染排放總量之推估模式,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。
EngTitle Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production Auditing and the Surveillance Test of Vehicle Recall and Correction
EngAbstract The number of motor vehicles in Taiwan area was over 22 million according to the 2006.09 statistics of Ministry of Transportation and Communication. With the density of nearly 626 vehicle per square kilometer, which was about 2 to 20 times of those in developed countries in European, US and Japan, motor vehicles became the primary source of air pollution in urban area. Although the total number of diesel vehicle was less than 500 thousand, diesel vehicles were responsible for about 50% of both NOx and fine particulate emissions from mobile sources.Environmental Protection Administration has been strengthening the emission control over diesel vehicles to improve air quality by developing comprehensive regulations from new vehicles models to in-use diesel vehicles in the warranty period and enforcing the regulations through the implementation of this project. Measures were taken to increase the administration efficiency by streamlining the procedure of applying diesel engine and vehicle certificate. Diesel engine and vehicle emission control related regulations were continuously reviewed and amended in line with the policy of accession to World Trade Organization and global trend of emission regulations harmonization. Models for estimating pollution from highway vehicles were studied and their basic methodology was referenced to set up the model for domestic diesel vehicles pollution estimation. The pollution estimation model was developed as a reference tool to evaluate the effectiveness of various diesel vehicle control strategies in the future.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心