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Title 資源回收管理資訊系統及資料庫建置計畫
Abstract 行政院環保署依相關規定並經公開甄選程序評選「資源回收管理資訊系統及資料庫建置計畫」,本公司經甄選程序取得本計畫之建置工作,其計畫目標如下:(一)、整合建置「資源回收管理資訊系統」,提供正確、一致、易於操作維護使用的資源回收相關基本資訊,做為研訂資源回收相關政策、制度等之參考。(二)、掌握責任業者、回收處理業者等回收體系資料,對受補貼機構申請案件有效管控其進度,及彙整建立歷年資料檔案以利相關調閱審核作業。(三)、建立統一資訊窗口,可提供地方環保機關及稽核認證團體上傳報表,有效掌控最新回收、處理量等資訊。(四)、定期編列各項數據報表,以瞭解各材質之回收體系運作情形。
EngTitle The resources recycling management information system and the Data Base establish the plan
EngAbstract The project goals are as the following: A. To integrate and build “the management information system of resource recovery,” which is correct, unanimous, apt to operate and maintain and offer the basic information of resource recovery for being the reference that research or legislate the relevant policies or system.B. To grasp the recovery system data of responsibility proprietors and recovery and treatment proprietors for control effectively the applying cases progress of subsidized organizations and to integrate and build data or files over the years for looking up.C. To unify the information window for offering the local environmental protection organ and auditing and certification groups to upload report forms and control effectively the latest information of recovery and treatment volume.D.To make data report for finding out about the recovery system operation situation of every material.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司