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Title 易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可管制
Abstract 近年來環保意識提昇,噪音陳情案件逐漸升高,目前每年陳情案件已達38000餘件,為環保公害陳情案件的第一位。從90年起營建噪音申訴案件快速攀升,93年起台北市營建噪音申訴案件已超過娛樂(營業)場所。  本計畫延續前一期「易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法研修及配套措施建置專案工作」計畫之結論,研訂公告第一批易發生噪音設施、並辦理政策宣導與說明相關業務,邀請各縣市環保局代表、營建署、公私營建業主、營造廠、環保團體、專家學者參與討論研商。1. 96年4~5月在國內北、中、南、東4區各辦理1場第一次說明會。2. 96年10月在國內北、中、南、東4區各辦理1場第二次說明會。第一批公告之易發生噪音設施優先考慮「衝擊性噪音源」、「營建噪音陳情案件比例較高」者。營建規模則考慮建築工程規模7000m2以上者,與中型以上公共工程。 配合第一批公告易發生噪音設施之推動,本計畫完成下列配套工作:1. 擬定便於推動申請與管制相關之作業申請與審核表格2. 建置網路申報、查詢、審核、與管制資料資料庫管理系統。3. 配合易發生噪音設施,本計畫綜合說明會與各界意見,檢討現行易發生噪音設施相關法令,針對現行噪音管制法與易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法提出修訂建議。
EngTitle Control of the permit of installation and operation for the high noise emission facilities
EngAbstract Recently, due to the promotion of public sense of environment protection, the number of noise complaints are increased year after year, it reaches to about 38000 cases per year also holds the first place of environmental pollution complaints, which is greater than air pollutions. Since 2001 the number of construction noise complaints climbs very fast. In 2004 the number of construction noise complaints in Taipei has become the first place and over the noise cases for entertainment and business. This project extended the conclusions and suggestions from the previous project. Study on the draft of declaration for first batch of high noise emission facilities were examined, and the opinions from different organizations were collected. Eight conferences for the clarification and publicity of this declaration of noise control policy were held.1. In 2007 April and May, the first conferences in Nord-, East-, South- and Mid-regions of Taiwan were held, respectively.2. In 2007 October the second conferences in Nord-, East-, South- and Mid-regions of Taiwan were held, respectively.  For the declaration for first batch of high noise emission facilities, the impact noise sources and the construction facilities with high proportion of noise complaints are considered as the proposed priority facilities. About the scale of construction site for noise control, a building construction case with floor area larger than 7000m2 and also the medium size of public construction site are taken into consideration. To realize the outcome of the noise control for the declared high noise emission facilities, following necessary measures were established:1. Draw up the necessary tables of application and approval, which provides a convenient way to complete the establishment and operation permit business.2. Establish a network database system for application, enquire, and approval tasking for permit of establishment and operation, and also for monitoring of distribution of high noise emission sources.3. To cooperate to the declared high noise emission facilities, the opinions from different organizations were summarized, and some amendments of the noise regulation policies have been proposed.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會