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Title 0800-085-717資源回收免費服務專線專案工作計畫
Abstract 專案執行二年期間專線組共承接266,044通進線量,專人應答率高達 99% 以上,為更深入瞭解資源回收專線提供的服務與內容是否符合民眾需求及「0800客服專線」整體滿意情形,專線組執行「資源回收專線來電民眾滿意度調查」研究專案,以做為即時改進服務品質之參考,調查內容包含資源回收專線整體滿意度、語音系統服務滿意度、專人服務品質滿意度、資源回收提供服務整體滿意度等四大項指標,由調查結果可知,來電民眾對0800專線的專員服務滿意度均維持在9成以上,語音系統的滿意度也維持在八成左右,顯示專線人員素質與語音系統皆有一定水準,民眾對環保署0800專線的服務堪稱滿意。為能提昇資源回收服務之便利性及民眾滿意度,資源回收專線定期彙整來電者最常詢問事項,適時調整語音系統主選單架構及內容,期能引導民眾快速取得所需資訊或依民眾需求迅速轉接服務專員處理。
EngTitle 0800-085-717 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project
EngAbstract During the two-year project implementation period, the resource recycling 0800 service hotline received a total volume of 266,044 calls, where the call answered rate by service representatives reported a 99%-plus success rate. To gain further in-sight into deciphering whether the content of the resource recycling service hotline does indeed meet the public’s demand, and the level of satisfaction toward the ‘0800 toll-free service hotline’, the project team had conducted a survey study featuring ‘Resource recycling hotline caller satisfaction poll’, as references for real-time service quality improvement. The content of the survey is comprised of four indicators - the overall satisfaction toward the resource recycling hotline service; satisfaction toward the IVR (Interactive Voice Response); satisfaction toward the service representatives; and the overall satisfaction toward the resource recycling system. Survey findings yielded that over nine out of ten callers were satisfied with the proficiency of the 0800 service representatives; and eight out of ten were satisfied with the IVR system, which showed that both of the service representatives' proficiency and the IVR system had been kept to a respectable level, and that it would be fair to indicate that the public were satisfied with the 0800 service hotline. To enhance the efficiency of the 0800 service hotline, the project team has also regularly reviewed and modified the IVR structure by including the most frequently-asked questions as the first tier voice prompts and continuously updating their contents in real-time, in order to help callers to quickly access the information they needed or connect them to live service representatives as desired.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣優勢客服科技股份有限公司