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Title 電動機車技術發展現況及推廣模式評估
Abstract 燃油機車近五內年成長狀況從2002年的1,198萬輛,累計至2006年八月增至1,342萬輛,全台灣平均每兩人及擁有一部燃油機車,每年產生一氧化碳33萬噸與碳氫化合物9萬噸,分佔全國總排放量的12%與8%。為抑制燃油機車成長,協助國內順利推動電動機車產業,進而達到電動機車普及化以降低空氣污染,本計畫就國內外電動機車發展現況、性能及技術成果、主要發展電動機車國家的推動計畫與成果、民眾接受度與使用環境調查等進行初步評估。本計畫研究發現,消費者對於電動機車之要求,除了經濟實惠,更要滿足充電方便、續航力佳的需求。近年來車用鋰電池技術發展逐漸成熟,其輕薄短小、高容量的特性,成為電動機車未來發展的主要方向,也滿足民眾對充電及續航力的需求。因此現階段之電動機車推廣方向有二,第一為針對現有電動機車使用者進行獎勵措施,第二則為小區域電動機車試行,納入鋰電池機車、電池交換機制、與使用費補貼等,以找出適合未來電動機車推廣的最佳模式。本計畫之研究成果將可提供環保署作為往後擬定電動機車推廣策略及補助方案之重要依據。藉由電動機車普及化,達到降低燃油機車污染排放、改善空氣品質的目的。
EngTitle The technologic development and promotional evaluation of electric scooter
EngAbstract In 2002, there were 11.98 million petrol-based scooters in Taiwan, and the number has increased to a total of 13.42 million in August 2006. In total, these are responsible for 330,000 tons of carbon monoxide and 90,000 tons of hydrocarbons emission every year, representing 12% and 8% of the total national emissions. In order to improve the air quality, this is necessary to reduce the number of petrol-based scooters and increase the number of electric scooters used, moreover, assist the domestic electric scooter industry even more. Overall, this project is to evaluate this industry by reviewing the oversea market tend, technology, riding environment, and users’ satisfaction.Users expect electric scooters to be economical and easy to charge, as well as to have a long range before requiring recharge, amongst others. Recently, the Lithium-ion battery technology has matured to a point where its higher energy-to-weight ratio, greater capacity and longer battery life cycle meet the demands of consumers.In summary, the marketing promotion can be divided up into initiatives: firstly, to reward present users of electric scooters, secondly, to perform intensive tests with the lithium-ion battery electric scooters. EPA can use the result of this project as an important reference on forming the prospective strategies for electric scooters in order to reduce pollution.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院