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Title 大氣環境中一般空氣污染物與生物性氣膠健康影響評估
Abstract 為探討氣象因子、空氣污染及大氣中生物性過敏原在模式分析上三者之影響角色,本案透過整合台灣地區空氣污染資料監測資料、氣象監測資料、大氣中生物性氣膠長期監測資料、各類疾病就診率以及特定易感受性族群長期追縱調查,以進一步探討大氣中一般空氣污染物與生物性氣膠暴露對整體國人健康危害之影響。94年度第一階段之研究結果已發現,大氣之汙染物包含生物氣膠等皆對各類疾病的症狀表現有明顯之影響,本年度利用目前正持續追蹤之出生世代研究族群進行追蹤調查,探討估算居家室內空氣品質、大氣空氣污染物暴露與生物性氣膠暴露對於孩童罹患氣喘、過敏及相關呼吸道疾病之風險。延續94年度之工作項目進行每日真菌孢子之收集以及鑑屬工作,有以下重點發現(一)延續上一年度之分析模式並重新針對該模式進行修正及討論,證明了真菌孢子的暴露與門診氣喘患者人次之增加有顯著且具有兩天的延遲效應之相關性;另分枝芽胞黴菌屬及鏈格菌濃度之增加具有明顯之年齡相依效應 (age-dependent effect),對於0-14歲族群氣喘門診人次之增加影響最為顯著,而在空氣污染物同時暴露下,亦將會惡化其影響程度。(二)有關大氣中每日真菌孢子濃度與氣喘孩童每日肺功能變化之間的關係,發現晚上的尖峰呼氣流速值 (NPEFR)與三天前的真菌孢子濃度呈顯著的負相關 (r=-0.387),亦與氣喘相關症狀嚴重程度呈現負相關 (r=-0.230),顯示真菌孢子暴露可能直接誘發氣喘患者呼吸道功能之改變而進一步誘發氣喘相關症狀產生。95年度開始本研究利用目前正持續追蹤之出生世代研究族群,進行室內、室外環境對於孩童等易感性族群呼吸道健康影響之評估探討。主要研究成果包含:(一)父親具有過敏性疾病史對於日後孩童具有過敏性疾病及症狀扮演重要之角色,若孩童出生後家中又有環境的誘發因子,則會增加孩童具過敏性疾病或症狀之風險,高達2~8倍的風險值不等。(二)家中牆面上若出現霉斑或潮斑,對於孩童過敏症狀 (IgE>250 EU/mL)具有較高的風險 (OR=4.19, 95%CI:1.57-12.63)。(三)室內較高之二氧化碳濃度對於肚子痛及喉嚨痛的孩童症狀表現有顯著影響;室內總真菌孢子濃度較高,似乎孩童呼吸道症狀如鼻塞、流鼻涕及咳嗽的表現之頻率也較為頻繁。另外,患有過敏性鼻炎及結膜炎之孩童家中,其家中溼度顯著高於無症狀之孩童;若家中總細菌濃度較為高,其醫生診斷過敏指數大於等於六之孩童比例較高;室內溼度高易導致細菌、黴菌的滋生,將是改善室內環境的一大重點。在相關室內空氣品質標準及管制方案彙整上,本研究配合93年度之前期研究,彙整2004-2005年空氣污染暴露之主要健康危害;同步也更新回顧世界各國之室內空氣品質標準,以及各國室內空氣品質的管理現況,該資料可作為我國室內空氣品質法案進一步擬定與推動之參考依據。另外,在計畫執行期間承辦「室內空氣品質國際交流學術工作坊」,會中除了邀請亞洲相關領域之專家分享研究及管理經驗外,亦邀集國內室內空氣品質相關領域之先進為未來推動室內空氣品質管理共同會商討論並凝聚共識。
EngTitle The impacts of ambient air pollutants and bioaerosols exposure on human health
EngAbstract A few major findings with respect to the associations between exposures to atmospheric fungal spores and health effects, including (1) fungal spore exposures appeared to result in a two-day-delay/lag effect on the number of clinic visits for asthma, (2) exposure of airborne Cladosporium and Alternaria spores might have posed the highest risk for increased hospital admission, compared to that of Basidiospores, (3) the data analyzed was the first to present an age-dependent effect of fungal spores on asthma hospital admissions, and (4) a potentially synergistic effect resulting from concurrent exposure to ambient fungal spores and particulate matter pollution was found to pose an elevated risk on asthma admissions, (5) a significantly negative correlation was observed between NPEFR and 3-day lag fungal spores (r=-0.387), (6) a 2-day-lag of NPEFR was also negatively associated with asthmatic symptom scores (r=-0.230), and (7) daily concentrations of sulfur dioxide, the only ambient air pollutant, were found to be negatively associated with NPEFR of the same day. Overall, our study demonstrated a consistent effect of fungal exposures on decreased pulmonary function and asthmatic symptoms.Another major component of this year was to investigate the risk factors in indoor environment from a birth cohort study. Paternal atopy could be an important hereditary factor for developing childhood allergic diseases, and such an effect could be far more significant, about 2~8 times of risk, with the concurrent presence of other environmental risk factors. The risk for children presenting IgE levels of more than 250 EU/mL was about four times (OR=4.19, 95%, CI: 1.57-12.63) for those observing visible mold at home. Higher carbon dioxide levels were found to be a risk for reporting stomach-ache and throat-ache in study children. Furthermore, higher fungal spore concentrations indoors appeared to be another potential risk, though without statistical significance, to result in higher frequency of respiratory symptoms found in study children. Children reporting allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis were from houses with higher relative humidity, compared to those symptom-free children. For those children confirmed by pediatricians as having allergic index of greater than 6, significantly higher total bacteria concentrations were found in their houses.We also continue to update the scientific literatures and reports around the world on the new findings on risk assessment and health effects of indoor pollution exposure. Newly modified or published standards of indoor air quality, and the management system adopted in different parts of the world were also collected and summarized. As part of the project commitments, we invited experts of IAQ from 4 Asian countries to participate in the “International Workshop on Indoor Air Quality”, held on April 27th, 2006 at the National Cheng Kung University. A series of prominent lectures were offered by these renowned experts while a historical “Memorandum of understanding (MOU)” was also signed among respective Societies of Taiwan, Japan and Korea.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立成功大學環境醫學研究所