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Title 95年度環保科技創新研發推動工作第二年
Abstract 「環保科技育成中心計畫」為行政院環境保護署為協助國內環保產業提昇環保技術,加速改善國內環境品質,所大力推動之創新研發計畫。而本「環保創新科技研發推動工作」,即負責辦理前開計畫的管理工作。「環保科技育成中心計畫」的計畫執行期程自92至96年度,為期5年。藉由補助部分經費的方式,協助國內各創新育成中心與廠商,共同開發創新或具實用性的環保設備或技術。「環保創新科技研發推動工作」於92、93年度時,計畫名稱為「推動環保科技創新育成中心計畫」;自94年度起,方更名為目前之計畫名稱。本計畫之工作項目包括協助修正「環保科技育成中心計畫」中相關表格與作業辦法;控管各補助計畫之執行進度、經費核銷與成果彙整;協助研提未來優先補助環保技術或設備領域;歷年補助計畫執行成果追蹤與彙整;同時,蒐集國外育成組織的發展資料,做為國內發展之借鏡。95年度所補助之13項計畫,則因95年度立法院預算凍結之故,方於96年8月底前執行完畢。計畫類別共計補助「有害廢棄物創新處理技術或設備」、「土壤及地下水污染整治創新處理技術或設備」、「資源回收再利用創新技術或設備」、「具前瞻性環保創新技術或設備」、「環境檢驗創新技術開發研究」及「廢棄物/廢水之代操作/管理/處理創新技術或設備」等6大類。財團法人台灣產業服務基金會(以下簡稱本會)從本計畫開始建置起,即連續4年負責計畫執行迄今。在往年的執行過程中,已協助環保署建立完善嚴謹的作業機制與管考制度。4年期間,共計通過44項補助計畫,其中政府補助經費共計7,470萬元、廠商自籌經費共計8,375萬元。本計畫主要計畫產出及實質貢獻包括:一、透過本育成中心補助計畫,可協助各校育成中心與契約廠商共同研發環保科技創新技術,善加利用環境資源,並促進環保科技產業發展。二、自92年至95年期間(4年),已補助之44項研發計畫,獎勵具前瞻性廠商透過產學合作,培育環保科技研發之種子,開啟環保創新科技之門。三、國內各部會所補助之育成中心計畫範圍較廣泛,並無針對「環保科技」相關之育成補助計畫。透過本補助計畫,將補助範圍侷限於「環保科技」領域,有助於與國內其他育成中心計畫作區別,並可協助國內環保科技創新之推動與協助。
EngTitle The Impetus Task of Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development, 2nd Year
EngAbstract “Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Incubation Center Project” is a five-year (2003-2007) project that was launched under the leadership of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan to facilitate the technological upgrading in the environmental industries and speed up the improvement of domestic environment. Meanwhile, “The Impetus Task of Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development” plays a managerial role in operating the Project above. Grants are made available for local incubators and companies to develop innovative or feasible environmental equipment or technologies.“The Impetus Task of Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development, which is also named “Promoting Plan for Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Incubation Center Project” during 2003 to 2004, was renamed since 2005. The main tasks of this Project including amendment of administrational procedures; control of funding projects’ execution schedule, budget account, and achievements compiling; draw up of grant scheme; tracing and compiling of the past years; and collecting information of foreign incubators.In Year 2006, 13 granted projects were funded. Due to the freeze of the budget by Legislation Yuan, this project could not finish until August 2007. The 6 major categories of this year’s grant scheme are for the “hazardous wastes treatment”, “remediation for soil and underground water polluted sites”, “resource recycling and reuse”, ”foreseeing environmental issues”, “R&D of innovative environmental inspection” and “waste/wastewater acting operation/management/treatment”. Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service (FTIS) endeavored to execute this project ever since it is funded. In the past four years, FTIS has assisted Taiwan EPA to establish mature running mechanism and administrational system. Moreover. 44 innovative technologies or equipments were produced since then. In summary, the grant practically issued is for the past four years is NT$ 74,700,000, and the budget raised by manufacturer is NT$ 83,750,000. The main outcome and contribution this year including the followings:1.Through the implementation of “Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Incubation Center Project”, academic incubators and industry could joint together to co-develop environmental innovative technology, to make the most rational consumption of resources, and to accelerate the booming environmental industry.2.For the past four years (2003-2006), 44 incubation plans have received the grant. And this practically leads to the cooperation between the foreseeing manufacturers and the academic. Furthermore, spread out the seeds of environmental technology research.3.So far, domestic funding for incubators is somehow broader, and the issue of environmental technology is not specified. Through this Project, the field of environmental technology is focused, and this differentiation would make a great effort in promoting the development of environmental innovative technology.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會