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Title 工業區專用下水道系統查核評比暨管理問題診斷追蹤改善計畫
Abstract 台灣已開發完成之工業區超過100處,其中有51處設有污水處理廠,分別由行政院國科會、經濟部工業局及相關縣市政府進行管理。本年度「工業區專用下水道系統查核評比暨管理問題診斷追蹤改善計畫」以各污水廠申報基本資料為基礎,針對環保署水污染資料庫4萬筆記錄整理,除蒐集污水廠基本現狀外,亦針對原有績效指標如:納管率、BOD削減率、COD削減率、SS削減率及放流水水質標準差距率分析(也包括衍生性指標),此外配合50處污水廠放流水及117處雨水道採樣口進行檢測結果,整合為評比基礎資料。又以電話及電子問卷對於94年評比缺失改善項目進行追蹤,統合50份問卷近500多點缺失項目之改善追蹤,才得以用最完整基礎資料進行95年度之評比。 評比結果在雨水道方面,95年雨水道檢測不合格率為24.7%,相較94年之34.5% 已有大幅改善。但是為杜絕繞流排放及不法傾倒,相關稽查與巡查仍須重視與執行。此外納管廠商方面,目前各工業區納管率約在100%~85.2%,仍有工業區前處理廠商未正常運作,或設備運作效能不足致使廢水問題更嚴重,這點仍須相關單位督促加強。執行迄今本計畫在於污水廠污染管制上已有明顯效果,如稽查次數增加導致告發率由94年的2.4%提升到3.5%,而陳情告發率則由25.2%降到16.4%,可以了解到藉由行政體系的稽巡查執行,目前非法問題正逐步受管制,而民眾對於工業區水污染陳情,則逐漸轉變為主觀感受而非現實污染問題。尤其在污染減量成果中,以新竹工業區的改善為最明顯。所以本計畫之執行確實有污染減量效益,但有些改善並非一夕可成,所以環保署應針對評比後彙整之相關問題,以長期循序漸進方式執行相關管制管理。
EngTitle The evaluation, management's problem diagnosis and amendment trace plan of the specified wastewater server system of industrial parks
EngAbstract Out of all the fully developed industrial parks in Taiwan, which amounts to over 100 in total, 51 of them have waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) set up, and these plants are managed separately by National Science Council of Executive Yuan, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs, or relevant municipal governments. Based upon the reported fundamental information form individual WWTPs, this year’s “Industrial Parks’ Designated Underground Drainage System Investigation Evaluation Assessment and Management Problem Diagnosis Follow-up Improvement Program” has sorted 40 thousand records in the water pollution database of Environmental Protection Administration. Besides collecting the baseline conditions of these WWTPs, the research team has conducted standard deviation analyses for the original performance indicators and their derived indicators including piping rate, BOD reduction rate, COD reduction rate, SS reduction rate, and effluent water quality. Moreover, in conjugation with sampling points from 50 WWTP effluents and 117 rain water culverts, result detection was conducted in order to integrate basic evaluation information. Telephone and electronic surveys were also implemented to follow up on defect improvement items in 2004. Incorporating the most complete fundamental information from improvement follow-ups of over 500 defect items on the 50 questionnaires, the 2006 evaluation assessment is then able to proceed as planned.In respect of the rain water culverts, the evaluation assessment results show that the unacceptable rate of the 2006 rain water culvert check is 24.7%, which is a great improvement from the 34.5% in 2005. In order to eliminate detoured discharges and illegal dumping, relevant investigation and patrol need to be emphasized and enforced. In regards to piping manufacturers, the current piping rate in each of the industrial parks is between 100% and 85.2%. Some pre-treatment manufacturers of the industrial parks are still not properly operating, or having insufficient facility operation efficiency that results in more severe waste water issues. Relevant authorities should insist on its enforcement. From the beginning of the execution of this program up to now, the WWTP pollution control has had apparent outcomes. For instance, charge/impeachment rate has increased form 2.4% in 2005 to 3.5% due to increased investigation while petition rate has declined from 25.2% to 16.4%. These statistics show that through the enforcement of investigation and patrol by the administrative system, illegal situations have progressively come under regulation control, and petitions from the general public against water pollution in industrial parks have gradually become reflections of subjective experience rather than that of actual pollution issue. Particularly among the achievements of pollution reduction, improvements in Hsinchu Industrial Park Service Center have been the most apparent. Therefore, implementation of this program is certainly beneficial to pollution reduction, though some improvements can not be accomplished overnight; and the Environment Protection Administration should progressively put into practice the relevant control management in the long term in connection with related issues compiled through the evaluation assessment.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 鋒騰科技有限公司