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Title 95年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫
Abstract 本報告資料統計日期自95年2月14日至95年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度說明如下1.柴油車動力計檢測:本計畫自95年2月14日至95年12月31日,柴油車到檢完成檢測有1,617輛次,其中不合格者為52輛,不合格率為3.2%。2.在油品抽驗部分,本計畫共完成油品抽查1,486件,送檢驗者180件,已完成檢驗180件,總計有18件超過法規標準,不合格率10.0%。3.路邊攔檢本計畫共完成693輛,不合格數有94輛,不合格率為13.6%。民眾檢舉烏賊車案件亦較往年減少,已顯現本市柴油車管制成效。4.本計畫每兩週執行4小時假日預約檢測,車主確有這方面的服務需求,本站亦將持續提供假日預約檢測供民眾利用。5.目視判煙作業,執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄1,641輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗1,506輛次作業中,已到本站檢測的645輛中,有15輛檢測不合格,39輛退驗複驗,不合格率為2.3%。6.行政院環境保護署檢測資料庫連線系統建置,已配合完成資料庫系統連線安裝作業並上傳測試中。7.95年度行政院環境保護署動力計檢測站評鑑,本市檢測站已完成評鑑,總平均分數為86.25,名列A級。8.95年4月19日及95年9月1日共舉辦二場次客貨運宣導座談會,針對油品政策及柴油車管制稽查新措施進行宣導,出席率皆有達9成以上。9.受理民眾檢舉依行政院環境保護署95年民眾檢舉函覆率之計算期程及計算方式,統計至95年1月至95年12月,嘉義市共受理人民檢舉案件105件,函覆率達95.2%。10.嘉義市排煙檢測站(認證編號:1626)於95年11月16日取得財團法人認證基金會(TAF)認證通過之測試領域實驗室。
EngTitle 2006 Chiayi city air quality improvement plan and diesel cars power gauge smoke emission inspection station project.
EngAbstract The statistic data in this report lasts from February 14 to December 31 of 2006. The primary work achievements and their progresses are listed and explained in items below:1.Diesel vehicle Emission Inspection: There were 1,617 diesel vehicles had been completed the inspection from February 14 to December 31 of 2006, among which 52 vehicles were not qualified with the unqualified rate of 3.2%.2.On random inspection of oil products, the Project has completed random inspections of 1,486 items, in which 180 items selected and completed the testing. In total, they were 18 items exceeded legal standards with unqualified rate of 10.0%.3.The Project completed roadside stop-and-checks of 693 vehicles, among which 94 were unqualified with a rate of 13.6%. The number of so-called “octopus vehicles” informed by people diminished compared with latest years. It does confirm that control of diesel vehicles is effective.4.The Project provides biweekly four hours inspection service on weekends made by appointment. Should vehicle owners need the service; the Station will continue the inspection service on weekends for the people who can make appointments in advance. 5.There were visual observation records of 1,641 vehicles made, in which 1,506 vehicles had been notified to report to in-station inspections. For those 645 vehicles did check in the station, 15 of them were unqualified, 39 were rejected for another time. The unqualified rate is 2.3%.6.Environmental Protection Administration inspection database linking system has been installed so that the installment operation of database linking and the uploading testing have been completed accordingly. 7.In the evaluation of 2006 emission inspection stations, Chiayi Inspection Station has been assessed wit the average grade of 86.25 points, ranking Level A.8.There were two promotion announcement seminars for passenger and goods vehicles held on April 19 and September 1 of 2006, which were focused on the promotion announcement for improvement of oil product policy and the new control and inspection measures for diesel vehicles . 9.According to the statistic period and method adopted by EPA for the reply rate of turn-in letters from the people in 2006, from January till December of 2006 there were 105 cases of turn-in letters received by Chiayi City. The reply rate is 95.2%.10.Chiayi City Emission Inspection Station has been certified on November 16, 2006 as an Inspection Field Laboratory by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation. (Certification Number: 1626)
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司